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Everything posted by Martian

  1. and his name is not "Ben Dover", it's actually "Bend Over"
  2. Just a note. IBKR will not pay any interest for the first $10,000.
  3. You don’t need individual trade details. You just need the balance of the portfolio on the start date, balance on the end date and the dates and amounts for the deposits and withdrawals. Then you can just use XIRR to find the return.
  4. Proposed. "If the bill is passed, existing buildings with 10 or more apartments would have until Jan. 1, 2026 to comply." “Every New York City apartment comes with heat, hot water, electricity, and a phone line. It’s time to add Internet, so it is there and just works when a tenant moves in,” Kallos said in a statement. https://therealdeal.com/2021/10/11/proposed-bill-would-require-landlords-to-pay-for-tenants-internet/?fbclid=IwAR0SRldi2J8YRS56t9LU1iC6AE9hItYqIRU_jZyqJPLd16m3uryOm390Vec
  5. I think it's down more than 5% is because of this. "Morgan Stanley resumed coverage of Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. with a recommendation of underweight."
  6. +40%. Did not buy or sell anything this year.
  7. up 9.53 %. So voted fro 0-9%. From the graph it looks like 10% + is an elite club. Anyway, learned a lot this year..especially not to put money in retail ::)
  8. “There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don't like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isn't that a little like saving up sex for your old age?” - Warren Buffett With that said, since you are a fresher, the brand name recognition on your resume will be great and last forever. Your resume will stand out and that will open lot of doors for you than having a no-name company even if the role was really good.
  9. Sony's Digital Paper System may fit your requirement, but it is expensive. It is available to public now at $999. http://store.sony.com/digital-paper-system-zid27-DPTS1/cat-27-catid-digital-paper
  10. afaik, he did not sell because he was on the board.
  11. Sony 13.3" reader will be available in May for $1100 http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2455696,00.asp
  12. I don't think he advises to take home equity loan and invest. He says that lot of people have their savings in low interest paying accounts that have negative earnings after inflation. He wants them to put it into ETFs and bank prefs whose returns are better. He also does not want people to have an emergency fund which earns nothing. He says incase of emergency you can use the credit card/home equity loan for the time being and sell some of your investments that are fully liquid to pay it back.
  13. Martian


    I think it depends on how they save. If their 'savings' is in Gold or some offshore account which dodges taxes then it does not help anybody but themselves. But if it in the form of stocks, bank deposits or bonds then it definitely helps the company/economy which in turn indirectly helps the employees/public. (even if they do not do charity like Buffett or Gates)
  14. I was an 'actually person' until I read 'How to win friends and influence people'. I think that book is a great starting point for people looking to attain the soft skills mentioned in the post. It depends on what is considered dumb. Is not socially likable considered dumb or not knowing the right from the wrong dumb? All the innovators , successful businesssmen did not get there by being likable or agreeable. Being right is most important to them. Evolution works by being right even though in the minority. Whenever something is run by "consenses" or the likability by majority tend to fail because nobody wants to be the bad guy and do that right thing. Having said that, when you are in the social party (where one group thinks the other group dumb) it is not a good idea to argue with people. People get offended when their beliefs and ideas questioned. They take is personally and resent whoever calls it out. It is not necessary to do that in a party. So it is better to shut up and let the other person keep their beliefs and feel good. The trick is to know the audience and when to argue and when to be likable. Influence, The psychology of persuasion is also a great by Cialdini.
  15. Looks all these need Google acct because they connect to google in the background. Anything which does not require the google id?
  16. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100633882 "Based on interest rates back to 2006, the IRA cap could fall as low as $2.2 million, EBRI says. At that level, the cap could hit nearly three percent of all retirement accounts"
  17. Warren Buffett on Bitcoins from an interview from 2023 I will say this about Bitcoins. If you took all the bitcoins in the world, it would roughly make a cube of 67 micro millimeters on a side…Now for that same cube of bitcoins, it would be worth at today’s market prices about $7 trillion – that’s probably about a third of the value of all the stocks in the United States…For $7 trillion…you could have all the farmland in the United States, you could have about seven Exxon Mobils and you could have a trillion dollars of walking-around money…And if you offered me the choice of having some 67 micro millimeters of bitcoin which you can not even look, touch or fondle it occasionally…Call me crazy, but I’ll take the farmland and the Exxon Mobils.
  18. I know that they paid dividends by borrowing money. But I'm not sure who lent it. This is from the yahoo board. start-quote Don't get me started on that - OMG!!! 1. Declare $2.55 special dividend. $1.75 of it to be funded by money you don't have. Bulk of the dividend will go to CEO. 2. Take on $60 million of new debt for part of it 3. Now, for the financial engineering - the remaining $20 million. CEO figures that with interest rates so low, he could only get maybe 1% rate on long term CDs for his own money. However, with $20 million of his special dividend he's going to "lend" the money back to the company in exchange for these new D shares (cumulative preferred) - so, for the company, it's "equity" (that is, debt disguised as equity). Note, these preferreds are senior to the common stock - meaning no dividends will be paid to common shareholders going forward before the D shares get their dividends. 4. So, what was the necessity for paying out $2.55/share if the company didn't have $1.75 of it? The necessity for CEO to withdraw money from the company, and then set up a personal dividend for himself going forward. A "dividend" which tracks LIBOR. To me it looks very much like an inflation adjusted variable rate interest only loan. Was there a necessity for taking on the $60 million debt when the company was debt free? Of course not - because there was no need to pay the oversized special dividend in the first place. That is, unless you own most all of the shares and decide that you want to take money out of your piggy bank. Now, what is the debt/equity ratio? 102% - really great move. Then, the D shares - no need for that either. Dividend could have been reduced by $20 million. But, with the extra $20 million paid out, now CEO (and whoever else is hiding under veil of the LLC) can collect their personal dividend going forward indefinitely. end-quote
  19. If you bookmark "http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/unread" it will always show unread recent posts since your last visit
  20. Garth Turner had an article on this today . http://www.greaterfool.ca/
  21. Somewhere I read that RSS reader is not one their top 23 apps. It is used by less than 0.18% of google users. i think google is nuking all the small projects which do not bring revenue.
  22. I could not find a way to easily link one tab with another..but this is a workaround. 1. When you go to the destination tab, copy the url in the browser (it will have something like #gid=1 in the end) 2. Go to cell where you want the link 3. in the formula enter the following =HYPERLINK("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au85vG0QePvMdDFvWEY0LU1Gsdfsfsdfssddsad#gid=1" , "Link Name") This will open the tab in the new browser. also if the order changes, I think you need to link again.
  23. We’re partial to putting out large amounts of money where we won’t have to make another decision. If you buy something because it’s undervalued, then you have to think about selling it when it approaches your calculation of it’s intrinsic value. That’s hard. But, if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass. That’s a good thing. - Charlie Munger ---------- This breaks the thread rule and this is my personal comment. please ignore if you don't want to read ----------- actually, when I started, I operated the same way. buy good companies and hold them even when they became way overvalued. so when the drop eventually came and I gave back lot of my profit. I knew what I wanted to buy, but I really did not have a sell strategy. Then I read Mohnish Pabrai's "Dhandho Investor" and wised up. So when some stock reaches IV, I sell some. If it becomes overvalued, I sell out. Now I'm happy with my results.. The good thing is that, since I'm a small investor, I sometimes find something else. Otherwise I just sit on cash.
  24. 22.57% from sep 2008. No leverage and pretending no such thing as tax..
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