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Everything posted by Eldad

  1. Haha. It’s the 1990s. It is said as if this information just came to light in some annoying and problematic way. More unwanted drama in your life.
  2. One of the greatest things I have read in a while and 100% true. This is the reason my dad says “just rent everything you can” Low tech, simply things are almost always more dependable and lower stress. Mon Oncle is a good old French movie with this theme.
  3. Can’t pay that for CSU. Have to wait for bear market. ML is standing on the shoulders of WB & CM for sure. He even decentralized the Omaha function. Everyone in the CSU org is encouraged/compensated to allocate capital (with strict rules and Bernie’s blessing of course)
  4. 17% 3 month treasury 14% BRK 10% CSU 6% GOOGL 5% MKL 3.5% TXN 3.5% ROP 3% WSO 3% MSFT 3% GGG 2.5% SPGI 30% 30 or so small positions
  5. AMAT ramps up when it counts. Share price dipped way below Morningstar FV in 2015, 2018, 2022. 5.81%, 16.54%, & 7.18% buyback yields in those years. 1-4% otherwise.
  6. I know. Here is hoping for a massive elephant in 2024.
  7. I’ll take Mars and Koch anytime they want to sell. BRK needs to buy something big soon. Maybe Greg will become the new Charlie and can get him to be a little more proactive than waiting for the phone to ring.
  8. 22% with 25% ST Treasury. Kids accounts that only buy CSU and similar during panics continue to crush. You are right HSY is an extremely profitable, high return, well managed CPG company. I have about 1.5% holding already, but I need to take advantage of these rare cheap shares. Thanks for the conviction.
  9. That is true on the debt. 5 y average ROE of 165% vs 4% I will still take the hardware store version.
  10. I was going to say LOW. 842 M to 577 M in past 5 years. 7.8% or so yearly. Like AZO, it is never extremely overvalued and can therefore chug away constantly. I think it is a better business than AZO as well.
  11. Merry Christmas!
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