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Everything posted by Luca

  1. Luca


    I asked you to elaborate what makes him an idiot according to that clip? I also disagreed with you that academic credentials dont matter in political debates, they matter to me. You shared that they dont matter to you but i have a lot of respect for an academic and knowledge giant like chomsky. Please elaborate precisely why you think chomsky is an "academic loon".
  2. Luca


    Calling him an idiot while claiming "I know absolutely nothing about the guy" doesn't look very promising to me. He wrote so many great books, manufacturing consent, hegemony or survival etc
  3. Luca


    What is the problem with what he said? What did he say that makes him an "Idiot"? Academic credentials do matter to me: Recent research on citations in three different citation indices show that Professor Chomsky is one of the most cited individuals in works published in the past 20 years. In fact, his 3,874 citations in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index between 1980 and 1992 make him the most cited living person in that period and the eighth most cited source overrall--just behind famed psychiatrist Sigmund Freud and just ahead of philosopher Georg Hegel. From 1972 to 1992, Professor Chomsky was cited 7,449 times in the Social Science Citation Index-likely the greatest number of times for a living person there as well, although the research into those numbers isn't complete. In addition, from 1974 to 1992 he was cited 1,619 times in the Science Citation Index. "What it means is that he is very widely read across disciplines and that his work is used by researchers across disciplines," said Theresa A. Tobin, the Humanities Librarian who checked the numbers.
  4. Luca


    You can say all you want about Chomsky but id say that his opinion is worth listening to for someone who has teached at MIT for fifty years and observed politics since 70 years+. We discussed the Covid disaster already, that was not on purpose at all. China probably fucked up, but it was not used as a threat. China is very dependent on Taiwan too, the conflict with Taiwan is an actual international law conflict, the US doesn't even deny the One China policy. He then talks about the US government heavily interfering with politics in other countries, where they are at least partly responsible for the death of many but yes, the threat is all on China... Insult him, doesn't make your opinion any better.
  5. Luca


    US capital definitely behind the slandering of China, pushing the media both domestic but also in europe to publish more and more "china danger" articles. https://youtu.be/DjjND_ky6t4
  6. Luca


    The Illusion of "free market capitalism" is bursting. Every system, both US/West and China have had state capitalism all along, industries like TSMC or Airplane manufacturing only exist due to state backing. China of course with a tighter grip, US due to monopoly position of course in a looser grip, preaching IP protection and the state doing the minimum. Well, China can do it too and successfuly, now "adhering to the free market" becomes important for the industries to be disrupted. Exciting times.
  7. The author of the article also did not include the dividends in the Berkshire Fairfax comparison, there was one comment about it: You exclude the nearly $125 in dividends paid by FFH over the past 13 years. Adjust the book value to account for the dividends and the returns are: 5 year = 8.1%, 10 year = 10.4%, 15 year = 9.7%, 20 year = 15.3%, 25 year = 17.4%. Now the comparison to BRK doesn't look quite as impressive. FFH outperforms BRK in all categories except the last 5 years.
  8. If one wants to see why many could be hesitant about Fairfax and which past mistakes @Viking sometimes refers to, this looked like a decent write-up: http://azvalue.blogspot.com/2014/04/fairfax-and-their-bets-now-looking-in.html?m=1
  9. It's funny how they still manage to market them holding cash as something "wise" or smart. Opportunities every single year but thats hard to admit. Its always possible to use the punch card buffett argument and to delay the "one huge swing". Returns are around the corner!
  10. 0 Cash, fully invested. Can still find decent ideas in the market.
  11. Whats remarkable to me is the low volume of FFH shares, 31k of average volume, Berkshire would need to buy 60 days straight of all shares to get to a reasonable 1.3b USD position. If even possible, shooting up the price. Talking about available universe of stocks...
  12. Isn't avoiding value traps the goal for anybody in investing? Difficult to find the sweetspot, quality and growth for a good price. But those plays do come around from time to time.
  13. Okay, i misunderstood, of course they dont. Yes, tax loss carry forward is a good thing.
  14. I read that it's possible to reduce expenses down to around 1k if you do the books yourself, which I saw is legal? What matter is if you are young enough that the taxes you save are so significant over the long term. Agree with the rest. How much more than 25% is it when you liquidate the holding? Is tax loss carry forward not the base case?
  15. Luca


    Thanks a lot for the send @Viking! Is a very good watch, the CCP is brutal, regulations with no questions asked. Their legal system has many errors too, recently watched something about the kids who were born as second child when the one child policy was still intact. They have no passport, can't leave the country, the court doesn't do anything. The local governments don't do anything either and are in some cases even corrupt, collect high fines although the legal situation already changed. They, too, have many problems and can be evil too.
  16. Luca


    This is what you wrote. I understood you meant china has been using covid as an uncontrollable biological weapon? Weapons are used against enemies, in this case I assumed the West.
  17. Luca


    Yes, i wrote that they stopped people from investigating. You are talking about biological weapons and releasing a virus against their "enemies" (while virtually harming themselves maybe even more)
  18. Luca


    You are willing to pick one atrocity the chinese did to make a case that China is horrible while ignoring all the other cherries of horrible acts by the US government. I also have zero problems with americans, i was talking about the people in the US government. Never said those two are the same. If you really believe there is NO freedom in China i completely disagree, in fact, i see chinese people everywhere and they are not telling me what a horrible country it is and how opressed and suffering they are. This is the china thread, right now the sentiment in western media almost NEVER points out something where china is doing something good. China is a threat, china is doing this bad and this bad. You tell me if it's biased! I am just sick of not actually having a factual discussion about what they are actually doing good and what's positive about china. That the US is the greatest country in the world, an investors heaven etc is pretty mainstream opinion.
  19. Luca


    Lack of basic freedoms? I see Chinese citizens all over the world, traveling, doing happy selfies etc. They too have state capitalism but with a state that accepts and does more regulation. Demographics are an issue i agree, will monitor it closely. World best talent wont move there but spawns inside. And yeah, i think with all the hate against China, Chinese people don't feel particularly good in the US, didnt even Li Lu sponsor some foundation that fights against racism against asians?
  20. Luca


    Outsourced manufacturing to the disadvantage of the average American worker (rust belt), financial sector that controls more than half of the world's economic productivity, more hedge funds than stocks in the US, own real citizens not getting wealthier, increasing political instability and extremism...they can't even compete in manufacturing anymore due to higher costs. Now if the factories are gone and industrial Asia starts developing their own superior products and starts exporting: Washington goes to war!
  21. Luca


    So China builds military bases close around their country. Look at where the US has military bases, everywhere. And they will threaten anybody who builds bases around them. And common man, abortion death squads, you cherry-pick one terrible thing of china and as I said, completely ignore US history and atrocities. This week, the non-profit National Security Archive, along with the National Declassification Center, published a batch of U.S. diplomatic cables covering that dark period. While the newly declassified documents further illustrated the horror of Indonesia’s 1965 mass murder, they also confirmed that U.S. authorities backed Suharto’s purge. Perhaps even more striking: As the documents show, U.S. officials knew most of his victims were entirely innocent. U.S. embassy officials even received updates on the executions and offered help to suppress media coverage. While crucial documents that could provide insight into U.S. and Indonesian activities at the time are still lacking, the broad outlines of the atrocity and America’s role are there for anyone who cares to look them up. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/the-indonesia-documents-and-the-us-agenda/543534/ If one points out the hypocrisy, you only hear "oh my god" "Putin lover" "communist" "CCP sheep" Whenever the US does mass murders or tortures prisoners, its fine. When China does it: Nuke them now and take away their factories+stop sending them technology!! China is fine as long as they produce American iPhones, as long as the dividends from Apple flow into the fat financial military district that the US has become!
  22. Luca


    Thanks a lot for sharing @zippy1 I fast read through most of the sections, as expected the basic line is again: He wants what's good for the people and for the country. Also, the section with focussing not on just economic growth and development but also on good development, is miles better than what's happening in the US. If something harms the economy and the majority of the people, the CCP will ban and regulate it, no lobby, no questions asked. Might seem scary, but just look at the awful healthcare sector in the US. The massive control of businesses over congress, etc. Sure, the US is the most pro business country there is and it's a great place to invest, but stock market and economy are two different things. What about wage growth for average joe? What about diabetis medication for average susie? How do the citizens feel? Where is the wealth of the nation? How gated are the communities? I said it before, the huge inequality of where the wealth flows in the US harms their economic growth, political stability and sustainability. China knows that pressuring wages are stimulative for technological development and efficiency growth, they know that inefficient monopolies harm the overall economy and quality of life. Stock buybacks and dividends only get you so far.
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