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  1. I think the map shows how much development potential there still is on the world!
  2. Yeah i get it, i played some of their recent games and i know developers that are better. Still, they are riding a massive wave of fans all over the world, parents, kids and adults
  3. good you remind me of the stock, its sitting in my account waiting to be added to next time i get cash
  4. Thats what i meant with call option, a bit more switzerland neutrality for Germany, a bit more diplomacy, bit more entrepreneurship and investment, less regulation, bit more conservatism and US exceptionalism can easily be challenged! (which ultimately would lead to more technological progress and win win benefits for the world)
  5. Thank you. Hitler was a retard and one of if not THE worst statesman that ever existed. First to reply to the argument about success of US/West vs success/failue in middle east. I think genetics play very little role here but random circumstances and rulers+some cultural elements maybe. There have been great civilizational achievements in the ottoman empire so i dont think the capability of these regions or islam as a religion stopps them from developing. Look at the saudis which are applying capitalism quite well now and are very successfull. It all maybe comes down to having good leadership and stability in these regions over a longe period of time, we had the monarchies and then functioning democracies that enabled this progress while in poorer regions you had circumstances where societies could not develop allthough potential was there. I think @Dinar makes a point in the people coming from poor or violent regions having the possibility of being a higher threat to stable societies so migration or tourism from there should be way more restricted and control IMO too. And thats not a problem, there are billions of people on the planet who want to work and make something out of themselves and live in less fortunate regions, all depends on how you setup the system. I think the US is a good example of successful migration up until recently where there is a problem with illegal migration of unqualified labor which i understand as problematic too. @John Hjorth, dont forget to step down from the high throne ocassionally and look at the real world. We do trade with all sorts of countries that have human right abuses, just look towards the saudis where journalists are beheaded, women are enslaved at home...if you want to only trade with regions where its fairtrade then societies will crumble, you gotta accept that not everything is perfect. Regarding China, i think we should treat them with way more respect than we do for what they have achieved and engage in mutual development to increase both our potentials. Thats what diplomacy and politics is about. are you doing politics to increase the position of your country or are you running a charity? If you are running a charity you can donate and invest in 1000 projects globally but voters and taxpayers wont be happy. The future is WITH russia and not without. There is only one planet, you can not exclude a nuclear power as hard as you can try. Yes we have to find a settlement for the war and different security interests but that will happen and has to happen, just wait for trump, he gets it. Anyways, I know that your political position on all of these is mostly on the other side of what i think is the right way but thats democracy People will decide who has the best ideas!
  6. And germany could have a massive call option if they reunite eurasia, establish a large free trade zone from lisbon to Vladivostok with china and russia as good trading partners. The US worst nightmare and a threat to US exceptionalism. But western europe is too polarized and not unified enough for it. You would need a 50%+ party with orban like mentality in all the countries to unleash that power. Would be actually freaking amazing how much growth could happen if thise geopolitical fiddling non sense would stop and leaders work together to improve technology and society. I hope musk and trump go that way and not the old geopolitical protectionists, nation building oligarchy kind of stuff.
  7. Yeah, the problem is not ethnicity but level of education and development of those people who migrate. If you have a Phd Muslim from Dubai who comes here and works full time making 150k and paying taxes etc thats a dream come true because we spend 0 dollars on him while he provides a lot of economic and societal value. But if someone from the poorest regions from syria with lots of health problems, no language capabilities and little school education+family comes here we need to pay years of social support before they start a job, pay expensive language courses, integrate him into the public health insurance system where he needs expensive treatments+support his family then the state goes hundreds of thousands of euros into the minus. And whats he going to pay back over time? He won't make a lot of money with no qualifications etc. So thats a problem and why the current migration is bad for germany. They should encourage qualified, civilized healthy individuals. Problem is many of these wanna go to the US or Switzerland so we need to lower taxes for them and make germany attractive. Then we can make up for the low birthrate. But i am fully for upping the local birthrate with incentives so it has to be done simultaneously. Musk understands this.
  8. Yes, share the exact same sentinment except everybody and their cousins and grand cousins are selling China while I am still buying, will I look dumb in the future :D?
  9. EVO.AB? IPCO?
  10. I like this idea too honestly. Can i short bitcoin on IB?
  11. Do people really think the US can move 20-40% of the worlds manufacturing into the US by issuing tariffs to China? Why would anybody would do that if china has the manufacturing lifeline while the US has what to offer exactly? The dollar? Netflix subscription?
  12. The increase in government hiring is because private sector can not absorb all these workers and most companies have bullshit corporate roles that can be cut away as elon proved. So what looks like good employment now would go into depression level situation if everybody would do a musk and it would only get worse with cheap energy and AI. Then what? Where are these people gonna work and finance 1m USD+ homes and pay 2-3k a rent a month and pay all these monopoly services with? Cant have DOGE and full employment in a post industrial economy... but the boomer voters that like trump for "manufacturing" are stuck in a mindset that was valid for a USA 50 years ago but will not be for the future as i already said. Then chinas 2047 modern socialist state also kicks in a bit different from that perspective.
  13. Ironically the crypto boys who are so supportive of AI and whatever are totally against government handouts to jobless...where are all the people going to work if businesses can run totally fine on 0 energy cost drill baby drill and nvidia robots that serve you the burger and one programmer can do the work of 10?
  14. You have to think longterm, its not only a good short-term trade but also over the longterm. The US market will slowly become more and more irrelevant because growth for consumer products will happen in the global south. What looks as europe and US as very important markets for China will not be the case in 10-15 years anymore, certainly not with the current trajectory. The US has no competitive manufacturing and wont have, whats left is asset-light services businesses that need little workers (no jobs for majority of americans), just look at the top marketcap companies. Yeah those businesses are highly scalable and will do well, no doubt but that doesnt mean anything for the average us citizens because they wont get a job at google or get any of the profits either. Internally they will slowly starve because there is so little substance left where the average joe can make a living and thats only stoppable with socialist policies and profit redistribution nobody will do because wallstreet finances the parties. Meanwhile China on the other hand owns all the manufacturing, has tons of capabilities to develop their domestic markets+international expansion (are already biggest trading partner with most countries on the globe) and trades at the cheapest valuations ever... CCP leadership is good, the party holds control and they understand what they are doing, otherwise nobody would be talking about them right now as nobody talks about ghana or whatever because they are no threat, neither militarily or economically. And they also take care of equilibrium between monopolies and average joe which US never did as can be seen by all the love for luigi mangione when he kills a corporate CEO, thats quite the severe level of political instability when a murderer of one of the most important business executives is getting cheered on by everyone and their grandma.
  15. I am actually quite concerned by how much AI is going to change societies, its happening so fast that you have almost no time to properly react because technology development happens way faster than the government can change the system, especially in a democracy. China has way more top down control, i fear thats why people start to vote for more authoritarian types everywhere in the west due to the subconscious knowledge that we need the same and democracies became too slow in finding any consensus for anything.
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