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  1. So it looks like it was worth giving up the 6%
  2. Berkshire has received $53.68 billion in dividends from BNSF since its purchase in 2009. Did he pay $34B for it?
  3. The Forbes article gives his performance from 2006 through 2009. He was up 35% over that period. The S&P 500 total return over the same period was -2.6%. I don't understand how they could be critical?
  4. I appreciated the link. There were some articles or information I didn't see. I liked the summary.
  5. I know nothing about Ally, but you mention $150 billion in deposits. I assume those deposits are funding their loans. Berkshire would need to fund the loans if they sell the deposits. If you assume a bank can earn 1% ROA, they could make $1.5 billion on those deposits. Maybe a 10 multiple ($15B)? I would assume a lower multiple as you don't know if you will retain all of the deposits.
  6. BNSF has distributed $50.58 billion to Berkshire since it was purchased in 2009.
  7. What was the price they paid for McClane?
  8. I'm having a tough time finding anything cheaper and safer than WFC..
  9. He bought about 15% of the average daily volume.
  10. I'm calculating BRK repurchased 23,744.4 class A shares equivalent as follows: On Feb 13, 2020, BRK had 700,395 Class A and 1,385,994,959 Class B shares outstanding, adding up to a total of 1,624,393 Class A equivalent shares. See https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/2019ar/2019ar.pdf. On July 7, 2020, Buffett owned 248,734 Class A and 10,188 Class B shares, adding up to a total of 248,740.792 Class A equivalent shares. His total economic share in BRK was 15.54%. This puts total Class A equivalent shares of BRK to be 248,740.792/0.1554 = 1,600,648.597. See https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/315090/000119312520189490/d936378dsc13da.htm 1,624,393 - 1,600,648.597 = 23,744.4 class A equivalent shares repurchased There were 1,620,023 class A equivalent according to the 1st quarter 10-Q. About 19,300 this quarter.
  11. He sold $6 billion of equities in April.
  12. I emailed Carol Loomis asking if Warren would be taking questions from shareholders. She responded with the following... Yes, he is--though the number of questions probably will be shorter than in previous years.
  13. Has anyone heard what the format will be for the annual meeting? Will Warren be fielding questions from the journalists or analysts?
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