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ISM Index of U.S. Manufacturing Increases


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Another data point on the economy: light vehicle sales in November were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 13.6 million, the highest since Aug 2009. Aug 2009 was artificially inflated by Cash-for-clunkers, and if you ignore that month, November's rate is the highest since June 2008.


Calculated Risk has details: http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2011/12/us-light-vehicle-sales-at-136-million.html

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As Buffett put it back in September:


“We have a recovery going,” said Buffett, who has led Berkshire for more than four decades. “I don’t think that fiscal stimulus or monetary policy from this point forth will do a lot, to be perfectly honest. I do think that the natural regenerative juices of capitalism will do, and are doing, plenty.” 



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