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We took a punt on the pissing match between Boeing and Bombardier - and would seem to have just won big.

Essentially a bet on Quebec standing behind Bombardier, and that there would be some kind of deal given all the recent high-level traffic with the UK. Prefs over common because of Bombardiers negative equity, & an expectation that we would have to wait at least 6-9 months. Instead we got yesterdays announcements. Pure luck!


Is anyone else in this?




I made a small fortune in BBD prefs years ago so I have a fondness for them. Didn't part take this time around though.


:( Sight, I added BBD in my watch list 2 weeks ago and wanted to pick my friends brain that follows aeronotics tonight.


I was kinda surprise the BBD stock did not meaningfully moved (added volatity but no real change) when the department of commerce imposed those fines... it seemed it was already priced in or people were expecting an agreement.




Yea but  you have to give it to those geniuses over at Boeing. You have a good product in the hands of a small competitor that is struggling financially and operationally. Pick a fight with the small competitor. Move the good product and technology to a large competitor that is sound and has a giant sales force. Make sure to piss off a couple of G7 countries in the middle somewhere. Done. Totally brill.


Basically this couldn't have gone worse for Boeing.


Nice trade on the BBD preferreds.  Now why didn't you post about it a few months ago?


I have a position in Constellium so kind of a side trade as CSTM is the major sheet aluminum supplier for the C Series.  I don't think the market is factoring in a big boost in C Series sales for CSTM earnings yet.


Our position is only about 2 weeks old, and we took pretty much the same approach as we did with both DB and HCG. With luck and timing it just happened to work out almost right away. About the 1st time in 30 years for us!


Agreed Boeing did this to themselves. We also suspect their problems are only just beginning, and that a few more shoes will drop before its over. Most would have expected Delta's purchase to have gone to Boeing - yet it didn't? Stealing someone's lunch is common practice in their business - yet they chose to start a pissing match? then bullied a smaller player & lost? If their defense business wasn't supporting their commercial side, would it still be in business?


We have been very lucky here,

and hopefully are wise enough to know when not to push it.






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