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Posts posted by nkp007

  1. It seems to me that the government's case is pretty easy to prove.


    Have people really forgotten that Fannie and Freddie were placed in conservatorship because they were insolvent? If the intrinsic value of the securities was $0 in 2008, there was nothing to "take". It's only now, as a result of an accounting mirage, that they appear to be valuable.


    That's not a legal argument though.


    It was placed in conservatorship, not receivership.  Government received preferred security with 10% dividend and effectively 79.99% of the common.


    Then in 2012 things went haywire. The takings issue.

  2. I have a question for the other lawyers on the board.


    As I understand it, Berkowitz bought the preferred shares after the sweep amendment. Does he have standing?


    The security's claim still has standing. If the sweep amendment was illegal, it still is. It doesn't matter who now owns the security, but rather that the security itself was wronged.


    Caution: I am not a lawyer. I know nothing about law so the above could be complete BS. I did take the LSAT though. I hate logic games.

  3. So CNBC considers him leaving twitter 'News'?


    I've said this before, but I'd love to see Kass's returns over the last several years. I have't found them anywhere. I used to follow up for a while, and he was dead wrong on nearly every post/article he wrote for years. He's just another talking head.


    I will never forget his promotional tirade during the Berkshire meeting. He got the chance to ask Buffett anything he could possibly want and Kass decided to asked him for money in some veiled bet.

  4. Speculation on market top is as dangerous as speculation on stock price for next week or next month. Expensive market can become even more expensive. Madness can continue for another year or two. One “Common Man Investor” may not be a good indication of market top. There may be hundreds or thousands of “Common Man Investors” join the market and push the market even higher next month.


    Buy a great business that is run by great manager at cheap price. Have good sleep at  night. Do not worry about the market.


    Spot on.

  5. This surprised me:



    "That follow-up shareholder asked them about metrics and screening for stocks, and Buffett and Munger both said they don’t really look at numbers."


    I thought Buffett dives into the financial statements like none other.


    Not quite an accurate summary.


    They said they don't make decisions solely based on the numbers. There is no set formula.

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