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  1. I think there are two hints about what Buffett/Abel thing about the IV of the shares. One is that they agreed to issue shares to take in the last ~2% of BHE (presumably from the Scott estate) and that there were no buybacks in at least the last two quarters.
  2. The last few have been less than thrilling, in part I think due to the large cash warchest that has been accumulated with few interesting investments being made (aside from Pilot and Allegheny) in the past few years. A roadmap for the use of the cash (if any other than a shield against volatility) would be useful as shareholders. Even though the past few years have been less exciting, I know, along with many on this board, I will be hitting the refresh button at the appointed minute to get access to it the moment it is available. Happy reading!
  3. Isn't Oaktree owned or controlled by Brookfield? They certainly buy businesses, so maybe that would be the vehicle it would use for this deal.
  4. I think you may be right. While we all know WEB won't be with us forever, reading what appears to be a significant decline in his health, while not surprising, is somewhat sobering. I wonder if we will see him on stage in Omaha. It might be too much for him (which makes Charlie doing it every year until his death at 99 even more amazing). Long live WEB!
  5. Other includes huge swings in f/x gains and losses, primarily on the foreign denominated debt (think yen debt). If this is stripped away, operating earnings are actually higher.
  6. All those purchases were in September, reported yesterday.
  7. The 92% figure is from the BRK 10-K on page K-7. Does the filing state that BRK now owns 100% of BHE? Is it possible that there is another minority shareholder that is still holding a small position?
  8. I've never seen it mentioned, but does anyone know if either Markel or Berkshire own any Fairfax stock? With BRK's recent purchase of Allegheny seemingly doing well, and the mountain of cash in Omaha, might FFH be a target? Would the Watsa family agree to sell? I know there is a history with Markel, being the roots of FFH, any chance they might take a run at Fairfax?
  9. I have been looking through the annual shareholder pages on the various company websites and note the following (shares are in thousands): Marubeni Corp: BNYM AS AGT/CLTS 10 PERCENT 162,554 9.71 Mitsui Corp: BNYM AS AGT/CLTS 10 PERCENT 137,862 9.16% Sumitomo Corp: BNYM AS AGT/CLTS 10 PERCENT 113,294 9.27% Itochu Corp.: BNYM AS AGT / CLTS 10 PERCENT 130,162 9.04% Mitsubishi Corp.: BNYM AS AGT / CLTS 10 PERCENT 402,862 9.78 Fair to assume these are holdings of NICO as of 3/31/24? Or might there be some comingling with other clients of BNYM.
  10. If you are a Canadian resident for tax purposes and cease to be so, you are deemed to have sold all your assets with the capital gains being taxed. Similar rules at death. If you believe you will return eventually, you can make an agreement with the MOF and post a bond to cover the estimated taxes just in case you don't return to Canada.
  11. I am stoked to see the movie since I am unable to attend this year due to work commitments (will be watching from Poland, hopefully).
  12. I, too, was planning on attending but work has gotten in the way. I hope to be able to access the stream. Is the recording made available after the meeting?
  13. With the dividends being much larger than the interest on the related debt, if you take into account all the elements, is it possible that the equity sliver has been ground down to zero or less at this point? Therefore making the return uncalculatable i.e. infinity?
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