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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Solar net additions these past few years. https://www.wsj.com/articles/your-next-home-could-run-on-batteries-1508065205
  2. There's been. Infrastructure is just slow. But almost all new capacity is gas, solar, and wind, and a lot of coal is planned to phase out. Even China has started to move against coal. Solar net additions:
  3. Natural gas prices went negative for a few days in Alberta... wow http://business.financialpost.com/commodities/canadian-natural-gas-prices-enter-negative-territory-amid-pipeline-outages
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-10-13/the-case-against-bridgewater-isn-t-proven Matt Levine on Bridgewater.
  5. Google or Apple. Google already tried to buy Tesla in 2012, and Musk and Larry Page are close friends.
  6. This seems the most likely to me. They build great products, but haven't yet figured out how to sell them for more than it costs them to make them. They burned $1+ billion prior to the acquisition of Solar City and that was burning $1+ billion too. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/investment-ideas/tsla-tesla-motors/msg311666/#msg311666
  7. Here's the Reed Hastings letter to Tilson. Worth reading: https://seekingalpha.com/article/242653-netflix-ceo-reed-hastings-responds-to-whitney-tilson-cover-your-short-position-now
  8. All right, I've had enough. 100 pages in, I'm moving on to a different book. Too bad, it's an interesting topic, but I'm finding the book to have too many problems and to be generally weak. You get most of the goodies that Galloway has to say if you listen to one of his podcast appearances.
  9. He's the worst. He's got the opportunity to ask the best investor of all time questions and all he can do is talk about himself, make bad dad jokes, or try to score political points. Buffett is incredibly patient and gracious with him. If I was Buffett, I'd long ago have asked to not have him be part of interviews as a condition for my being interviewed, not for me, but to avoid wasting the time of the millions of viewers.
  10. Farther in the Amazon chapter, and it gets both better and worse. Some of the good stuff might be a bid redundant if you've read Brad Stone's book, though, and less in-depth. Bad stuff is I've already found two things that I think might be factual errors: Makes me wonder about the fact-checking on other things that I'm less familiar with...
  11. https://www.outlookbusiness.com/specials/masterspeak_2017/companies-that-maximise-per-share-value-even-if-they-dont-grow-will-be-great-bets-3783 H/T @June_street
  12. https://www.amazon.com/Six-Billion-Shoppers-Companies-Commerce/dp/1250088674/ Another one that recently came out. Haven't started it yet, but will report my thoughts here when I've read it.
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Four-Hidden-Amazon-Facebook-Google/dp/0735213658 Started reading this. I've enjoyed some of Galloway's podcast interviews and youtube videos. He's entertaining and at time he has some good high-level insights on the big tech companies and how the landscape is changing. I'm a few dozen pages in and so far I do wish there was more depth to it. There's lots of soundbites and surface level platitudes about human psychology and how evolution shaped us, or a bunch of one paragraph histories of various retail formats. I think his style might translate better to short videos than books, but that's a very early impression. Maybe I'll do a 180 degree a few chapters in...
  14. Lower prices means more demand too. Lots of projects that wouldn't make sense with a 100m launch might make sense with a 10m launch, for example. And once you start building bases on the moon and creating staging areas for interplanetary travel for a lot of mass, the number of launches go up really quickly... But I don't think he cares, he just wants to do his part to push the space sector forward. If it means not optimizing the economics perfectly, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Updated Mars plans: http://www.spacex.com/mars https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/28/science/elon-musk-mars.html It's really worth watching this video and seeing it all from the primary source: (You can watch at 1.5x speed if you're in a hurry, it's still very understandable)
  16. I remember him publicly shorting Netflix and Reed Hasting writing a public letter convincing him to drop the short... Not sure how much that hurt him..
  17. This seems to be a widely shared view: https://twitter.com/AlexRubalcava/status/913428918526447619 (thread)
  18. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/28/whitney-tilson-is-shutting-down-his-hedge-fund-report.html
  19. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-john-malone/ Breaking Down John Malone’s Investments, Company by Company (graph: left is stake size, right is voting power)
  20. Podcast on blockchain and cryptocurrencies: http://investorfieldguide.com/hashpower/
  21. That's the optimistic scenario. I give it a 20% probability. Migrating structured data this simple is a piece of cake for Google.
  22. Seems like they are removing one of the major features of it, which doesn't really translate to developing the product. We'll see, but based on their track record, it doesn't augur well.
  23. The surprise is that a company with tens of thousands of engineers and infinite resources can't put one person part-time on just maintaining a page and maybe fixing a few bugs.. Maybe do a 6-month project to build HTML5 charts and then after that just maintain it..?
  24. ... Let Google know (feedback form at the bottom of Finance page) you'd like them to keep the portfolio feature. They're removing it soon. http://phandroid.com/2017/09/22/google-finance-update/ They're completely incompetent with all their second tier products. They used to own the RSS market but killed Google Reader a few years ago rather than just put a couple engineers on it and keep it in maintenance mode. Looks like Google Finance might suffer a similar fate over time..
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