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Everything posted by jeffmori7

  1. No Mori7 is for Morisette! Thanks for the list, I was reading a lot of Sci-Fi too when I was younger. I don't read that much non-fiction, but you provide a good list, I will look forward into some of those names. Iain M. Banks just died this spring, it's really sad because he was a truly unique author. Good fiction to recommend..I should start a new thread I think. I'll come back to that later!
  2. Thank Gio! As a big fan of Kay, I had forgotten about his most recent book..I will buy it today, was looking for a great for my vacation next week!
  3. Ok we are diverting from the subject, but Liberty, from your various posts, I understand you read a lot, but I was wondering, do you read pure fiction also, or nottime for that? :) Just curious, thanks.
  4. What happened today? I find it amusing to follow the stats about the online visitors and so far the most online today number was something like 292...and today it has jumped to 637?!
  5. I think there are two different things here, one is a fictionnal portfolio to see how it wold perform, and then there is the idea of launching a real fund, be it charity or not. In the short term, we have to find a way to implement an easy mechanism to track the overall performance of the ideas generated by the board. In the same time, we could look at a long term project of starting a real thing.
  6. As it is the subject of the day on the board, I'm betting on Sears :P Seriously, it's fun to do some prediction but I would like it were really Apple! As they are not disclosing, it means that they are still accumulating, correct? So it will probably a sizeable position, I would say a Buffett position.
  7. Thanks racemize for the follow up. Concerning Berkowitz, I think they are wrong and should track all the asset under management, not just one fund...but it is their choice. Concerning warrants and preferreds, once again, it is their choice, but the danger is that it could be showing a false portrait.
  8. North Dakota crude could be more explosive due to fracking chemicals : http://business.financialpost.com/2013/08/13/fracking-chemicals-in-spotlight-as-regulators-investigate-rail-car-corrosion-and-flammability-of-north-dakota-crude/?__lsa=9837-dd23
  9. Wow, welcome to the 21st century..firmware update for your car, I like that :)
  10. From a guy who worked both at The Post and Amazon: http://jimromenesko.com/2013/08/08/a-journalist-whos-worked-for-amazon-and-the-post-predicts-bezos-next-moves/#more-49087
  11. I'm surprised we haven't heard a word from Buffett on this. Do you think he will finally sell his position in WPO now that the newspaper is gone?
  12. So they have been a net buyer this quarter by about 4billions, it appears non-negligible to me...Combs and Weschler adding to their holdings, or Buffet making a new sizeable bet?
  13. There are already topics about this on the board. See : http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/share-repurchase-topic/msg110154/#msg110154
  14. Maybe that we will have to look back in 30 years to see what were the main innovations nowadays? Not easy to see all that is happening, I think it is better to look in retrospect.
  15. No argument there, knowledge and technology can be beautiful and so can be art. But technology can also have bad effects. For example, the invention of the printing press had no economic impact at all, and instead was a trigger of religious wars. Plan, I would have to disagree on this one...printed press is and was also a great vector for education, no? Difficult to assess the overall impact of a technology.. But I really like your container remark versus Apple products!
  16. Or is it profitable so you can put it in BAC? Just kidding :)
  17. Which ad in particular is causing the grief? I switched over to that text ad at the end of the posts to try something new...is that the one? If so, I can get rid of it and go back to the smaller Amazon one. As for the last ad on the bottom of the page...that one stays. Cheers! It's funny because now I can see an ad about annoying ads! :)
  18. It's a big problem because the one in Gilroy is the first one traveling north on Hwy 101 from Montecito. It's about 253 miles. Cutting it close! They need one in San Luis Obispo, or Paso Robles. You don't really want to drive any other route to get to the San Francisco Bay Area from here. But that's why I'm not planning on driving this car for more than day-to-day local driving. And slow charge still exists!
  19. +100 Thanks Liberty, I wanted to answer this thread, but I didn't take the time..but now, nothing to add, you said it very well.
  20. Sanjeev, you should be in bed at this time, no? :)
  21. Thanks. The more we hear from those guys, the more confident I am with Berkshire future. Sanjeev, you should invite some people from Berkshire at your annual party! Probably those guys would be terrific assets to the event..after all, this is called the Corner of Berkshire and Fairrfax!
  22. Gio, I'm a huge fan of Kay! Thank you for the info, I didn't know his last book was out! I'm with you, the Sarantine mosaic would be a good choice to start, as I consider it it's true masterpiece. The lions of Al-Rassan is great too!
  23. Thanks Liberty!
  24. Sure it is good for both GE and GS not to dilute more the shareholders as they no longer need more cash. But for Berkshire,in the short term it appears better as it doesn't involve paying for the stocks, they get their net profit in stock-equivalent, but longer term they have a smaller stake and less future dividends. For GE, they probably don't like it enough to get a size able stake, but for GS, considering Buffett comments, I am curious.
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