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Everything posted by BargainValueHunter

  1. Natural gas delivery (infrastructure and construction, e.g. "pipelines") = profitable (assuming long-term construction contracts with individual states or the Federal govt).
  2. Switzerland France Venezuela Zimbabwe Belarus North Korea
  3. So far, this is the only one that MAY be affected by the turmoil: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=CRK321M1:IND ??? Perhaps the more learned boardmembers can spot better examples? :)
  4. Great board. Great discussions. Congrats!
  5. What, EXACTLY, has the U.S. Government done to address the ROOT CAUSES of the crisis that started in late 2007 and culminated with the fall of Lehman Bros.? Until I hear a reasoned, convincing argument that debt addiction has been cured at the Federal, state and local level I will continue to embrace cash, commodities and precious metals. Equities are getting more dangerous to hold every day that passes without a correction. (Not the individual blue chips...but the S&P 500 and (especially) the Russell 2000 indices). IMO :P
  6. Kyle Bass on CNBC: http://www.benzinga.com/11/02/866737/video-kyle-bass-heads-to-cnbcs-strategy-session-biggest-bombshell-he-talked-to-congress
  7. Bruce is getting hardcore in his fight against the board: http://bit.ly/eLhqG5
  8. http://nebraska.statepaper.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2011/02/16/4d5b7685ccde3
  9. http://seekingalpha.com/article/252396-an-open-letter-to-sardar-biglari-ceo-of-biglari-holdings
  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-10/berkowitz-proposes-naming-former-florida-governor-crist-to-st-joe-board.html?cmpid=yhoo
  11. Since this forum is supposed to be focused on the investing "stylings" of Buffett and Watsa I'm going to make this my last Bruce Berkowitz thread for a while. ;D Having said that...
  12. As I've noted in other posts, the "Miami Vice Bruce" is, visually, not as appealing as obscure, nerdy Bruce ala 2003. But as long as his brain remains the same and he doesn't start believing the hype then I'm cool with him managing SOME of my capital. ;)
  13. I listen when Einhorn speaks but he can come across pretty arrogant during his presentations. Conversely, Bruce comes across as a bit dodgy and unsure of specifics during his interviews. There is something about a not very polished long beating a slick short (at least as they look in the media) that makes me smile. :)
  14. Comparing two very different managers may be foolhardy but it seems that there was a short period of time when Buffett went from obscure manager of capital to one easily recognizable by his last name to most investing buffs. Would you say there was a period of time that Warren made that transition (in the public eye) and how would it compare to an obviously more out there and aggressive Bruce Berkowitz?
  15. Slightly more info: http://www.cnbc.com/id/41449101
  16. Does this fall into the "too hard" category? http://www.streetauthority.com/a/2-ways-profit-deep-value-stock-458036
  17. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-03/berkowitz-bought-1-6-billion-of-santander-espirito-debt.html
  18. Berkowitz has always seemed like a guy who gets in front of cameras and microphones for a specific reason that will help shareholders. He has ALWAYS been evasive in interviews which makes him seem aloof. His background as a bookie probably taught him not to talk too much about how he models his oddsmaking.
  19. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-01/berkowitz-says-he-s-all-in-on-aig-transcript-.html
  20. http://www.wikiwealth.com/country:egypt http://www.minyanville.com/businessmarkets/articles/emerging-markets-civets-columbia-indonesia-vietnam/1/27/2011/id/32438
  21. Its a tie between: Buying Real Estate in 2005 -or- Buying Apple at 12.50 then SELLING OUT AT 21 (Thought I was a genius with that one!)
  22. Sorry, Gents! I fixed it. I was in a hurry and got my symbols mixed. Freudian (finger) slip!
  23. http://online.barrons.com/article/SB50001424052970204590704576092363632916394.html?ru=yahoo&mod=yahoobarrons#articleTabs_panel_article%3D1
  24. http://www.mfwire.com/article.asp?template=article&storyID=35787&wire=MFWire&wireID=2&bhcp=1
  25. http://www.bespokeinvest.com/thinkbig/2011/1/11/sears-shld-incredibly-shrinking-share-count.html http://www.bespokeinvest.com/storage/Short%20Interest%20Sears.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1294761372024
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