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Everything posted by BargainValueHunter

  1. http://dealbreaker.com/2011/08/buffett-got-a-better-deal-on-bofa-than-we-thought/
  2. Well put. One aspect of value investing that a lot of people just don't seem to get is that Armageddon talk is a GREAT opportunity for investors. It means that either: 1. The world is ending and no investment matters or 2. The Doom and Gloom is BS and the sure fire bankruptcy actually turns out to be a 10 bagger in three years.
  3. That is my feeling too. Before judging Lampert too harshly at least read this article: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_47/b3909001_mz001.htm It gives a little more insight into how he ticks. Doesn't mean that he is Warren II...but the guy is a crafty investor. Also Berkowitz laid out his reasoning for being such a Lampert fan... http://streetcapitalist.com/2010/01/12/bruce-berkowitz-on-sears-leucadia-and-berkshire/
  4. Maybe, perhaps, Bruce Berkowitz and St. Joe. If he can generate cash from that business he would certainly try to compound it in undervalued, cash producing assets.
  5. I keep hearing that now is not the time to be in the markets. I heard that in March 2009 and 2002. Of course, everyone just knows that now is when you buy gold and Treasuries. Why do the majority of investors keep making these same mistakes over and over? Buffett has provided the blueprint but so many people just won't follow his lead.
  6. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-08-14/u-s-bonds-converging-with-japan-heralds-biggest-treasury-rally-since-2008.html
  7. Interesting take... Which public corporation CEO would you say fits this mold the best? Perhaps Steve Jobs?
  8. Just to be clear... I am NOT suggesting that these three men have been successful in copying Buffett's early actions (1967-1980). I am curious about which one do you believe is trying to imitate young Buffett most closely. Perhaps none of them are trying but I doubt it...
  9. Each of these companies have one ultimate goal...The wise distribution and reinvestment of free cash flows with the aim of constant compounding of book value. I just want to get your idea of who most reminds you of a young Mr. Buffett of the following three men: 1. Einhorn 2. Lampert 3. Biglari
  10. From May 2011: http://online.barrons.com/article/SB50001424052970204224904576317351372090580.html Now: The "A"'s trade at ~$13.90 The "B"'s trade at ~$8.92
  11. Didn't notice today's 22% jump in EK when I posted this... Maybe this is the beginning of a long ride up in the shares? Nah. ;)
  12. You win today's "Most Valuable Post" Award! Prize: 1000 shares of CSKI!! http://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NASDAQ:CSKI But seriously, thanks! :)
  13. Eastman Kodak is a well known value trap but what are some others to avoid? Some "pundits" claim the big American banks and Berkshire are value traps: http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2011/06/value-traps-galore-including-financials.html
  14. Says Tilson: Here is his presentation from May... http://www.tilsonfunds.com/IRDM-4-11.pdf
  15. I know Tilson was snatching them up like M&M's but has anyone else given them another look recently? http://quotes.nasdaq.com/asp/SummaryQuote.asp?symbol=IRDMZ&selected=IRDMZ http://www.gurufocus.com/news/142481/whitney-tilson-reports-q2-portfolio-buys-nni-atvi-pby-xrx-c-ibkr-hhc-bcsi-dell
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-08-11/oil-tanker-rentals-fall-to-dangerously-low-level-owner-sohmen-pao-says.html
  17. http://walrusvalue.blogspot.com/2011/08/berkshire-hathaway-simple-valution.html
  18. How would you protect and structure a sudden windfall of cash from taxes and lawsuits (in America...not sure if Canada would be radically different)? (Legally, of course, and with the intent to minimize taxation, not total avoidance). Thanks.
  19. http://news.morningstar.com/articlenet/article.aspx?id=391215 [sorry if this has already been posted.]
  20. Actually he is not in the "print money" camp. He thinks QE is wasteful and of little use. He is in the increase G camp. And with 2 year treasury yields as they are today and I do not see what is wrong with it (no politics just economics) Perhaps I'm confused (it wouldn't be the first time!) but I could have sworn that Mr. Koo blames the Bank of Japan for slamming on the brakes of liquidity too early for the continuing deflation over there. :-\
  21. Fed keeping rates stapled to the floor through 2013 and the downgrade of Fannie and Freddie... Any updates on how one may take advantage of this new information with regards to the preferreds? http://www.insidestocks.com/quote.asp?sym=FNMAT http://www.insidestocks.com/quote.asp?sym=FMCKM&code=BSTK
  22. Koo is sharp but I can't get with his "print money until the problem goes away" philosophy about fighting deflation. It would be like putting out a wildfire by blowing up the levees, IMHO.
  23. Two things to watch like a hawk for the rest of the quarter (and at least until Turkey Day): The ECB -and- The SuperCommittee™ The psychology around these two entities will guide the market until @ least Columbus Day.
  24. I know the markets skyrocketed at the end of the day but MKL rarely participates in such moves... Why did it move so much today? BTW... http://seekingalpha.com/article/286069-markel-corporation-ceo-discusses-q2-2011-results-earnings-call-transcript?source=yahoo BTW II... Anybody long AOL? ::) http://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=aol&ty=c&ta=1&p=d Get in at the bottom!! ;D
  25. You...may have a point about Mr. Bove... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEeSjp3Acs4&feature=channel_video_title
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