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Everything posted by BargainValueHunter

  1. The folks at Horizon Kinetics seem to favor these gems: http://www.horizonkinetics.com/docs/Dormant_Assets_December.pdf Interesting read. ;)
  2. VIV, NSU, RIC, VRNG (warrants), DMND, SOHU, GDXJ and VC (warrants), FRO and Freddie Mac Preferreds ...in no particular order of preference.
  3. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/dell-upgraded-to-buy-from-sell-at-goldman-sachs-2012-12-03-6914653?siteid=yhoof2
  4. http://www.valuewalk.com/2012/11/ex-fairholme-pm-charles-fernandez-discusses-his-value-hedge-fund/
  5. Could you give an example ie which "put" would you like the best today Sorry...just saw this. ...Couple of weeks ago the ~$42 DEC12
  6. http://www.bus.miami.edu/news-and-media/recent-news/executive-residence-berkowitz.html
  7. Brooklyn weighs in again: http://brooklyninvestor.blogspot.com/2012/11/leucadia-jeffries-merger-loose-ends.html Very good blog post here...
  8. If you don't mind owning the stock at much lower prices then SHLD is one of the best stocks in the market for selling puts when it has its occasional collapse.
  9. Hmmm...Deep Value BOND investing...sounds interesting. Anyone know of any other links or "gurus" that can shed more light onto this sub-genre of value investing?
  10. Credit: One Family's Blog http://static.cdn-seekingalpha.com/uploads/2012/11/15/106657-13529773055190554-One-Family-s-Blog_origin.jpg
  11. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/14/hedgefunds-barnstar-idUSL1E8ME3FT20121114
  12. Always love the alternative viewpoint but why no discussion of the earnings power of these "highly risky" financials?
  13. The for-profit "schools" sector (and its sick cousin, the home health care sector) are the ultimate value traps. May be best to look elsewhere...
  14. Thanks Cofabmd! Just a terrific article on Bill and Kennedy Wilson! Bill has been at our dinner for the last two years. Mary Ricks also came with him at the first dinner he came to. I know plenty of you have looked at and are invested in Bank of Ireland, so I thought I would expand this thread by starting a bit of a discussion. I really like Richie Boucher, CEO of Bank of Ireland and who also was at our dinner last year, and I'm keen on investing in Ireland, but I'm struggling with their business...still a ton of risk. If you look at page 27 of their June 30th financials, they are really, really underfunded on their loan loss portfolio. I mean there is potential for half of their equity to be wiped out easily: http://www.bankofireland.com/fs/doc/publications/investor-relations/interim-report-20121.pdf In my opinion, they need to deleverage a hell of alot faster than the timeline they've given themselves. They probably need to be selling assets left, right and centre like Moynihan was doing at BAC. Please feel free to give me your opinions, because I think this is an intriguing investment, but it's priced based on the amount of risk around it...I'm still not sure it's cheap enough! Cheers! Great question! I wonder what Mr. Ross and Mr. Watsa would give as an answer. :)
  15. St. Joe numbers improving dramatically: We may be near a bottom in NW Florida land prices... http://www.4-traders.com/THE-ST-JOE-COMPANY-13183/news/The-St-Joe-Company-Reports-Third-Quarter-2012-Results-15451065/
  16. http://www.businessinsider.com/david-einhorn-short-iron-ore-2012-10 Never really know what to think of this guy... ???
  17. Fairholme 3rd Quarter moves... http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2012-10/bruce-berkowitz-reduces-cit-and-aig-sticks-with-other-holdings-in-q3.aspx?storyid=185408#.UJAdwYVBEt4
  18. http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2012/10-2/20121030_sandy2.png
  19. Considering millions of people live in those areas... it's not really hype IMO It is hype if you don't live in those areas. Covering the story is one thing but wall-to-wall, saturation news coverage coast to coast is indeed hype.
  20. Also, I think this very good news has something to do with it. http://www.fhfa.gov/webfiles/24611/Projections102612.pdf I wish I had bought when the the preferreds were trading around 50¢!
  21. More media hype. Outside of Cape Cod, Long Island or coastal Jersey and Delaware it will most likely be nothing more than a typical windy storm.
  22. The supposed "Super Storm Sandy" could give investors an opportunity to pick up HIG (and other P&Cs) at a much lower price if the scary scenarios play out... http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/10/25/163607781/halloween-horror-hurricane-sandy-could-be-billion-dollar-storm
  23. Brooklyn's in the houze!! http://brooklyninvestor.blogspot.com/2012/10/buffett-on-cnbc.html
  24. The Freddie preferreds are up over 90% recently. Any idea what is going on here?
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