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Everything posted by dcollon

  1. dcollon

    Viking Raid

    This was a great book. Thanks for the initial recommendation.
  2. The great thing about Franklin's writings is that a lot of them are free or very inexpensive on Amazon.
  3. Gio, I'm about half way through this book and I am really enjoying it. Thanks again for mentioning it. I will have to go back and look at the House of Morgan (chernow) that I read, because I want to see if Mr. Baker is mentioned in that book and I just don't remember.
  4. From Bloomberg & Valuewalk: http://www.valuewalk.com/2014/02/wilbur-ross-agrees-tom-perkins-sam-zell/
  5. dowfin1, Thanks for posting the article from the WSJ. Very interesting snapshot.
  6. Ex-SAC Fund Manager Martoma Found Guilty in Insider Case http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-06/ex-sac-fund-manager-martoma-found-guilty-in-insider-case.html
  7. From GMO https://www.gmo.com/America/CMSAttachmentDownload.aspx?target=JUBRxi51IIBmAlwCHqCGQ1%2fXblT0hdz4rPgLw2YJykZsf2UFpncg0oZmqAdPqe2S7nL2yg7r8tkO8Lh5%2bUqgksfR47tqisLHY4ej0PVGcTjkGTwfSTPmRA%3d%3d
  8. I always enjoy listening to Mr. Cooperman. Thanks for posting the link.
  9. Thanks to Valuewalk http://advisorperspectives.com/newsletters14/pdfs/What_Worries_Me_Right_Now.pdf
  10. I found John Mauldin's recent commentary to be an interesting read http://d21uq3hx4esec9.cloudfront.net/uploads/pdf/140201_TFTF3.pdf
  11. That's a good reason to go with the '94 vintage. :) Thanks Gio
  12. Gio, What edition did you purchase? I'm wondering if one is better than the other. Thanks for the recommendation.
  13. Packer you are nicer person that I am :D I can tell you if I'm giving a presentation to clients and discussing my best idea I don't have to look at notes (this in no way means I'm right). But then again Ms./Mrs. Witmer has a fantastic track record and is much smarter and wealthier than I am.
  14. It was also interesting that she had to look at a piece of paper to give a range for what she thought the company might earn and what they were worth. I would think if it was your best idea you would have that pretty clear in your mind.
  15. From WSJ: Ernest Loperena: About That Billion-Dollar Basketball Challenge If I tell you why your offer is a bad idea, can I get a job interview? http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304632204579339272312350130?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop
  16. wescobrk, From FITB's release, they said the following: "Fifth Third submitted its 2014 capital plan on January 6, 2014, as required." later in paragraph, "The Federal Reserve has indicated to the BHCs that it will issue its response on or before March 31, 2014." Sorry it doesn't help much.
  17. http://money.cnn.com/2014/01/21/news/companies/buffett-ncaa-bracket/
  18. I'm now going to go back and read Damn Right! again. I would love to see the reports if you can review/copy them.
  19. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-08/glenview-s-robbins-tops-hedge-fund-ranking-with-bet-on-obamacare.html
  20. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/print/2014-01-07/berkshire-stakes-name-on-realty-business-buffett-barely-noticed.html
  21. Buffett more than doubles stake in USG from Seeking Alpha Boosting his bet on the building industry, Warren Buffett (BRK.A, BRK.B) discloses a 30.5% stake in USG. He now owns 43.4M shares vs. 17M at last report.USG +2.2% premarket
  22. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-02/berkshire-seen-failing-buffett-5-year-test-for-first-time.html
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