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  1. Any chance we see a new pipeline to Canada's oil sands with trumps "drill-baby-drill" mindset?
  2. What about mergers like Albertsons and Kroger? Aren’t they all more likely now?
  3. Has this already been paid, or is 100 of the 300 cash already spoken for?
  4. I’m sure this isn’t news to anyone who followed this name closely, but it was news to me that Fairfax has had 17 years in a row with favorable reserve developments.
  5. I'm not sure how you define the term "like". He would rather invest the money in an elephant sized private business purchase. He second preference would be a large bite out of a publicly traded company. Third he would like to buy back shares of BRK at attractive prices. I don't think he ever likes having 100's of billions parked in treasuries. Yes, he does "like" when rates are above 5% if he can't deploy the capital in buybacks and acquisitions. But he said at the annual meeting earlier this year he would have just as much money in treasuries even if they yielded less than 1%. I think the only time he has said government bonds were a good buy was when the 30 year bonds yielded like 18% in the 80's.
  6. I haven’t had a chance to read the q yet but has anyone seen anything about BYD? Is that holding being fully sold?
  7. I personally think that when Warren is gone Berkshire will buy way less stocks. Greg will focus on running the business, he will buy back stock when appropriate. Do some acquisitions, but I don’t see him hunting down 50-100bn elephants. If someone come knocking sure, they will listen, but I don’t see him spending him time figuring out where to park the 200bn in stocks.
  8. https://dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=aq Looks like he is long coal now.
  9. I sold my BRK shares in my retirement accounts. Seems like we are trading around 24x normalized earrings. I suspect buybacks will stop, apple sales will increase, interest rates will go down so the 200 Billion in tbills will earn less. I still own the majority of my shares in my taxable account, but seems fully valued to me. I would rather have the cash earing 5% and wait for other opportunities to come along.
  10. I thought it was interesting that Thomas Russo sold 12% of Berkshire. https://dataroma.com/m/hist/hist.php?f=GR&s=BRK.A
  11. Would BRK buy the Trans Mountain pipeline from Canada? Seem like a fat pitch for Greg at the right price, whatever that might be. https://www.ft.com/content/63b034ad-78f3-428e-a754-7f5cf509b1b0
  12. If you go to TIKR or any other website that tracks investments, you can usually see a list of the companies largest shareholders. I don't know how those lists are compiled. It isn't clear to me if the company itself needs to file something with the SEC naming the largest holders. Or if the websites are aggregating the filing of the individual shareholders who need to disclose their ownership stake in securities.
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