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  1. how to use that global filter to check stock based on pe ratio ? in tikr
  2. added to my reading list
  3. this is one book that has timeless wisdom about psychology of investing
  4. good book to read, his writing is so candor, no BS worth a read
  5. not worth wasting your time on this nothing new to read .. rather its better to read thomas phelps 100 to 1
  6. yeah i read this like 6 years ago, its a good read , you can feel the vanity of the wall street banks and those who are working there
  7. like said topic got evaded however i disagree internet was created by federal funding initially, https://www.govtech.com/archive/who-invented-the-internet.html#:~:text=The Internet did start with,we know today%2C Cerf wrote. its not decentralized like Bitcoin coming to the topic my only question is why do crypto enthusiast call it alternative currency, when they only interested in dollar value of it rather than using it as a currency to buy consumer goods ?
  8. you are completely evading from the point, all FANG companies built their business on the "internet" which is built and regulated by governments, not by any anonymous person , those companies are product of 0% interest rates and capitalists that drive that companies There is No decentralized internet over there ? they are purely profit driven public listed companies who sell their products https://www.ntia.doc.gov/book-page/who-regulates-spectrum So that means your saying that all crypto are all private companies , purely profit driven but you paint a narrative that this will be alternative currency for societal good so you can profit first .. just like what SBF and FTX did ???
  9. so all last 10 years is just crypto promotion so you first moving advantage people can pump and dump later for bag holders ? ??? by painted narrative that this is an alternative ??? I would like to know if you still buy it if that coins cannot be converted by back to dollars $ ? what utility does the coin has it would you care to explain that ?? and internet derived realty is not decentralized.. would you be more specific with example backed reason ?
  10. Two common sense questions that come two my mind when i see the comment's in this thread. 1. Printing Money out of thin air and spending tax money collected from public is the power of any sovereign nation and their elected officials, why would they let that power taken away by someone(nobody) who created similar kind of currency made out '1' and '0' binary code ? 2. Whoever that guy Mr Nakamota is.. if you read his first post 2009 feb , he clearly mentioned that we want to bring change monetary system, so bitcoin can become an alternate currency to use.(ideological) however why nobody talks about using crypto to buy pack of cigarettes or dozen eggs as nakomoto intended But every one is interested in how much Bitcoin is worth in $$(dollar's) 20k, 30k.. 50k .. tell me is this not motivated by "greed' in them sort of get rich quick scheme ?????
  11. Suri22


    this fund manager is good if you want to look at value investing in india
  12. you are right that they are abundance of availability , what makes china monopoly is the refining process and refinery , which is very hard to process which took china to eventually build that in last 20 years
  13. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/10/27/how-the-united-states-handed-china-its-rare-earth-monopoly/
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