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  1. It'll be an oven, could be up to 45/46 degrees but will normally be mid thirties. I'm guessing you mean you are not staying in Malaga itself but the Costa del Sol...Beaches are all nice and plenty to do with kids.
  2. JXN - Jackson financial - around 100% FFH - Around 50%, BARC - Barclays - 65% Started to concentrate my holdings much more, and hold them for longer. Last year was pretty disappointing considering I bought most of the mag 7 at the bottom in 2022 then sold them six months later. Expensive lessons I guess.
  3. Any concerns about pdd and the potential tariffs?
  4. Just my view but I think the gambling market isn't as developed in the US as compared to the UK, so it still has lots to grow, plus there are lots of other new markets to go after, such as south America. It's also quite a heavily regulated industry, which will keep others out and should consolidate into a few keep players flutter being one of them
  5. If you are going to Skye, you should do the north coast 500. Rent a car and take about two weeks to go around, preferably around May time when the midgies are less
  6. Sorry, I didn't have time to have a look at the board. How did the cruise go? The weather hasn't been great
  7. Where in Scotland are you going Parsad?
  8. There has been a fair bit of nonsense coming from Western Media during the Ukraine conflict. Russia blowing up it's own gas pipeline to Europe, or Russia blowing up that dam when the Ukrainians were talking about that as a key target last year.
  9. It definetly is, we've got a wee one now so visiting places we actually want to go will only get harder and harder. If you want any info on Scotland let me know, I'd advise going in May just to avoid the Midgies that appear from June onwards. Skye, Edinburgh, North Coast 500 route are all beautiful, you're enjoyment will 90% be correlated to how good the weather is.
  10. Guns aren't banned, they're just restricted, you can get one if you want to go shooting or hunting but it's controlled. I'd also be surprised if knife crime increased following the gun law change, knife crime has long been a problem in the UK. Some areas, such as Glasgow have massively improved over the past twenty years however it seems London has gotten worse although this seems to be generally a black-on-black gang thing..
  11. We've done a lot of travel this year, Switzerland, Cuba, Egypt so far, much to the detriment of my Portfolio...can't take it with you I guess. Headed to Thailand in May, 9 Days Phuket, 4 Bangkok
  12. Thanks everyone I'll take a look, I'm not at my computer every day so collating it all in one place and having easy access on my phone seems to be the way forward
  13. Just wondering what sites or software everyone uses to their investments progress? With multiple accounts and different brokers I'm guessing most will have centralised the process where they get the company news, how the shares are doing each day etc. Thanks!
  14. I looked at this a few years ago but thought it was very expensive for what you were coming away with. I ended up doing the behind the balance sheet course which was really helpful https://behindthebalancesheet.com/analyst-academy they do regular webinars which are helpful too
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