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Everything posted by DynamicPerception

  1. scorpioncapital: I should add that 'balance' has always been an issue with me. I've always been an 'all or nothing' type of bettor. This mentality combined with a bit of a 'market-timing' mentality hasn't really hurt me but I see where if I can't get a handle on the 'all or nothing' aspect it would better serve me when combined with a deep discount perspective. But, I am glad to report that I am beginning to see the wisdom of being in the middle ground when it comes to losing money or missing out on opportunity. Long term 'balance' is important. Viking: 1.) Don't lose what you got. 2.) Be greedy when others are fearful. 3.) Patience. 4.) Keep learning. 1.) I'm doing OK. 2.) I've got the greedy part down pat. I've always been a 'big' bettor (for me) so I think I have the courage part but I think it has to be tempered. 3.) Always have had trouble here. This partly why I went 100% cash. I decided at some point I had to enter the/my investment cycle totally in control of what I am doing. My investments had risen in mid 2009Aug to what I thought was fair pricing for what was happening in the economy. I figured this was a good time to liquidate and see if I could do nothing (recognizing that doing nothing is doing something) and practise 3.) and 4.), also figuring I'm practising 1.) not counting missed opportunity, and perhaps I will get a shot in the not too distant future to exercise point 2.) to a lesser degree than 2009Mar. 4.) A must. Stay focused. For me - No 'tricks' no margin, no options, leaps etc. I don't think they are necessary for my personal goal(s).
  2. Duly noted and thanks. I'm just going to be more careful in picking my spots.
  3. I learned that "luck" exists, sometimes in abundance. I learned that it would be interesting to learn if board members align themselves more with value investing in line with the true mindset concerning deep discount investing? I know I have. I'm quickly becomming a proponent of KISS! (Keep It Simple Stupid) I have totally liquidated my registered and non-registered accounts and until a fat pitch comes along will remain this way. Intuitively I know it will be more profitable, even though I'm up approx. 50% since 2008Jan01. I have learned that what I thought was a good discount really isn't. I actually find this kind of liberating.
  4. :) http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=FFH-U.TO
  5. Great video. Thanks
  6. Over the years I have bought this stock for well under a $100.00 CDN and almost $600.00 CDN. I remember one day (before listing on New York) the stock price rose around $80.00 CDN for no apparent material reason. I think it was Prem who made a comment something to the effect that "if it continued like this they would own the world". I think even he thought the price movement was kind of crazy. Again, over the years trying to guesstimate the stock price is a waste of time. I settle just to know the direction of its intrisic value. I don't have any choice. I think the business model is rather unique because of what HWIC bring to the table. I think we all know what will happen when all the stars align. They have toughed it out good economic times and done well in disasterous economic times. What else is there?
  7. This is a very interesting thread covering a very unique two year period. The small population of investors present just shows how many ways there are to approach things. The range of skill and techniques used seems quite varied. This board knows the value of learnings from their mistakes and not repeating them. I consider myself a novice. I believe in super concentration and big bets. I no longer use leverage. "Buy Low, Sell High" Simple but not easy. A Viking and others state, PATIENCE works. The following shows that all did very well considering the economic environment and will still be eating for at least another QTR. Continued success to a great board. 2008 2009 Packer16 Down 49.2% Down 22% thru Mar Up 111% from Mar low beerbaron Down 26% ERICOPOLY Up 20% Up 80% hyten1 Down 40% Up 94% Broxburnboy Up 21.19% (family) Even over last 2 years mpauls Up 20%+ Up 57% Uccmal Up 34% Up 8% benhacker Down 26% Up 70% Mikenhe Down 35% Up 65% Smazz Up 40%+ Up 40% mountboney Down 8% Up 40% Junto Down 17.54% Up 92.48% wabuffo Up 10% Up 95% Rabbitisrich rranjan Down 40% Up 150% Mungerville Up 80% Up 20% SharperDingaan Up 100% txlaw Down 45% Up 60% locutusoftexas Down 15% DynamicPerception Up 53.35% Down 8.48% If everyone started with $100,000 at 2007Dec31 2008 2009 Packer16 $100000 -49.20% $50,800.00 -22.00% $39,624.00 111.00% $83,606.64 beerbaron $100,000.00 -26.00% $74,000.00 ERICOPOLY $100,000.00 20.00% $120,000.00 80.00% $216,000.00 hyten1 $100,000.00 -40.00% $60,000.00 94.00% $116,400.00 Broxburnboy $100,000.00 $100,000.00 21.19% $121,190.00 (family) $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 mpauls $100,000.00 20.00% $120,000.00 57.00% $188,400.00 Uccmal $100,000.00 34.00% $134,000.00 8.00% $144,720.00 benhacker $100,000.00 -26.00% $74,000.00 70.00% $125,800.00 Mikenhe $100,000.00 -35.00% $65,000.00 65.00% $107,250.00 Smazz $100,000.00 40.00% $140,000.00 40.00% $196,000.00 mountboney $100,000.00 -8.00% $92,000.00 40.00% $128,800.00 Junto $100,000.00 -17.54% $82,460.00 92.48% $158,719.01 wabuffo $100,000.00 10.00% $110,000.00 95.00% $214,500.00 Rabbitisrich $100,000.00 rranjan $100,000.00 -40.00% $60,000.00 150.00% $150,000.00 Mungerville $100,000.00 80.00% $180,000.00 20.00% $216,000.00 SharperDingaan $100,000.00 100.00% $200,000.00 txlaw $100,000.00 -45.00% $55,000.00 60.00% $88,000.00 locutusoftexas $100,000.00 -15.00% $85,000.00 DynamicPerception $100,000.00 53.35% $153,350.00 -8.48% $140,345.92
  8. Partner24, very funny weather forecast method. I think I'm going to use it. ;D
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