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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. haha indeed. $1,012 CAD is my magic number. That is when my FFH position would have doubled on an average cost basis of $506 CAD. I think most of it bought post March 2020.
  2. Thank you. The final time is 3 hr 58 min. Last I did it, in 2018, I think I had it at 4 hr 20 min. Definitely improving stamina. incidentally, I am 42 years old. So that means I did 1 Km of run for every of the 42 year I have been in existence.
  3. Just finished 42,2 Km marathon in the nation’s capital. Took about 4 hr or so. between travel, vacation and work, did not train for it, other than my usual weekly runs.
  4. i would imagine most of deaths are on the way down from the summit (8,800 meters I think) Mostly caused by the secondary effect of the “traffic”. I.e coming down later than they should etc I have not heard of anyone dying these past years doing the base camp hike that goes up only to 5,000 meter or so. Not sure where Camp 4 is, but I think it might be close to the death zone. Higher than 7,000 meters, so far above the EBC
  5. Three musketeers, talking calmly to each other
  6. The whole notion of naming of a yet un-started war as World War 3 is silly. We called what happened in 1914-18 as the Great War until 1937-45 happened at which point the concept of First and Second World Wars was born. Some argue that the Seven Year War was the real, First World War. Which makes 1914-18 the Second World War. But that would be incorrect because the two WW were close sequels. https://www.britannica.com/summary/Key-Facts-of-the-Seven-Years-War#:~:text=The Seven Years' War (1756,%2C the Americas%2C and Asia. There are many ways to go around this. But I am sure whatever happens it won’t actually be called World War 3. A global nuclear event will permanently ends all life and then some and followed by bouncing up sands, here and there. Not much left to talk about. Future proxy wars will be what they will be. Named around the geographical area where they occur. So no WW3 folks. Sorry.
  7. Thank you Prem & co. for showing restraint and not shorting Nvidia in the past six months despite valuation concerns.
  8. the best insurance against mushroom cloud happening (small scale) is a bet on long-dated treasuries (collapsing yields) the big defence contractors are a good bet if betting on “sustained” Cold War style Great Game power play in info-pacific region, without that Cold War turning into a hot war. That said the headwind that they have is managing fixed-price contract that they signed pre-inflation days. An actual large scale hot war, would mean a sustained bull market on artillery shells, munitions etc , I think short-cycle defense and metal-badgers. Ala Rheinmetal in Germany, SAAB etc not sure about long-cycle defense contractors. I think capital will re-allocate from their budget toward munition makers.
  9. Not much of a prediction when the guy is telling you about NovoRussiya. Not much of a prediction when the ultranationalists running Tel Aviv what are their deepest desire are vis a vis settlement expansion. Oops … did I mention Israel ? We cannot be talking about Israel. everything they do is 100% correct and we must be kissing their ass all the time. If we do not that means we like Hitler. I said my piece on this pages ago. If Putin wasn’t there that desire to restore the empire would have come differently. That phase is always there and need to work itself through. Even Portugal went through that post-empire “who am I” phase.
  10. No matter who “wins” Bakhmut, it will be a Pyrrhic victory. And Pyrrhic victories are what they are. A tax on the whole system. Everyone looses except for merchants of death.
  11. Hi not at all. The book war written in late 80s and 90s. The insight that it gives is about total sway that Nomura Securities had over the financial markets in Japan pre-bubble era. It covers collusions with government, other market participants in the growth period of Japanese economy.
  12. “Sam Zell was a self-made, visionary entrepreneur. He launched and grew hundreds of companies during his 60-plus-year career and created countless jobs. Although his investments spanned industries across the globe, he was most widely recognized for his critical role in creating the modern real estate investment trust, which today is a more than $4 trillion industry,” Equity Group Investments said in a written statement on Thursday. Zell died at home, the company said. Zell is survived by his wife, Helen; his sister Julie Baskes and her husband, Roger Baskes; his sister Leah Zell; his three children, Kellie Zell and son-in-law Scott Peppet, Matthew Zell, and JoAnn Zell; and his nine grandchildren.
  13. Sam Zell, billionaire real estate investor, dies PUBLISHED THU, MAY 18 202311:21 AM EDTUPDATED AN HOUR AGO Sam Zell, chairman of Equity Group Investments. Adam Jeffery | CNBC Sam Zell, a Chicago real estate magnate who earned a multibillion-dollar fortune and a reputation as “the grave dancer” for his ability to revive moribund properties has died due to complications from a recent illness. He was 81. Bearded and blunt-spoken, Zell reveled in bucking traditional wisdom. He had a golden touch with real estate, and got his start managing apartment buildings as a college student. By the time he reached his 70s, he had amassed a fortune estimated at $3.8 billion.
  14. https://twitter.com/4Mischief/status/1658640031395770368?t=uisCvxeBQOzzjzW7gp7jng&s=08
  15. I am about done with contaminating Uncle Warren’ side of forum. Can we close this now-toxic thread ?
  16. nice clip. I have seen it before I think. That said, if the same type of clip is made of the immense contribution that Arabs have made to the world of science, math etc, and how a lot of that made its way into Europe as Islam expanded, a Westerner would have puked and called it outrageous. disclaimer: I am not Arab. In fact my ethnicity was a victim of the Arabs. That said we were predatory and made others our victims before becoming victim. Such is life.
  17. If this is correct, I think there is no way the Patriots could have scored a hit against the flying Daggers, without direct U.S. involvement tactically, strategizing how to goad the daggers and doing a check-mate, and tag-and-bag. This war has generated a wealth of data, unfortunately a lot of it, and the level of U.S. direct involvement will be classified for years on. We just would not know.
  18. Modern day Sergei Shoigu is as incompetent as Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel and Marshal Voroshilov meaning that they are not there for their expertise but for their loyalty.
  19. I would not hold a reigning monarch to the same level of accountability as that of an absolute monarch. (Ex king Leopold of Belgium, whose charity work in Congo is well documented) She may be guilty of being clueless about certain things at a certain age (who isn’t) but she gave her life to the institution and generally speaking is not a bad person. That said, I don’t accept such responses as it was good for Africa. And that African and other subjects should be gratified. But to each his own
  20. @Spekulatius what got me animated this week is the report about Patriot intercepting an hypersonic flying Dagger. couple of days later today, more information came about. That the Dagger was being aimed at the battery location. The could/May explain it. When missiles are going head to head, there is a higher chance of interception. Otherwise how can a Patriot catch an hypersonic missile. looking forward to Aviation Week report on this.
  21. I never seen this dude so animated and excited. He is cool.
  22. The Ukraine war thread is the de facto political thread for anything toxic
  23. Nuclear deterrence held the Reds at bay in Europe. Not NATO. However people are free to think whatever they like. Re-run the post 1945 scenario without NATO, while keeping everything else constant, you will see that there was very limited wars post-1945 in Europe in the atomic age. Because at some point there would have a red line where US/UK/France strategic interests would have been breached (with or without NATO), and they would have responded. Case in point: Ukraine. Is it part of NATO. No. Is West doing everything it can to help it, even though not bounded by Article 5 Yeah. No need to respond with technicalities of proxy/indirect vs. direct help. That said I think the world is in a better place with NATO than without. At least for the optics. NATO is not the only military alliance in the world. There is nothing magical about Article 5, other than being a call option, to formalize a military response. Treaties are what they are. A piece of paper to formalize your resolve. If your resolve is there you don’t need that piece of paper. But you can have it there as well. For all of you fine folks taking the other side, ask yourself this =>. How many wars would Europe have had since 1945 if NATO was there but neither side had nuclear weapons. Run that scenario. Now I dare you to tell me, that is NATO and not nuclear deterrence that has been the cause of peace (I.e void of full scale wars) ————- How many wars Pakistan/India had fought since the nuclear testing in the late 90s. Zero. Did the multi-decade Pakistan/China treaty of alliance “deeper than ocean” prevented wars between India and Pakistan prior to Pakistan’ atomic tests in the late 90s. The answer is no.
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