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Everything posted by JGBRK

  1. Good job, thanks Sanjeev.
  2. Good question. I'd like her to be nurtured around nice people, but they need to have common sense. There’s two kind of private schools. The catholic ones. And the none catholic ones. The none catholic ones can be a lot more liberal than the public ones. The catholic ones have their problems too, like half of the kids don’t have immunizations. I don't know the school(s) you are referring too, but the private Catholic and Lutheran schools that I have referenced require proof of immunizations. Do you have first hand knowledge? Implying that all Catholic School children do not have their immunizations seems like a broad statement when I know it's not true at our schools.
  3. The approximate 10K is for both a private Catholic HS and a private Lutheran HS in the city.
  4. We live in Illinois home to notoriously high real estate taxes where the majority is designated to public education. We send our child to a private school located 20 miles from our home. In our school district the public school is in session 2 days a week and remote learn 3 days. In the school district where the private school is located the public school is remote learning full time, 5 days a week. The private school is full time, in session learning, 5 days a week; no remote learning. You cannot put a price on in session learning in my opinion. The private school costs approximately 10k a year and worth every dime. The teachers and students all are vested in success at the private school and I'm not certain that is the case with the public schools and the teachers union that seems to control the school district. Do your homework concerning the school district and the private school; in most instances the private school is superior and worth the tuition. Good luck. P.S. Don't move to Illinois unless you want to really see what the redistribution of wealth feels like.
  5. Shareholders cannot attend meeting, no credentials. https://berkshirehathaway.com/sharehold.html
  6. http://nypost.com/2015/10/22/maxim-editor-ousted-after-failed-luxury-magazine-relaunch/
  7. Sanjeev, The topic and response does not display appropriately on my mobile device. Basically, only one word or partial word displays per line. Thanks
  8. Central Illinois. Thanks.
  9. I do not know if anyone can help on this topic. But here it goes. I have a piece of land that sits above an aquifer. The previous owner gave a 100 x 100 piece to a village to provide them water about 40 years ago. They now need another parcel the same size to drill 2 more wells. the village has about 600 people but they have been approached by another village to provide them water too as their well is drying up. The second village has about 500 people. I'm leaning toward leasing the land. Any thoughts on calculating a price? Thanks in advance.
  10. You forgot another vital participant....the unions.
  11. Have I missed the most recent report. I believe that the last one I have is for period ending on July 7, 2010. If I haven't missed a report, it sure seems like a long time not to be reporting something. Thanks.
  12. Would the ticker for US currency be FRFHF.PK? Ameritrade would be the broker I'll be using. Thanks
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