I spent a few years doing something like this, but with valueline (small/mid/and large). Flipping through the pages looking at the statistics and estimating what I thought the company was worth, then comparing to the market price. If there was a big difference, then I would dig in and see if I had missed something important.
The universe I was following was a few thousand companies, with very few outside the USA. It took a lot of time. But it was useful for a few reasons:
Looking at lots of companies in each industry helped me get an idea of what margins/cyclicality/capital requirements should be
There are very few special companies that can generate high ROIC through the cycle while growing the business
It raised my cost of capital by identifying plenty of good, but not great, stocks
The print copies allow you to quickly flip past pages that are obviously bad at a glance. Not even software is that fast
I replaced most of my time reading news and social media with this, and I found myself better informed about the economy
VL was a useful first cut to remove bad businesses from my search. Surprising to many is that tons of small cap companies have never earned any money.
I hope it's a useful experience for you. Best of luck.