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  1. Some OXY, VKTX and hopefully be put some VKTX.
  2. Grandpa Warren just bought more Occidental. 760k shares @ 46.82 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/315090/000095017025018266/xslF345X05/ownership.xml
  3. The good news as I check, Berkshire has limited exposure it seems. With perhaps Three, and GEICO affected, not sure about policy exposures given not everyone will have comprehensive car insurance.
  4. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/5079152-california-wildfires-insurance/ So does this mean that the ones the insurer has cancel recently are now stuck with the policy and have to payout?
  5. With the fire in LA, what can we expect the hit to the insurance business? Aside from GEICO, is the exposure pretty limited? Berkshire has exited the home insurance market in California, so we should be fine there. There is probably a hit with small business insurance as well. But how about reinsurance? Has anyone looked into this?
  6. Bought some JOE, IH, and SOC.
  7. East West Bank has said that China and US tension is good for business. Might be worth a look
  8. Don’t know about the laws, but better off as a foreigner is right (lower taxes and access/priority to better schools/etc)
  9. My understanding is that the latest at 99 was not from Barrons. SOC could be up Munger’s wheelhouse, he understand oil and law/regulations.
  10. more Versign being bought by Berkshire. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1067983/000095017024140587/0000950170-24-140587-index.htm
  11. IH, OXY, JOE.
  12. Added some OXY and JOE.
  13. This account belongs to Duan
  14. Mr. Duan also says he doesn’t quite understand PDD and doesn’t really recommend it. It’s just a tracking position. It is likely he got put into these positions, as he previously stated he wanted to sell more puts prior to the stimulus spike in Tencent and PDD. He actually shares quite a bit on snowball and Weibo, for those that read Chinese.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving and am grateful for you creating this forum! Happy holidays everyone!
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