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  1. Does the shift from preferred shares to debt result in greater per-share income numbers?
  2. LeBron just recorded another triple-double, his third straight, becoming the oldest player (he's now 39) to record three straight triple doubles. Keeps setting more records as he gets older --- which is what Viking has been telling us about Fairfax for quite some time now.
  3. The rear-view mirror reminds me of Nassim Taleb's analogy. A turkey's life is wonderful, free food, no work, fatter every day. The future is rosy, based on yesterday to predict tomorrow. Nothing goes wrong. Until Thanksgiving morning.
  4. Isn't the problem really that we are growing lettuce in the desert?
  5. Best wishes in 2022, and thanks to all on this board who made 2021 more bearable, through their wisdom and wit.
  6. My guess: they bought more shares (just kidding!!!)
  7. If you buy fire insurance and then at the end of the year, it turns out that your house did not burn down, that doesn't mean it was a mistake to buy fire insurance.
  8. Best wishes for 2016 and thanks. To a tremendous discussion board - starting with Sanjeev for leading, hosting and (occasionally) refereeing, to all those who take the time to make thoughtful posts regularly, to those who make only occasional posts. To the generosity of members sharing their personal insights and views on financial matters, and even more for the overall breadth of knowledge shared about life in general. Thanks to all for a great 2015 and hope to see many of you at the FFH annual dinner and meeting in April.
  9. Christmas cards.
  10. Sanjeev - thanks again for the pre-meeting dinner and the post-meeting MPIC mini-meeting. Sounds like you are making great progress, and in the Fairfax way. Norm - thanks for the Wednesday afternoon event on the 19th floor; was great to hear Francis, Sam M. and Guy Spier share some thoughts.
  11. I got a chuckle out of that. I guess there will be no Sanjeev Holdings. :) Congrats! How about, more simply, Biglunch Holdings. Congrats Sanjeev.
  12. Got your purchase Gio. Really, you are bringing her! Wonderful! Cheers! That takes a lot of guts. You must feel very confident. There's nothing women like more than a roomful of value investors. A value guy is like the Marlboro Man of the investing world. A man's man. Just about anyone there could probably be cast in one of those Viagra commercials where they show a burly, greying guy and the voice over talks about this being the age of knowing how to get things done and make things happen. Gio is very smart - and this is a well-known strategy. The best way to look good is to present even more-boring men as the comparison group.
  13. Most Tim's will now give you a raised lid (the type they use for their fancier drinks) if you ask for one with your regular drip coffee. I guess the regular flat lids save them money.
  14. Do you build fences too Al? I am looking for someone who doesn't charge too much.
  15. I stayed in the same hotel as Liberty, in a more normal-sized room, and it was only $115 plus tax.. The Strathcona, essentially just across York St. from the west end of the Royal York. Nice lobby, professional staff, clean room, good linen and bed, only real complaint was a too-small sink in the bathroom. Would have no problem staying there again, esp. w.r.t. convenient location as Mike suggests.
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