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Everything posted by Smazz

  1. Probably bad news for state and muni debt of US border states that rely in part on collection of sales tax. Yes, when i heard that I was wondering with whom the benefit lay but then i realized perhaps it is the fact that less than $1000 duty wasnt easily enforced and time consuming from a benefits std pt. May have to do with border resources allocation - streamline the coming from Canadas pay more attention to the Mexican border? Thats my guess.
  2. And you guys (Yanks) are getting increased duty free allotment when coming back from Canada of $1000! Great for you but for us we still at the measly $50 and thats AFTER 24hrs. :(
  3. Holy Crap! I just did those changes and yes, i am getting so much more room now my other favorites are fitting in. Especially with the fact of most if not all have ICONS so I really dont need much if any text. Dang I feel guilty pleasure about having so many up there now..lol... To quote my 8 yr old Nephew, "SICK" thanks UCP :)
  4. Thankyou Uncommon, man, this forum used to be the best for Investing - now its turning into the best for everything! ;D I will give those ideas a go! ;)
  5. ok Chrome Gurus, I have a few more Questions I hope you can help me with: 1. The Bookmarks bar (under the web address) I really love that however I used to have the bookmarks all along there with the last bookmark on the right just before the ">>" was the link to my local newspaper. Somehow in my fabulous genius i replaced that link with the folder "other bookmarks" but in this last bookmark i previously had was before (to the left of) the ">>" I cant for the life of me figure out how to get this back the way it was. The first Favorite on that bookmark page is a favorite folder then I have 7 links then the ">>" then to the right of that I have a "other bookmarks" folder. Im guessing there is a max of how many bookmarks you can have on this bar running under the web address before the ">>" (favorites list)? I hope my question is somewhat clear and if anyone can help me to add another fav or just get rid of the "other bookmarks" to the right of the ">>"? Ok, the 2nd (what you thought i was finished? :P) question is - what are you guys running, if anything, for a Virus protection. I am not running anything - with IE I was running AVG but it really seemed to slow my comp even more. Any info is appreciated.. thanks
  6. Puttin me on ignore is illegal in many states and provinces..............
  7. What would Daniele Chiese say??????
  8. HP to have a second wave of sales for the Touchpad http://www.pcworld.com/article/238571/hp_touchpad_fire_sale_deals_more_expected_this_week.html
  9. .......and if there is a god, he will be taping the goings on in that cell for a reality show :P
  10. she actually was wearing one! :o dont ask me how i know ;)
  11. +1 I'd vote Angelina Jolie to play Chiesi in Hollywood's version of the Rajaratnam tale though. For obvious reasons. I dont know, the real deal she is kind of sexy in a crazy sort of way... she kind of reminds me of Ellen Barkin (first pic, then Chiese) http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFeYpNtl4b9LyP-3BYXIMMOkS91e3VZBUXqYVvwS37zj039ffW http://i54.tinypic.com/a3jq75.jpg
  12. ok, if they ever make a movie - she will definately have to play herself. I've never witnessed anyone so happy to be going to jail, even if it is the "Martha Stewart Jail" http://www.bloomberg.com/video/72775410/
  13. Its ok.... .... I was taking a nap and didnt even notice ;D
  14. Its not the first time we've seen Zigs when by rights there should have been a Zag, The oil and its traders have never really given me a warm and fuzzy so Im going to get my popcorn and watch this one go.....
  15. I agree with you, I think they must be seeing that they can do some real damage with realizing some big gains - moving in on equities they have on their watch list - some surely must look attractive to them today and last week.
  16. I may be going in here but my gut tells me this knife is still on the down swing
  17. Lib, do you know of any extensions that work with Outlook Express? i.e. I can click on something and it will prepare to email a link but opening outlook express instead of Gmail or Yahoo? I see the GMail ones but not one for OE. Thanks Try the extension called "email this page" It will add an email button to your tool bar and when you click it it will use your default email tool, which will be outlook express if that is what your default email tool in windows is. I just tried it and it starts a message in thunderbird which is my default email tool. --Eric Eric, I tried it and it works P E R F E C T !!!!!!!!!! Thanks! though it did take me a while to figure out just where on the screen/toolbar the app went - lol....
  18. A friend of mine asked me a while back if I thought gold was over valued - I said yes... .... and it went up about 400/ounce since then ;D
  19. Lib, do you know of any extensions that work with Outlook Express? i.e. I can click on something and it will prepare to email a link but opening outlook express instead of Gmail or Yahoo? I see the GMail ones but not one for OE. Thanks Try the extension called "email this page" It will add an email button to your tool bar and when you click it it will use your default email tool, which will be outlook express if that is what your default email tool in windows is. I just tried it and it starts a message in thunderbird which is my default email tool. --Eric Thanks, i will give that a look!
  20. Lib, do you know of any extensions that work with Outlook Express? i.e. I can click on something and it will prepare to email a link but opening outlook express instead of Gmail or Yahoo? I see the GMail ones but not one for OE. Thanks
  21. On the right you should see a little wrench icon, click on that. If you're in a Mac, that works too, and you can also click on "Chrome" in the topscreen status bar. See it now, thanks.
  22. Liberty, which "Preferences" are you talking of? If its on the Chrome Browser I dont see it. DGC, I checked out the Extensions site and there sure are alot of them - pretty cool stuff and though i found alot of extensions that do things with Gmail and Yahoo I havent come across one that will send a link when the default email is just :-[ Outlook Express :-[ And to anyone who would like to answer this: Whenever i now go into the IE browser, the pop up tells me there are no "add ons" or something like that. What does this mean?
  23. Dang, looks like i missed one helluva thread! :o
  24. That is fantastic. Isn't it? Hard to go back. It will be now that Smazz mentioned using a folder under the address bar as my favourites instead of the drop down that Firefox has in the address bar, I may not go back. We'll see how Firefox 6 goes tomorrow. Not sure if its the same thing but i drag and drop "favorites" on the top menu bar just under the web address window. I think you go into the wrench at the right hand corner and go to options i think.
  25. Well, i guess since i still have my IE on here (not my default) I should update it to 9? Why were all the ads just sayiing "update to IE8 and not IE9" Another question, If i update the IE still on my comp, how do i make it not be my default since it will be the latest browser updated if i do? In case it doesnt ask me Are you running Win7? I noticed on my WinXP PC that I can't update to IE9. It may be OS related. If you launch a browser that isn't set as your default, it should ask to be set as the default when you launch it. Chrome 13 or Firefox 4 will probably perform better than IE8, but I don't think they're clearly better than IE9 at the moment. I have XP - i think the IE version is 7 so maybe it has to be updated to 8 first then 9? Oh well, Im using Chrome mostly now just using IE for the trading/banking etc.
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