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Everything posted by Dalal.Holdings

  1. And here is the concept being missed here folks: If there is exponential growth (20% a day), there have been more cases added recently than in the distant past. That means of the current # of confirmed cases, MOST are recent infections. If there is a 2-3 week delay to mortality, it means that we will not know true mortality until we see how those recent onset cases evolve over a few weeks. Hence mortality will appear low because it is still early in the disease course for those individuals who just caught it!
  2. Go look at Taleb's twitter account right now. Lol.
  3. If you are as confident as you are that you are correct, the financial markets are providing you plentiful opportunities to profit handsomely. Why are you wasting your time arguing on this website? In my opinion, when faced with a highly uncertain, tail risk type situation like this, precaution is the best measure one should take. This is largely based on my readings of Taleb. My thoughts about the virus spread, etc are based on my education. I hope I am wrong so that people do not get hurt (I mean medically more-so than financially). Now obviously there is a lot of disagreement on this and confidence that it will blow over, but I invoke the precautionary principle here.
  4. See above. There is a median two week delay from symptom onset to mortality. And there is about another week from when you catch the virus to when you experience symptoms. Hence about 3 weeks total. The infections are relatively new in the United States. You are starting to see mortality pop up in WA and you will likely see it pop up elsewhere. If you think it has been here for months, you are kidding yourself.
  5. You have no idea what you are talking about. You need to follow a prospective cohort to see how deaths evolve, it cannot be looked at retrospectively. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31994742 Translation: the deaths are yet to come.
  6. This is actually something I think is very real. People who dont know it, are living and dealing with this. Start spreading panic though, and people with fucking allergies are bombarding hospitals and hotlines because they have a sneeze. With respect to John's posted report, I am fully aware of that, thanks, but thats information everyone has and its been out there awhile which makes it worthless. My only approach to this thing outside of taking the precautions to keep myself and my family safe, is to find the most efficient ways to make money through the markets. All the Buffett disciples here and I cant help at marvel at the incredible amount of emotion and fear fueling everything. The master would be proud. Be scared and panic when everyone is scared and panicking I believe is his storied quote! Maybe we should start reciting all those old "sayings" value investors seem to regurgitate during normal times...Nah, fuck it, everything going to zero! Only thing about Buffett we do know, is the geezer was just buying airline stocks... The other element here is the "I guarantee we ll have more cases" crowd. No shit, lol! I can do that too! I bet you tomorrow we will have more cases. And the day after a higher amount. And then when it happens I ll declare, OMG I was right! But if the broader markets wants to play this game where we take 2-3% of the S&P every time we have a few hundred(or even thousand) more cases...I'll take the other side, all day. Eventually we'll either go to 0 on the index and then people will pick their heads up and realize we still have people and companies left and then...whooops, or at some point this nonsense is priced in and the market will stop declining at such a spectacular rate. I've said numerous times how Ive probably never seen a more fertile ground for stock specific long/short strategies than right now. Its incredible. But at some point you have to look at totally unaffected names down 25% and at least question it. Or even, maybe down the line, look at cruise ship operations and realize, damn, these are some pretty fucking moaty businesses and the most likely scenario longer term is, just like with airlines after 9/11 the narrative gets so far skewed when in reality, because of it, you'll likely find few places in the world safer than a cruise ship the same way the safest place to be in 2002 was in an airport or on a plane...thats contrarian thinking though. But its worth considering longer term. I have no position in any cruise ship and dont intend to take one any time soon, but its food for thought. Wuhan did all they could to spread the damn thing and then afterwards locked it all down and voila, like maybe less than 1% of the entire population had this and a few thousand died. And this also factors in Wuhan being very significantly different than US in terms of their social layouts. Oh, and now theyre basically done with it and getting back to life. Despite their inferior healthcare system and many parts of the country being third world like. But instead people conveniently want to play both sides. Numbers are low because "we cant trust them", but then "oh look how China handled it so much better". I dont care about either. Only thing I care about is when and how soon their activity gets back to normal. It appears thats happening. If more data comes in, and dots can further be connected, I think it will solidify this conviction. Some people want to vent politics, fine. Good use of your time screaming "theyre not testing" and then when they do test, scream "see look at all the cases!". A rational thinker knows theres way more cases being reported and S&P companies didn't just lose a few trillions in IV because we started testing a confirmed it. There is a good likelihood this has been around much longer than we realize, its worked its way through populations, and its not nearly as severe as its portrayed. The data, has so far indicated that the consumer has not been effected. China is ramping back up. Its a virus. Warm weather helps. Its 60 degrees in early March in NJ right now.... Get a grip people. Or keep being emotional and panic. Stocks are going to be worthless any day....Go ahead. Read his post again. There is no politics. Let me highlight it for you: In his medical opinion, these patients have severe symptoms of something more than a cold, resembles a flu, but they are Flu negative. This is not an allergy or hypochondriasis.
  7. No kidding. CDC/gov't does not have enough testing capacity due to botching test kit production (despite U.S. being among the last places to start getting these cases). As a result, they have ridiculous criteria to approve testing for COVID (at my hospital ED: DOH tells us there must be travel history to the worst afflicted countries in order to approve testing even though there is verified community spread in our area), patients are hence untested, undiagnosed and in some cases sent back out in the good ole US of A, advanced economy and greatest healthcare system in the world. Remember, it takes a few weeks for patients with onset of infection to exhibit severe symptoms (pneumonia causing shortness of breath, hypoxia) requiring mechanical ventilation/etc so we will find out soon enough how botched this whole thing has been and it will be too late at that point to stop the spread. NY State recently got approved to do their own testing, but ramping up is proving a challenge: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-07/new-york-coronavirus-test-delays-meant-days-without-diagnosis?srnd=premium Question is: how did the federal gov't not prepare for this despite watching China/Korea/etc from afar? Some people on here are saying U.S. does not have authority to take on strict measures that China took on, but how about Taiwan? Even S Korea seems to be handling this better. Those are two democracies that seem to be taking this much, much more seriously. Edit: it is unlikely virus has been here for months because deaths start happening about 3 weeks after infection. When you see a spike in mortality an mechanical ventilation, it has been ~3-5 weeks since infection. Only WA state has seen this so far, but given cases in other places it is only matter of time as symptoms increase in severity with time. Remember that Chinese whistleblower doctor who died? He died on Feb 7, but guess when he was hospitalized for the disease: January 12th. That is almost 4 weeks from hospitalization to mortality. He developed fever/cough on Jan 10th. He developed shortness of breath/hypoxia much later on Feb 6th. Mortality does not happen quickly with this thing and that's what's scary because it means we are being lulled into a false sense of security when in fact things will get worse.
  8. Dalal.Holdings, At least for my personal part, you're excused. In fact, I really want to read here on CoBF, what's on your mind. At least to me, something went wrong between you and me, earlier in this topic. I think I gave one [or perhaps a few] of my posts a political reaction & angle, on which you reacted [without reaction from me, but sure as heck from other CoBF members.] In short, for my personal part, please keep your posts coming, also from exactly now. I really want to read what you're thinking. Glad to hear it and thank you. For answers to my riddle, the doubling time for this is 3-4 days which means that 7 days is not the doubling time but the quadrupling time.
  9. https://i.insider.com/5e62a449fee23d58c83a9e62?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp Allow me to break my vow of silence with another "useless" chart. I know these charts are "useless" and "noise", so please excuse me. A riddle for you supposedly intelligent individuals on here who claim to understand compounding: each dot on this chart represents a day, the last one 3/7 which is not over yet: What is the doubling rate of cases ex China on this "useless" chart? According to this hospital slide, they are estimating 7-10 days doubling time. Does the doubling time look a lot smaller than 7 days to you on this chart? What do you think will happen when the reality is worse than the worst case hospitals are prepping for? And remember, a lot of cases are missed (not on this chart) because places like the U.S. don't have enough test kits...
  10. There are a number of people in this thread who are emotionally invested in this issue. Personally, in the past, when I have become emotionally invested in certain discussions, I have found it valuable to withdraw from discussions on the internet for 7 or 10 days as a cooling off exercise. A little distance does a lot of good. SJ Nah, it's my education & training as engineer + physician that has me concerned. But not a bad idea about stepping away for a while like I did in the TSLA thread. After all, if I am right, I can come back and LMAO again. So yes, peace out and see you in 30 days. So, yea... what exactly will you "LMAO" again in regards too? Total US cases eclipsing China? Total deaths eclipsing China? Another 10-15% market drop? Biden leading in the polls? Thats the thing, you're really just pandering to the apocalypse crowd without really saying anything useful. Then whining covertly about how much you dislike Trump and think he s incompetent. OK, cool. Everyone can go find charts. Everyone can find news clips saying its a big deal, and its no big deal. Especially so on Twitter. Everyone can imagine the contagion effect. You arent really saying anything useful or of relevance really to anything. You went to cash? Why? If it s such a no brainer this will blow up, there are 100% surefire shorts out there. Or pair trades. Or is asking you to commit to something verifiable too much to ask? Other than of course, corona cases in the US will rise... Lol. Yes my posts are just charts and I do not say anything useful. Growth in cases is all the same. Exponential, multiplicative growth is not a useful concept to understand. This admin/CDC has handled this marvelously and there is no point anyway to taking precautionary steps. We will surely have a vaccine thru all clinical trials and safe and effective and mass produced (just like our testing kits) very soon. The U.S. has a fabulous healthcare system with great bang for your buck that needs no reformation. See? A whole lot of nothing unlike your posts with valuable insights. My puts in RCL and NCLH from a week ago are doing ok, and I plan on holding for 30d so you can track that to see if I am full of it. Not that you have any reason to believe me because I did not disclose it at the time. Oh well. See you in 30d. Edit: I don’t like shorting companies because they have real employees, but the puts are a bet on what happens w this outbreak. Unlike TSLAQ, I will not engage in trashing those companies. It has nothing to do with their individual businesses (other than what I saw on their balance sheet/cash flows stmnt), but their industry as a whole. Would feel bad to see the co’s fail, but it’s a real possibility. Hope I am wrong about the virus and all of this, but it is looking less and less likely...
  11. There are a number of people in this thread who are emotionally invested in this issue. Personally, in the past, when I have become emotionally invested in certain discussions, I have found it valuable to withdraw from discussions on the internet for 7 or 10 days as a cooling off exercise. A little distance does a lot of good. SJ Nah, it's my education & training as engineer + physician that has me concerned. But not a bad idea about stepping away for a while like I did in the TSLA thread. After all, if I am right, I can come back and LMAO again. So yes, peace out and see you in 30 days.
  12. This one is from my computer, not my cell. Sorry to disappoint.
  13. Why fret? We’ve made America great again! U.S. cases up to 230, more than 100% in 3 days. Almost like there is a lack of testing leading to falsely low counts...still under testing and more delays in test kit rollouts...
  14. The thing about once in a hundred year epidemics is they occur on avg once in a hundred years... During such epidemics, it's easy to default to "this is like H1N1/SARS why is everyone freaking out". Look back on H1N1/SARS and you will understand why this one is different. It must have been very hard in late 2007 and early 2008 to not dismiss rumors of housing market problems as overblown, and maybe buy Bear or Lehman because they've sold off so heavily and look cheap. Black swans are easy to dismiss in the early innings. Problem is, this virus is spreading globally much more rapidly and reality will soon catch up to those who think it's no big deal. Est mortality is 3.4% so will not be possible to ignore.
  15. I'd think that Iran is doing fairly well in the UV department. But that hasn't helped. I don't necessarily disagree with a lo of what you wrote. But I think it's a little more complicated. Yeah. Viruses like influenza and probably corona are seasonal because they don't transmit well via respiratory droplets in heat and humidity and seem to travel well in cold, dry air. Ridiculous to compare something with much higher mortality to the Flu. Ridiculous to throw your hands up and say nothing can be done, but easy if you do not understand epidemiology/compounding I guess. I found the comment about old folks shocking, but that's just me. But there are people in the medical profession who speak in such manner, so not too surprising.
  16. Lol. Let’s revisit in 3 months—that’s June 5th. For the record, I hope you will be correct and able to say “I told you so”. Ok?
  17. I sold significant portions over weeks. See earlier post. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-05/u-s-won-t-meet-coronavirus-test-rollout-goal-senators-say
  18. “Have not seen any corona virus yet” “Reminds me of Y2K” I will be fine. It’s just old ppl who will die, why worry? Incredible.
  19. I work in healthcare. The only advances that we have come up with in that time that are effective against this are 1) hand washing, 2) contact isolation, 3) mechanical ventilation (but by this point it is already way too late). Also, we severely lack # of ICU beds and resources which will become apparent soon. It is already apparent we lack resources if you look at how testing for this has rolled out. Lack of testing (thus giving visibility) and means of spread prevention are two different things in my opinion. They work together on some level for sure. But for something as infectious as this, if you miss a single person who is infected anywhere it is already too late. In fact the incubation period alone (14 days) is enough to come to the conclusion that stopping spread is pretty much impossible. Even if the US and other countries started preparing for COVID-19 the minute the heard about it, the time frame for vaccine development would still likely be 1 year. If test kits were developed in masses on the first day it still would be too late because individuals are walking around for potentially 14 days with no symptoms. Eventually would most likely show "mild" symptoms that they probably wouldn't seek testing for to begin with. This is wrong though. Basic epidemiology and how R nought works. Each person you contain prevents about 2-3 other infections. You can only contain what you can see. If you're not showing symptoms, you're not getting tested. It's compounding regardless and as you said above there are no hospitals with enough beds. I guess the question is, would testing with quarantine of individuals who test positive slow the compound rate enough to reduce the impact on hospitals? Probably not. And I'm not saying they shouldn't test. I'm just saying everyone's focus on it seems bit overcooked. For example: my wife works in the most advanced level 4 NICU east of the Mississippi. They have a whopping total of 62 beds... Are you trained in epidemiology? This stuff is not rocket science and it is certainly not new. Your argument is like saying “so what if i lose 99% of my portfolio, the remaining 1% will continue to compound and I will be rich someday”.
  20. I work in healthcare. The only advances that we have come up with in that time that are effective against this are 1) hand washing, 2) contact isolation, 3) mechanical ventilation (but by this point it is already way too late). Also, we severely lack # of ICU beds and resources which will become apparent soon. It is already apparent we lack resources if you look at how testing for this has rolled out. Lack of testing (thus giving visibility) and means of spread prevention are two different things in my opinion. They work together on some level for sure. But for something as infectious as this, if you miss a single person who is infected anywhere it is already too late. In fact the incubation period alone (14 days) is enough to come to the conclusion that stopping spread is pretty much impossible. Even if the US and other countries started preparing for COVID-19 the minute the heard about it, the time frame for vaccine development would still likely be 1 year. If test kits were developed in masses on the first day it still would be too late because individuals are walking around for potentially 14 days with no symptoms. Eventually would most likely show "mild" symptoms that they probably wouldn't seek testing for to begin with. This is wrong though. Basic epidemiology and how R nought works. Each person you contain prevents about 2-3 other infections.
  21. Last year was a good year. S&P up 30%. Bull mkt 11 years on. Absolutely no reason to be greedy at this pt...I’ve gone to significant chunks of cash as of late and took some profits on multibagger TSLA as well. Only the paranoid survive.
  22. People in the old days (pre smallpox eradication, pre measles vaccine), etc had a much greater tolerance for death even among kids/family members because it was far more common before vaccines/basic medical interventions came about. The world was very different than it is now and this was right after many had also perished in WWI. When the 1918 flu came around, the freakout and resulting economic impact was much smaller than it will be now... We are glued to screens monitoring information and very sensitive about deaths with people we know bc we have faced far less hardship than those generations 100y ago (look at infant/child mortality in 1900 UK). Economic growth already in very low single digits. Basic setup for panic and strong economic fallout.
  23. I work in healthcare. The only advances that we have come up with in that time that are effective against this are 1) hand washing, 2) contact isolation, 3) mechanical ventilation (but by this point it is already way too late). Also, we severely lack # of ICU beds and resources which will become apparent soon. It is already apparent we lack resources if you look at how testing for this has rolled out.
  24. To compare this to Spanish flu 100 y ago where world was vastly less interconnected and it took weeks to travel to diff continent is laughable. If you try to model a black swan’s effects by studying the past, you will likely get hurt. But that’s human nature I guess: trying to predict the future by looking at the past. What’s that investing adage about studying past performance ?
  25. Princess Cruise Ship held off the coast of CA... NY area guy who caught it spread it to multiple families, attended religious services/events while likely infected (but "untested"): https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/new-york-coronavirus-westchester/2020/03/04/a9e0c5e0-5e48-11ea-b014-4fafa866bb81_story.html It begins, America. Washington state may seem like the "epicenter" now, but due to compounding, severe under testing due to bungling by Federal Gov't, and several week delay for onset of symptoms, this has likely spread throughout the major population areas...and continues to spread as more and more undetected infections are generated on a daily basis. Do u think Pence/Trump understand this? What about the career Republicans who are in charge of what should be scientifically based agencies? What we are witnessing is what happens when we elect scientifically illiterate people into power who strip out the budgets for these things. It is fine most of the time, but when shit hits the fan, you know the value of preventative measures that could have been. Guess we can all wait for the pvt sector "invisible hand" to save us. Black swans are easy to underestimate early on. China was mocked for dismissing early cases, but once they understood the seriousness, literally locked down tens of millions of people... Guess few understand the precautionary principle with systemic, multiplicative, and nonlinear processes such as this one. As was once said "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" -BF.
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