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Everything posted by Orchard

  1. hahah 3.6% is the average of his holdings. He reports his returns the same way as financial newsletters. Love it! Maybe he should include the return of the average S&P stock then. Apples, oranges, who cares?
  2. Sure. A lot more opportunity if your product or service is good enough to charge a price higher than the competition.
  3. If an investment manager has a strategy for "winning" in roulette....RUN!
  4. Anyone know how much Vegas' casinos charge to issue a lifetime ban? ;D
  5. I'm not surprised at all by the quackery. Next time you pick a fund manager you know what question to ask!
  6. In many domains you have people signaling their intelligence by walking around and talking about their gambling exploits. The question i would pose them is: If you're so good at gambling how come you don't do it full time? The most likely answer is that if you gamble in a low-risk way with a strategy that gives you favorable odds you are making peanuts. The only way to make big bucks is to play with big stakes, but due to the swings inherent in gambling you will most likely run out of money.
  7. It's nice to see that you got to set your own terms for the bankruptcy while everyone else has to play according to the country's laws.
  8. Which companies are keeping guidance for 2020? I'll start with Davita.
  9. I just think that there's a risk that people will be hesitant to travel not because of money but because we don't know if there will be a 2nd wave or not.
  10. Baby thrown out with the bathwater? Are you booking one for June? Why does the price matter whether you're going on a cruise / trip / vacation right now or not?
  11. I think most upper income buildings with doormen have cracked down on air bnb subleasing. I'd be surprised to find much of this going on in any bigger building. From what i see, the air bnb subleasing tends to be in smaller buildings i.e. less than 10 units with no doormen.
  12. People talk their book all the time. I don't see the issue with it. Now if you made listening to it illegal it would go all away pretty quickly. ;D
  13. This is why any president should be barred from owning private businesses. Who will ever know that his initial ignoring of the virus wasn't because he had an incentive to keep travel going? Imagine he had reacted faster if he didn't own hotels?
  14. If you invest in an asset that unlevered returns less than 1% you have to make it up through leverage and eventually will believe that cash is trash.
  15. Once you get comfortable owning something at a price for the long-term.
  16. AT&T is not in the bill collecting business. They'll send you off to collections at the exact same time as always.
  17. The lenders also didn't want these companies to go bankrupt: PG&E General Motors Chrysler Six Flags Charter Lehman Brothers PHI Inc iHeartMedia Arch Coal Alpha Natural Resources Walter Energy Linn Energy Stelco Sears Circuit City Borders Visteon Corp Lyondell Basell
  18. It's not that long ago that I saw many financial companies even encouraging people to work from home. Some had instituted a "hot desk" concept where you didn't even have a dedicated desk anymore at the office. From what I've seen, and without exception, they completely changed course and brought people back in and made it much harder to work from home. This statement is of course as of December 2019...times have clearly changed again since.
  19. Did you even read what he wrote? Where does it say anything about spending money? Taxpayer money?
  20. I guess ZINC's management read this article and applied it. So the conclusion is there should be more companies like ZINC... Maybe these guys should read Kahneman and Tversky. There's a lot more at play than incentive strutures.
  21. The problem you're having is that your front door is not keeping the smell out. I would either figure out a way to "proof" the door so the smell doesn't come in anymore or at least not as much. You can also install an air purifier by the door. Or i would write a letter to the board - seeing that smoking pot in this building is apparently tolerated you should be installing front doors that don't let the smell in....
  22. Prices (fees to the agent) are capped so no one will give you great "service". Why would they? It's a volume game for the agent. Since his fee is capped his incentive is to get your house sold quickly. He doesn't care if it goes for X 1.1X or 1.2X. He cares to not spend to much time on your house. If you are looking for "advice" from an agent you're living on the wrong planet. Also why care? Markets are reasonably efficient. Don't accept the first offer. Understand that someone might commit to price X and then haggle you down. You don't have to accept any offer. So if you are patient and show patience you will eventually sell at the price you want.
  23. if you want to take a long-term levered position leaps are the better way to go.
  24. Unless you have a large stake in the dealership servicing it.
  25. Great article. "For each new car in the U.S. News rankings, our editors analyze credible reviews about the new car to assign a score that represents what professional critics say about it." https://cars.usnews.com/methodology
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