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  1. Does anyone know how to buy WE bonds in a PA? My first attempt got me shut out of schwab as they are private. Thanks in advance.
  2. Does anyone still own Bexil? I'm a newbie to corporate governance, so I'm trying to figure out if the board recommended votes are anything other than entrenched management further entrenching themselves. See: http://www.bexil.com/pdf/2018-Bexil-Annual-Report-and-Proxy-Statement.pdf At its core, this one is cash and an 11 mm holding in DNI, a closed end fund run by the same management team, which trades at a 20% discount to NAV. Thanks for any time anyone spends on this.
  3. Real Estate is all i know...otherwise my $ are in one value manager or another, with an index fund sprinkled here and there. Below are based on a side pocket of funds with 25% in cash. %ages are based on current mkt value of holdings. LAACZ 17% JCAP 14% HMG 12% TPRP 8% AHH 7% FRPH 6% NYRT 6% GYRO 4% RAFI 4% SELF 3% TWOC 3% IRT 1% Marker, doing more work ABCP 1% Sold and took profit now watching RYPTF <1% No volume, can't buy at my price PKTEF <1% Doing Work
  4. HMG Courtland - disclaimer that I've owned for a few years. Very high insider ownership. 11.5mm in cash. 2.0mm in securities (net). The put 2.5mm into an orlando apt development. Other assets at zero (though they are likely worth something and have spit off cash in the past which can offset the advisor fee drag) less a 500k dividend payment. 10mm market cap. Any suggestions on how to unlock value would be greatly appreciated. Could one conceivably bid for the company and it's cash plus investment ballance despite the extremely high insider ownership?
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