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  1. My house came with a control 4 system with in-ceiling speakers throughout the house. It was terrible. All the speakers are wired to one central location in our basement. I switched it out for a simpler set up with amazon echos and monoprice amps. In the basement: I plugged the speakers for each room in to an amplifier from monoprice (~$120 each). I then added an amazon echo dot ($20) to each amplifier. Each echo is named for its respective room. In the actual rooms we have echos. We just tell the echo to play music and it plays through the built in speakers. It sounds complicated because I am probably not explaining it well, but I really like how it works and it was simple to set up.
  3. Received both parts of the vaccine a couple weeks ago. Indiana has a pretty efficient process luckily.
  4. i'll take a vaccine for society and the economy. I just want to get on with my life and vaccines wont work unless a large percentage of the population takes it. No point in even developing the vaccine if everyone is going to be an armchair epidemiologist. Obviously would be a bit more comfortable with a more conventional vaccine and would evaluate data on the Moderna vaccine.
  5. This is more theoretical than anything. The verbiage they have used is very misleading. issues: -preclinical data only. -production is not easy -delivery mechanism
  6. I am dumbfounded every time I hear about another one of these new social media pyramid schemes and then I remember that herbalife is still around...
  7. KAR and CPRT
  8. Could you elaborate more on how you got into this style of living and what impacts it has had on your life? What are the downsides?
  9. Physician, specifically radiologist.
  10. Mike Rowe (from Dirty Jobs) had a great response to a newspaper columnist on the topic of jobs people don't want. http://i.imgur.com/9unFgE5.png (sorry reddit crashed the original site, so I linked a screenshot)
  11. Just read this article. Personally, nonprofit hospital management is one of the most unethical and self-serving groups I have ever dealt with.
  12. We use travelers ( originally sold by geico). The price is reasonable. The one time I had a claim they were very easy to deal with.
  13. In case you guys want to learn to write basic code...I like codecademy.com. It is pretty simplistic, but I think its a great way to start with something new. I'm doing the python course in my free time.
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