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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Perhaps they already have one. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/08/how-google-could-rig-the-2016-election-121548
  2. Yea - an unfortunately, as the reserve currency of the world, the U.S. will generally always run a deficit. To be the reserve currency, other people have to hold our currency for use in global transactions. How do foreign countries get that money? Either via trade deficits OR lending. American's don't save enough to satisfy their dollar needs AND the dollar needs of other countries so it has to be via trade deficits. It's either economic ignorance or pandering to some group of voters by telling them what they want to hear. With Trump (and most other politicians) you never know which one it is. I'm starting to get so cynical I wonder if any politician at the national level believes even 5% of what they say. That is what was appealing about Sanders I think, his naivete. Yes he's a socialist, but he really is a socialist.
  3. That is the only thing you can do, sit back and see what happens. Oh, you can vote if you want, but your vote isn't going to change the election one way or the other. So sit back and enjoy the show.
  4. That would be hilarious if Sandars switched parties and ran with Trump. He's just nutty enough to do it too. The two party system is crumbling anyway, that would push it along nicely. I'm just sitting back with my popcorn and enjoying the show.
  5. That is the largest danger for sure. The things that make it interesting is that it isn't a democracy. Your vote is weighted by your shares, so those with the most to lose(or gain) have the most say. Also, as the article you posted points out, the contracts are written not in English, but in computer code (Solidity) and executed on the Ethereum blockchain. This will hopefully weed out unintelligent people from investing heavily and having a heavily weighted vote. Having a large amount of coders holding tokens, The DAO will be in a good position to invest in code heavy projects/companies. The danger is that it veers off of its circle of competence and invests in different types of companies as well. This is either going to work fabulously or crash and burn fairly quickly.
  6. Being good at shoe buttons does not make you good at everything. And with the nature of the geopolitical process the way it is, an intelligent person could also get us all killed.
  7. Funny thing is, switch Trump and Hillary in the above quote and just about all of it still applies. I am much more worried about Clinton starting WWIII than Trump. She is bought and paid for by the military industrial complex, is about as hawkish as any president we've ever had, and will likely continue Obama's needless provocations of Putin. Trump seems less warmongerish to me, has even said more antiwar statements then any of the other candidates (which could be one reason he came out on top). IMHO having any human being in the whitehouse with the amount of power the POTUS currently has is dangerous, but Trump seems less dangerous to me than Hillary. As I said before, Hillary scares the hell out of me. You think Trump is a Megalomaniac and Hillary isn't? Really?
  8. Last time I used tokens was in 1994 in a arcade. I exchanged cash for there arcade tokens. I was 11 years old and I kept using cash to exchange for tokens. I kept playing until I got hungry so I went down to a place were they sold wing dings ( mini chicken wings). I had no cash left. Only tokens. I tried to pay in tokens I got denied. I realized then tokens only had value in the arcade ecosystem. I was sad I couldn't buy wings with tokens. Should they have called it "shares" rather than "tokens"? I still use tokens all the time when programming. Yes that is a different type of token, but so is your example. EDIT: Come to think of it, "token" from a programming perspective is exactly what the DAO tokens are.
  9. The DAO has surpassed $110M. Chiefless Company Rakes In More Than $100 Million Group called DAO is running itself via computer code http://www.wsj.com/articles/chiefless-company-rakes-in-more-than-100-million-1463399393
  10. Scott Adams has been saying that Trump will win in a land slide since last August when everyone else still thought he was a joke. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2016/03/21/donald-trump-will-win-in-a-landslide-the-mind-behind-dilbert-explains-why/ Here is just one point of many good ones he makes:
  11. You beat me to it. I won't be voting, but I do hope Trump wins. Hillary scares the hell out of me and Trump will be entertaining to watch.
  12. It looks like he admits he hasn't paid his debts to those people and others: So Arcade City is a little iffy, but the DAO concept itself is none the less intriguing.
  13. Thanks for the info. I don't know anything about him, other than what I've come across researching the DAO concept and Arcade City. Also that post on that website isn't exactly hard evidence against him either, but troubling if it is true. I wonder if the guy ever sued him. Also, I wonder who gave Arcade City $2M.
  14. Anyone here heard of a DAO? It stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. The ownership model is basically that tokens are sold to seed the DAO with money, then the token holders own equity in the organization in proportion to the number of tokens they own. The tokens themselves can be traded. This is all done with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, so tokens can be traded as easily as Ether or Bitcoin. One of these DAO organizations calling itself "The DAO" (https://daohub.org/index.html) has already raised over $35M and the initial offering isn't over yet. I spent 10 Ether (<$100) to buy 1000 tokens just to participate and see how this all is going to work. Arcade City is also planning on setting up a DOA with a token sale in the 4Q 2016. Arcade City is planning to be an Uber killer by using a completely decentralized model and has already received $2M in traditional venture funding. Since the drivers are acting on their own there will be no central company for cities to go after to shut them out as the cities try to protect their taxi cab cartels. Anyway I read through the whitepaper here, it is an interesting concept with a different ownership model than we are used to: https://download.slock.it/public/DAO/WhitePaper.pdf
  15. Lockheed Still Supporting Portable Nuclear Generator "Rob Weiss told an audience at the Atlantic Council that Lockheed is “about four months into a little bit more significant investment” into the technology, which was first revealed around two years ago...Weiss also confirmed the team has achieved “initial plasma,” an important early step for the reactor."
  16. Does anyone still try to obtain useful information from cable TV? I haven't turned on a cable "news" or financial "news" channel in years. If it wasn't bundled with my cable TV package there is no way I would pay for such infotainment trash.
  17. I actually voted for him for president in 1996, back when I used to do that sort of thing.
  18. +1 and the resources could go to saving human lives today. Environmentalism has become like a religion with its own ideology. Wasn't it Bill Nye that said Climate Change Deniers should go to prison? When you are punishing heretics it is no longer science, even if you are correct.
  19. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4036/4254681996_27b1ed7ff0.jpg Doing what you suggest has real costs. Huge costs. What if massive changes where made in 1970 to reduce world population and curb fossil fuel use. We wouldn't have saved ourselves from anything but imagined demons, but we would all be significantly poorer today.
  20. Happy Earth Day everyone. We live in a world that since the 1st Earth Day in 1970 has gotten cleaner, even though the population has expanded, we are all richer, healthier, living longer, have greater quality of life, more food and adjusted for inflation almost every natural and/or man made resource has gotten cheaper, better, and more abundant. This article has a few of the predictions that didn't turn out quite right from the neo-malthusians and other prophets of doom in 1970. From 18 Spectacularly Wrong Prophecies from the First Earth Day, Environmental Doomsayers Are Undeterred by Their Perfectly Wrong Track Record
  21. I'd recommend "Keynes, The Man" by Murray N. Rothbard, you can find it on Amazon, but if you have an ereader or want to read it electronically it is available for free in PDF and ePub.
  22. Having a wedding for profit! Now that is how a value investor does a wedding. I had a mix of gifts and some checks, but even with 240 people the checks didn't amount to much. I had one family of 4 give me $25. I can't remember, but I think the total was significantly less than $2K. Neither of us come from wealthy people.
  23. Since we are discussing science I'll just leave this here. It is a little long but well worth the read. Scientists are just people with the same motivations and tendencies as anyone else. The fact that politics is driving so much of the science in this field (and some others) just makes me a little nervous when deciding what to believe. http://www.firstthings.com/article/2016/05/scientific-regress Also, if CO2 is the problem like they say, we will be worried about too little CO2 in the atmosphere after molecular nanotech starts using the carbon to build stuff. So like Jurgis said, even if it is all true, this will be a non-issue as long as we can wait another decade or 4.
  24. +1. I agree with everything you just said, especially the 1st sentence.
  25. Americans... ::) :o Supersize me baby. Do Canadians not have large families? I have 36 1st cousins, almost all of them older than me so they all had spouses and some of them teenage kids by the time I got married. My wife has a large family as well. Out of the 250 we invited it was over 200 family members alone. And there were some hard feelings over it from people we cut from the list. Do you know all these people as close friends? Why would you invite them? :o Yes I know all of these people. Like I said we have large families and they all lived in the same area back then. Even just our immediate families are large there have been thanksgiving dinners and Easter meals at my house with as many as 45 people. That is just our parents and grandparents, our siblings, nieces and nephews, and a few of our many aunts and uncles.
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