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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. I mean to lie about my returns only when I'm mean. I don't do it on average! 8)
  2. Yeah, (value) investing is the last liberal art and literature grads can make $$$$$$ in it. Right, Scott? 8)
  3. Not a bad exercise. Honestly, if I had to invest into one (or more than one) of these ten years ago, I would probably have chosen SEQUX. Haha maybe I would have outperformed too if I sold it at VRX top. :P Even though we are in the value investors board and I have invested in DODGX in the past, IMO value funds mostly suck and have sucked for a while now... 15-20 years... I am talking about TWEBX, TAVFX, DODGX. So I would not have picked them to outperform index. I don't know much - or did not know much 10 years ago - about the rest of these funds, so probably would not have selected them. I knew about OAKLX but around that time I think it was underperforming a lot and Bill Nygren was considered a wash out. Well. Surprise. 8) And yeah, I would have not picked Fidelity funds. Like the guy above said... oh well. 8)
  4. Is that really true? I would think that there are ways to prevent a failure in one place from compromising all the system. Clearly shutoffs or turnoffs should work pretty fine. But then I am not a mechanical engineer, so ::) In general though, this is a troll thread, so I might not reply to any further comments.
  5. $1.99 Kindle on Amazon now: https://smile.amazon.com/Warren-Buffetts-Ground-Rules-Partnership-ebook/dp/B013CC91JS/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
  6. By the power of forum search: http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/blue-chip-stamps-letters/msg185466/#msg185466 See that wasn't hard. 8)
  7. Nah, I get that. But really it's the construction/safety/security/containment cost. If we can get to prefab ship-and-drop safe/secure self-contained modules, nukes could take off hugely. I think Gates has been financing this direction. Hopefully it works out at some point. But it is possible that solar+storage or some other combination will just outperform the nuke advancement. Aside: it's way easier to advance a technology where you can improve 10% and ship, improve 10% and ship than technology where you have to get every single thing right and even then the sales might not happen. Nukes is the second one.
  8. I have been even more pro-nuclear, but with construction costs and safety being more screwed up than one would expect, I got a bit more moderate. Still it's a great source of potentially cheap energy with huge EROEI. Fun clip. Can we use German solution to Brexit perhaps? Just kidding. 8)
  9. I would really like to see safe and cheap nuclear available. Might have to wait until fusion works... We need Flon Musk.
  10. DNS - hmm, maybe. The back and forth as seen from a single computer on the same network all the time suggests that there still might be a different DNS server or a cached version somewhere which is being served and conflicts with new one. Anyway, yeah, let's hope that it goes away without further issues.
  11. Fidelity is great apart from what Winjitsu said. There are additional benefits that may or may not matter to you: branch access, pretty knowledgeable phone people (including foreign trades, filling out weirdo corporate event forms, bonds, etc.), support for free solo 401(k), etc. No experience with Schwab. IBKR should die. Well, now that IRS allows you to mail in their printout of 8949 form/worksheet and you don't have to enter it all by hand into TurboTax, I am a bit less pissed off at IBKR. So IBKR should die a little. 8)
  12. I know that site was down yesterday and last weekend. I am talking about today. Are you saying that site was down today too?
  13. The site for me keeps switching between current content (with today's posts) and the 2015 content (latest posts from 2015 and nothing newer). This happened multiple times today back and forth. In same browser. Is this happening to others too? I'm afraid that something is still broken and we may lose the site again (and possibly content if not backed up).
  14. So nobody will speak up for Magic Formula or Value Weighted Indexes as example of fully automated outperforming passive? 8)
  15. There is a very hard - though also very interesting - question: Compare: - Passive (market cap based indexes) - Fully automated formula funds. (Spectrum from simple formulas to very complicated algos) - Human-in-loop active funds. What is the best for average investor? Bonus points: Fully automated funds gonna evolve. Yes, they will. Different bonus points: consider asset allocation. Not that this is solvable.
  16. Schwab711, you realize that algo driven != passive, right? Passive should be defined as market-weighted indexes. Anything else makes the whole definition broken. Smart-beta is not passive. Algo is not passive. Value/ROE/Moat-based automated funds are not passive. The fact that you know supercomplicated algorithm beforehand and your fund just follows it is not passive. "Oh, yeah, I am going to create a fund which will follow buying/selling decisions of Valueact, but it will do this automatically, so it's passive".
  17. If the zombie status remains as it is right now, ithr common and preferred are zeros too, it just will take a long time until all hope isn't gone and the stock prices adjust accordingly. And its been discussed multiple times over the "zombie status" cannot persist. I beg to differ. Whatever can exist for 9 years can exist for 90 years. I have never heard a convincing argument why not. I agree that it those entities probably will not remain in the current state, but I think they could, especially since the status quo works really well for the government right now. I think the argument against zombie state persisting is that GSEs run out of capital buffer in 2018 and need capital injection then or something similar. What if govt does the capital injection but continues the same state with a higher ownership of prefs/warrants/whatever? Maybe this is prohibited. Resident experts will tell you. 8)
  18. I think he means corporate tax cuts which do favor stocks, since the underlying business income suddenly goes up X%. (Not looking at secondary effects).
  19. So is TSLA going to die when cobalt spikes (already?)? Or will Elon invent unobtainium batteries? Stay tuned for news!
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