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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. Brand power is not what it used to be. ::) Right when COVID-19 went live in America in March, the crappiest brands and items were sold out. The high end stuff generally was still available. So that was the reason I could not buy Ferrari to race with rb! :o
  2. Neiman Marcus is not high end enough anymore?
  3. Brand power is not what it used to be. ::)
  4. You have to admit that going to supermarket is much more fun that the other things you listed. I would race a Ferrari through the empty streets of Manhattan with a 25% chance of Corona. Fuck it! That would be a good way to die! But what would you do for a Klondike bar?
  5. You have to admit that going to supermarket is much more fun that the other things you listed.
  6. It basically says that it's not worth for Bill Gates to pick $100 bill from the pavement, since his time spent picking the bill is worth much more than $100. For discussion:
  7. I was joking. Although I would have picked the bills and washed and disinfected hands and bills afterwards. And then FBI would have arrested me for money laundering.
  8. Practical-side observations/thoughts of masks: I and my wife wear masks to stores and anywhere we have to interact closely with people. We wear masks at home when someone comes from outside - e.g. we had a chimney sweep come recently. Since mask wearing sucks (I cannot wear a mask and eyeglasses - they fog over), and IMO the infection risk outdoors is very low, we don't wear masks outdoors when we go for walks. I guess this is being bad role model though. ::) It would be nice to be able to buy N95 masks for store visits, but AFAIK they are not reliably available. (Feel free to post pointers if you think they are). I thought about buying face shields for going to stores, but still not sure it's worth it. It's additional hassle, you still have to wear mask underneath and supply is unreliable. (Feel free to post pointers if you have pointers for good supply.) It sucks when a neighbor comes over without a mask and starts talking to you. First, no mask - bad. Second, talking - also bad (worse than just walking by or standing closely and not talking). I don't have a good way to tell them not to do it without them being offended. ::)
  9. Fed cannot buy everything. Where would they put it?
  10. So we were driving into Boston on Monday and there was a panhandler asking for money from drivers at the intersection. He was not wearing mask or anything. And people were actually opening car windows and handing him money. Talk about going risky IMO. ::)
  11. Now we know who is a real value investor on CoBF and who is just a wannabe. I pick up pennies too. Although by Bill Gates' test it's probably money losing activity.
  12. I wrote on this on another thread, so I won't repeat much. But yeah, for me as a consumer Grubhub is making the world a better place . It provides consistent ordering interface, with past order history, easy switch from restaurant to restaurant if restaurant is closed (welcome Covid!). (It could be improved: they should allow me to mark/comment on ordered dishes like "this dish is crap", "this dish is great". I don't want to write reviews, but I want to have notes/flags to remember what I liked where. But then most services don't provide this: I want this on Netflix/Amazon Prime/etc, but can I get it? Noooo. ) And I wrote on another thread if restaurant leaves Grubhub, I'll most likely stay with Grubhub and not with the restaurant. Grubhub has added a fee for orders, so we'll see how that works out for them and customers. This is something that may make me leave the service if the fee is high enough. Grubhub is possibly not a benefit for the restaurant, so there's that.
  13. Funny thing is, there's a high chance he's not even taking it, because you can never fully believe what he says. I said so... but those liberals tried to stop me from making the Presidente great again.
  14. Hold on, so that means Trumpers should thank Democrats for their great achievement of electing Trump. And if Trumpers are unhappy about Trump being elected and blame it on Democrats, hey, there's two great ways to fix it: Trumpers have the Senate. They also have an election in November. But hey just vote Trump! Give idiocracy a second chance! Electrolytes against Covid! Take the argument to its logical conclusion, and German jews are to blame for Hitler's rise to power, because they weren't able to stop him. Trumper logic, QED. You are not wrong: German jews were actually blamed for Hitler's rise to power.
  15. Hold on, so that means Trumpers should thank Democrats for their great achievement of electing Trump. And if Trumpers are unhappy about Trump being elected and blame it on Democrats, hey, there's two great ways to fix it: Trumpers have the Senate. They also have an election in November. But hey just vote Trump! Give idiocracy a second chance! Electrolytes against Covid!
  16. I know of software tech company that has been working hybrid distributed WFH for 5+ years now. And when I say "hybrid" it's fully that. Some teams are mostly located in single office. Some teams distributed across US, some distributed across US, Europe, Asia. Some people work in office, some people work part time from office part time from home, some people work from home all the time. Some managers work from office, some managers work from remote office, some managers work from home. People who work from home (and from remote locations) get promoted pretty high in organization - let's say one level below CTO. Yeah, I also thought that working from home is career suicide for management track - not there though. Are there issues? Yes, there are. Though the issues are mostly because of distributed teams, not because of someone working from home. Would the company do better if everyone was in one location? Sure. Would they be able to hire the same quality people in single location? Very unlikely. Covid lockdown has very limited impact: just a bit more of distribution and WFH. How will things go after covid? Likely similar as they were before covid. If I had to guess, things won't change since some amount of physical co-location is beneficial. But likely people who were remote and worked from home will still do it. And people who came to the offices, will likely do that too. Maybe some will shift to work more from home. Probably not significant percentage.
  17. So far the "we just shouldn’t do it” has been resounding success in the markets. ::) Kushner isn’t even at first level thinking yet. He’s at 0.5-level thinking. It's not the level of thinking, it's who your father(-in-law) is.* * First axiom of any banana republic
  18. So far the "we just shouldn’t do it” has been resounding success in the markets. ::)
  19. BRK is this city on a top of a crumbling hill with dilapidated walls, surrounded by half empty moats with couple of zebra fish floating in them. FAAMG are shining metropolis in the cloud(s) with glass and steel skyscrapers, flying cars zooming around, protected by laser beams, firewalls, and army of Agent Smiths. SP500 actually includes the metropolis. Includes some slums too. Your pick.
  20. Nuke China! (This message is approved by Generalissimo Trumpy 2024 campaign)
  21. Government and organized crime. They both leach off of the productive and provide "protection" (mostly from what they will do to you if you don't pay and obey). Just parasites like viruses are to biological systems or different kinds of viruses are to computer networks. "All Complex Ecosystems Have Parasites" --Cory Doctorow YES! People should just govern themselves! We should all just do whatever we want to do! Don't ever trust professionals! Power to the common people! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/ (This message is approved by Communist Party of Soviet Union)
  22. Coronavirus thread is great and has tons of useful information.
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