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Everything posted by Parsad

  1. He probably shouldn't have. But I can certainly see why some would rather see Holmes pay back some of what is owed to victims and taxpayers. You might be surprised, but personally, I'm for the death penalty in 1st degree premeditated murder cases, serial killer cases, serial rapist cases, etc where the guilt has been proven without a doubt. For white collar criminals...throw the book at them...but make them also work somehow and provide restitution to victims and taxpayers. Make her do lab work or something in prison if she isn't going to work outside of prison. Guys like Sam Antar when he was in prison or Bernie Madoff when he was alive...make them work on tax returns or something for the poor 16 hours a day in prison. I don't care what...but make them work and do something instead of just living off the taxpayer. Cheers!
  2. Restorative justice. She isn't any sort of threat, and if she is truly remorseful after her time in prison, she may be more valuable to society working outside/paying taxes than sitting in a prison cell getting fed three times a day doing nothing at taxpayer's expense. It would also allow her to pay victims through any civil litigation. She doesn't have to pay anything if she rots in jail. This message board is full of investors who constantly scrutinize everything based on rational action, yet this is so hard to rationalize. Cheers!
  3. Cathie Woods was also probably the best performing fund manager during this period. Doesn't mean she didn't make a mess of ARKK. Forest for the trees! Cheers!
  4. Well I'm pretty sure Saudi Arabia will find ways to increase output now and the price of oil should drop further: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/17/politics/saudi-crown-prince-immunity-state-department-jamal-khashoggi Cheers!
  5. What Sam Bankman-Fried has in store for his future: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elizabeth-holmes-sentencing-theranos-222120101.html Can't see him getting much less! Cheers!
  6. No, this is the best thing that could have ever happened to crypto or blockchain! This is exactly what the industry needed. You will now have companies that have to register, provide financial statements, have a proper board, bylaws, corporate governance, filings, audits by a real auditor, disclosures, etc. Yes, it will slow it down in the short-term, but will create innovation and bring in legitimate builders/investors to bring blockchain technology to fruition. Cheers!
  7. It's essentially what Wall Street would be like without any regulation. Almost Lord of the Flies type behavior. Are we all really surprised that an unregulated securities industry would have the founder and employees of a company using investor capital to buy homes in the Bahamas and monitored by the first auditor from the Metaverse! For years people have known that cryptocurrencies were used for the underground economy, criminal activity, money laundering and to get money offshore from China and elsewhere. Yet, everyone was tickled pink by the prospects of easy money under the guise of replacing fiat currency and new technology. I posted on here that all of the pharmacists at my local pharmacy had invested in cryptocurrency. Every Tom, Dick and Harry was starting to buy this stuff. You knew it wouldn't end well! My question is where the fuck were the regulators?! This wasn't MBS...this was clear as day! What was the SEC doing...or the provincial securities regulators in Canada...or just about any securities regulator around the world? Hopefully some of them invested too and lost a shitload! Cheers!
  8. Who is Mia Khalifa? Cheers!
  9. Yeah, it all got fucked up when he spent the last 10% of his life as a Rep... They both suck in my opinion! Cheers!
  10. They haven't stopped the contagion. We know that other brokerages are restricting withdrawals. We don't know how many more will topple. We also don't know which large funds have exposure to other crypto investments that are now going to have to be written down. The one good thing is that this didn't get as big as it could have, nor was it fully legalized or sanctioned unlike many other securities bubbles. It looks like at the end of the day, the implosion will have more of a lasting effect on people's net worth's, rather than any huge systemic issue outside of the crypto space. The outcome will most likely be restrained spending and a sense of being poorer on average. Essentially a "Buyer Beware!" exercise rather than a push into a deep, deep, painful recession. Cheers!
  11. And the GOP get their funding from underground organizations. They fucking do everything in the shadows...whereas the Dems are just plain stupid and do it in front of everyone. https://www.npr.org/2016/01/19/463551038/dark-money-delves-into-how-koch-brothers-donations-push-their-political-agenda I still don't understand your point about making it a liberal or conservative thing. Both parties do it, both sides do it. You aren't dumb enough to not know that...and you're intelligent enough where you actually know what the truth is...so stop pushing the agenda over and over again! Cheers!
  12. You just like to present only one side of every argument. Pretty much a Trumptard thing! https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/top-of-the-ticket/story/2008-10-07/opinion-lehman-brothers-boss-spread-money-around-capitol-hill-and-got-some-back https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=121259&page=1 https://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/25/business/enron-s-collapse-campaign-finance-enron-andersen-made-donations-almost-all-their.html https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-politicians-connections-donations-2019-7
  13. There's jackasses on both sides. I'm pretty sure the guys at Enron and Lehman Bros weren't donating to Clinton or Obama. Cheers!
  14. Greg, what the hell does that mean? Fucking entire GOP is blaming the media and corrupt election officials for the election results and you decide to throw this political barb about "liberals" into the conversation about cryptocurrencies. Do you see why you piss people off?!
  15. The black line is 1974-84. The orange line is current inflation overlapping the 1974-84 range. While it seems to mimic the 70/80's economic environment, this is neither here nor there. I remember all of these graphs overlapping past periods back before and after the GFC. Yet, we saw tremendous government intervention that totally changed the direction of the current period relative to the period compared. It's why Fairfax and many distressed value manager's performance looked so poor over the last decade as they were expecting a stagnating period, not growth as it became with all of the easy money and low interest rates. History never repeats but may rhyme. Analysts on both sides constantly try to make it rhyme to their tune! Cheers!
  16. My Grandma passed away in September, and I miss her dearly. But I have to say, I'm going to miss these two farts (Buffett & Munger) nearly as much when their time comes. Especially Charlie's straight forward, take no prisoners vernacular! Cheers!
  17. Quants Forced to Shed $225B in Short Positions. Cheers! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/quants-forced-shed-225-billion-221532432.html
  18. He also missed Walmart. Doesn't mean he didn't understand retail. You don't usually catch all of the fish, including the big ones! Cheers!
  19. You can also determine an investment's intrinsic value by doing a liquidation analysis...sum of the parts. Graham, Buffett, Munger, they all talk about that too. Not just DCF. DCF is Buffett's simple analogy for how corporate valuations can also be done similar to fixed income analysis to determine a fair price to pay. But it's not the only way to calculate intrinsic value. Cheers!
  20. That's my whole point! It's arbitrary like crypto. But at least gold has some utility and would have some underlying intrinsic value...even if it's a lot lower. Crypto has no underlying value, no assets backing it, no utility, no revenues, nothing! You can't even enjoy looking at it. It's a much lesser form of gold, collectibles or art! Cheers!
  21. You don't have to invest in everything to do well! By the way, you guys do know that Buffett's best friend is a guy named Bill Gates? If you think Buffett doesn't know about technology, you're probably greatly mistaken. Also, Munger was way ahead of everyone when he invested in BYD...well before the Tesla wagon jumpers joined and the technology gurus espousing green energy, etc. Buffett also made 3,000% on his BYD investment that he bought 13 years ago! Two old farts who are always underestimated! Cheers!
  22. Oh Elon! That was so God damn funny. I'm crying with laughter at my desk! Cheers!
  23. That's not an accurate description of the asset. You live in your house. It is made up of materials that are of value. You can rent your house to others and generate cash flow. The land underneath your house has value because other people want to build houses on that land and it is scarce. Even if there was no house, the land could be used to grow crops and sell in the market. You could tear down the house and put up a commercial building and generate rental income and run a business from it. You could turn it into a parking lot and generate fees. There are a multitude of ways to generate cash flow and the underlying asset has a base intrinsic value. Very different than cryptocurrencies. Cheers!
  24. Losing money is losing money...no difference. Personally, I wouldn't touch BABA or any Chinese stock...just too much political risk for my taste. The end game for both BABA and BTC have not been written yet. Charlie made his bet based on the cash flow generating power of the business. The price a buyer pays for BTC is not based on any calculation, but simply what the market bears or suggests it is worth. Cheers!
  25. Well that's that! I'm not touching BTC if you're equating it with crabs or herpes! SharperDingaan says bitcoin like gonorrhea...rhea today, gonor tomorrow! Cheers!
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