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Everything posted by undervalued

  1. In that WSJ article, it says I wonder how big their holding of FnF if they haven't reduce but have returned shareholder money. Doesn't that make their FnF holding a much bigger stake in the portfolio?
  2. There were so many people who have gotten away with fraud and mom and pop investors lost their savings, remember the great recession? I think you were about 9 years younger then.
  3. Sounds like the judge already made up her mind going into court and only ask questions confirming her believe.
  4. Is this the turning point for FNMA/FMCC? Is this a point where it's safe to go all in?
  5. I saw this script posted in SRG thread. I thought this thread will get some good info from it also. http://www.fairholmefundsinc.com/Documents/ConferenceCall20170629.pdf
  6. https://www.wsj.com/articles/fund-manager-makes-contrarian-bet-loading-up-on-sears-1498734001
  7. I need at least $230,000 for school and have 10,000 shares @4.05. When should I exit or keep them till they hit $20.00? What would be safer as you say 'all the things that could go wrong' . You all are very smart and deserve every penny you can make here. My hats off to those who have held this since 2008. This has already been answered. This is an incredibly bad idea and you should not be in this investment for college. What ? All this analysis is not good? I see a $19-$20 valuation for commons, why not? You can do all the best analysis you want but shit happens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murphy%27s_law. You want to focus on the downside not when everything is going your way and is perfect. If you think everything will goes your way and is perfect, why don't you put all your money in 0 or 00 on a roulette wheel at your closest casino. It pays out 35 times way higher than this. Your $40k will turn into $1.4 millions.
  8. Mentioned in an earlier post that she's trying to pay for tuition. Can't see how this ends poorly ::) Either college is all paid for or no college. Poor Berkowitz has 35% of his fund in this and now he has to worry about someone going to school I think recent interview he said he will lose 12-15% if things doesn't work out.
  9. Mentioned in an earlier post that she's trying to pay for tuition. Can't see how this ends poorly ::) Either college is all paid for or no college.
  10. https://www.c-span.org/video/?428337-1/mel-watt-testifies-housing-finance-policy Watts looks annoyed explaining to Corker at the 30min mark. Watts: We're about to fall off a cliff. If we don't do something we're going to fall. Corker: Why do you want to change direction? Watts: We're about to fall off a cliff. If we don't do something we're going to fall. Corker: Why don't you try jumping? Watts: It's going to be me who died. Corker: It's the most baseless argument I've ever heard. Watts: ???!!?!?
  11. And.. So he already benefited from a great recession and was hoping for another recession.. He is essentially saying if there were two recessions within the last 10 years, he would've won.
  12. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/taibbi-trump-named-craig-phillips-to-fix-wall-street-w479332
  13. I believe this admin will do something but will it work out at the end to the way you expected? Probably not. So don't put all your money in this one trade.
  14. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-21/fannie-freddie-overhaul-is-very-important-goal-mnuchin-says?utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=bd&utm_campaign=hosted&cmpId=yhoo.hosted
  15. Can someone describe their experiences about using decision trees when making their investments and how often do you use it? A link to an example also works or a Coursera course or text book or link to a college course, etc. Thank you in advance
  16. This video has Mnuchin speaking longer than the CNBC https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2017-04-20/mnuchin-says-major-tax-reform-is-close-video
  17. http://www.fsroundtable.org/ed-demarco-to-lead-fsrs-housing-policy-council/ Why is this positive for shareholders? He was acting director until 2014 and nothing happened. He also wanted to kill FNMA. I am guessing it's not this news that bump FNMA today.
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/07/business/fannie-mae-freddie-mac-craig-phillips.html?_r=0
  19. Anyone else has their confidence shaken? I was wondering how you guys kept on holding in the previous roller coaster ride. I guess I am about to find out. waynepolsonAtoZ, you have the biggest percentage of holding compare to whole portfolio right? How're you doing?
  20. Just wondering, I am not sure if this question has been asked before.. If what the government did was illegal, how come there were no pre-2008 shareholders that scream this move? All we hear now are hedge funds trying to profit? What happened to all the funds who lost billions before, do they not care anymore?
  21. any reason for this downdraft? Not sure i have a direct cause. Delayed reaction to NWS? How about Doc 25 http://www.gselinks.com/Court_Filings/PagliaraDE/12105-0025.pdf?
  22. What should I look for in the February summary regardin gthe tax cut write down potential? http://www.reuters.com/article/us-fanniemae-tax-idUSKBN1722O6 https://assets.pershingsquareholdings.com/media/2014/09/28204101/PSH-Annual-Report_12.31.16.pdf
  23. After reading Hussman's letter a few thread back few days/weeks ago. I was thinking about the same thing. If I didn't have blow up, results would've been much better. How I interpret the above message is that, it's okay to have blow up as long as your process/logic is correct. Maybe I am fooling myself, I don't know.
  24. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fannie-freddie-hand-over-10-163825927.html
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