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Gmthebeau last won the day on January 31 2024

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  1. lol, he cant do basic math. you are now muted too. most of you are clueless. this much is obvious.
  2. ok, well good luck with your math skills. i will be muting you now.
  3. still wrong. see post right above from @thepupil for accuracy. from 2013, your reference period, $10k invested in BRK would be worth $42,780 vs $41,483 in SPY. Of course QQQ would have massively outperformed both and been worth about $70,652. All of them could be invested in a tax deferred account with no taxes due.
  4. when you are wrong on the facts just make up stupid shit. see how far that gets you in life
  5. no point in arguing about something when you just change the discussion. the comment was a "killing". i am showing BRK has barely beaten the SPY since 2013, your reference point. Do you guys even bother to check facts? fucking clueless.
  6. not a killing by any measure, but yea its low risk
  7. I was wondering same thing, killing? I guess if you go back to the start of it when most investors today were in pre-school or not born yet. It is basically just a closet index fund now and has been for a couple of decades.
  8. Yes, Bill is a Saint. ROFLMAO. It was proven that shutdowns were in fact the dumbest thing ever, and greatly damaged far more it helped. In line with his Valeant call I suppose.
  9. well maybe he did it to drive prices down as he was buying, either way there was a profit motive. to think otherwise is foolish.
  10. Ackman is no saint so I would not feel sorry for him because some other cutthroats went after him. This is the same guy who went on TV, cried hell is coming, while trying to crash the markets to profit.
  11. I have used it and was impressed also. For a new product it is really good, will only get better.
  12. closed small loss, not working
  13. I am not really negative on it, I just have enough tech exposure right now and wanted to lighten up.
  14. short sale SMCI, probably close the position today or tomorrow.
  15. SMT.L paring some tech exposure. still have more
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