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sleepydragon last won the day on July 13 2023

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  1. it’s bad for china but good for xi
  2. Crude down 3% , OXY up almost 1%… can someone explain why is that?
  3. if he has to get regulatory approval to buy up to 50% of shares, would be he allowed to buy the whole company? Also, if he want to buy the whole company, won’t he be buying more now?
  4. Another Trump trade is BGC. Unfortunately I sold it too early.
  5. Another Trump trade is M&A. The witch will be out
  6. Talking about home ownership, lots people can’t afford to buy house and had to rent, and rent has been going up, all these happened when people make babies during covid wfh. And raising babies are expensive. The inflation is bad.
  7. he can try to talk down the market before he starts the job,
  8. yeah, it’s weird. Chat gpt had no ability to “think”. It merely try to synthesize the vast contents it found online. Maybe it associates geo political to crude price rising, but in the past geo political events always involves an oil supplier, thus it’s giving the wrong conclusion this time
  9. I asked Chat GPT the same question, it says oil price will go up if China invades Taiwan,
  10. China is hoarding a lot of commodities including crude that they are not using, and they are having a recession. Curious what do you think will happen to oil price and OXY if China invades Taiwan?
  11. there’s also a geo political angle of this.
  12. It seems all thesis is on the preferred. I am curious is the commons a good bet? I have both. Shall I sell my commons and put all eggs in the preferred?
  13. there are data vendors that package TV data to quant funds who use AI/NLP to extract sentiments and trade quickly on these.
  14. I guess the next catalyst will be who will be the next secretary of treasury? If it’s Paulson then this thing is going to explode. But I highly doubt it will be him. I met him a decade ago. He doesn’t talk much, doesn’t smile much. I ran into him walking on 5th Ave in NYC a few times instead of taking cabs or subways. I feel he’s a very resourceful and smart guy, but I don’t think he wants to be a politician.
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