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Everything posted by peter1234

  1. Thanks yada for a great post. Your poker examples are very nice as well. I wonder if one can try to identify system 1 responses and verify with system 2? Something like trust but verify for less complex situations. ;)
  2. Someone on this board posted a list of VIC ideas, posters and returns. From that you can find posters with good returns. :)
  3. Pabrai posted under nish697. I do not know whether he has a new handle or is not posting anymore. :)
  4. In a rising market, aren't you far better off concentrating in finding good value buys? I hate to see you blow up. How do you blow up buying Puts? ???
  5. You probably want to be able to read the original filing. In addition, you want to know the culture. One step further is living in the same culture. This will allow you to decrease your margin of safety and increase position size. Another way to think about it is what do you need to compete with the 'locals' and not be the patsy at the table... ;)
  6. Let's not forget that the master himself studied TA. ;D
  7. Don't know, but it 'might' be far off. Maybe even in the neighborhood of Walmart's wages? ;)
  8. Good point about the contractors/drivers. Does it matter for Uber? Don't they take just a cut? As long as their overall cut increases, margins do not matter that much. It is just like an ever increasing franchise fee. I do not think Ebay cares about their sellers as long as their cut keeps increasing.
  9. Thanks, did not realize that it is on Kindle. :)
  10. Here is a good summary in the WSJ http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/07/10/a-social-network-with-no-members-but-a-4-billion-valuation/ Here is a good article on Seeking Alpha explaining the scheme: trading between insiders, creating short squeeze http://seekingalpha.com/article/2309115-cynk-technology-is-the-new-scheme-in-town
  11. We have been musing about this in the following thread: Outliers of the efficient market theory ;D
  12. Doubled today, capitalization now $3.5b. ??? ;)
  13. this day an age no. it's the content of his ideas that matter. he wore rollerblades at the debut of the Nexus 1. I believe Berkowitz does some presentations with ponytail and flip flops. Why not be different? ;D
  14. I got an all inclusive package a few years ago when there was much less content. Brian is working hard and adding content all the time. It is incredibly broad now. Don't know which I would recommend now. You can probably get course outlines and sample models/ courses to help you determine which is the best package for you. If you see it as continuing education, you might want to consider a lifetime subscription. :)
  15. Agreed. Tons and tons of models and videos explaining Excel and modelling in detail. You can spend as little/much as you have time. Certainly more expensive than a book but worth it if you put in the effort.
  16. Sorry for the delayed response. I haven't mined the data for the "best poster", but with a little bit of Excel work it wouldn't be difficult to do so. That being said, most people haven't posted that many ideas so I doubt you could determine the "best poster" accurately anyways. There's not enough data for statistical significance. I just search for a poster in the list whenever a new ideas pop up myself. I would second west. Don't read too much into the numbers, but if someone has posted many good ideas, it might be worthwhile to look at his posts. For example, Greenblatt talked about Charlie479 in his class and his ideas have high returns in this list. :)
  17. Apparently he was down in 2014, setting him up for 3 years of under performance. Since he was a star in the meltdown, investors' expectations might have been (unrealistically) high. ;)
  18. Oh! But we've heard him talk about Horse Head Holdings! The exception confirming the rule.... ;D More seriously, he rarely talks about current holdings so not to fall prey to any behavioral biases. :)
  19. He released a 2014 edition in paper. Hopefully it will be on kindle soon as well. :) http://www.amazon.com/Of-Permanent-Value-Buffett-Endless/dp/157864867X/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404561373&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=kilpatrick+of+permanen+value
  20. Happy Birthday Sanjeev! Thanks for all your work with this fantastic forum !! :) :) :)
  21. The magic formula is from "The Little Book that Beats the Market." Are you referring to the "Big Secret for the Small Investor?" That one basically talks about equal weighted index funds (with an added emphasis on value characteristics) from what I remember. Yes, the magic formula from "The Little Book that Beats the Market." and "Genius" are much better. My comments above refer to the magic formula. Note that 'Magic Formula' is tongue in cheek. There is no magic formula. ;)
  22. The magic formula is from "The Little Book that Beats the Market." Are you referring to the "Big Secret for the Small Investor?" That one basically talks about equal weighted index funds (with an added emphasis on value characteristics) from what I remember. I did not like "Big Secret for the Small Investor". Yes, the magic formula from "The Little Book that Beats the Market." and "Genius" are much better.
  23. Incredible. Another one of Buffett's 'expensive' acquisitions (after BNSF) that looks much cheaper in hindsight. ;)
  24. Thanks for sharing. Looks like she will keep editing Buffett's letters. :)
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