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Everything posted by investor-man

  1. I believe you can, though I have not done it. I saw this discussion on Red's site: http://quinzedix.blogspot.com/2013/08/portfolio-update_28.html?showComment=1381363056887#c4386175631022770170 relevant links from the comments: http://investindia.kotak.com/qualified-foreign-investor http://www.kotaksecurities.com/faqs/foreign-investment-basics.html HTH
  2. No ideas, I haven't heard anything mentioned. But next Q it will be interesting to see what % of the portfolio is Fiat. Do you mean in his letter to shareholders or something else? He's gotta disclose it next quarter because it's now a U.S. lusted security
  3. Hey congrats! I'm hoping for similar results on the same timeline. Very inspirational!
  4. and... I'm not-so-secretly pleased they are doing as poorly as I am this year ;) http://www.mediafire.com/view/zb282eb54ui107a/Greenlight_Q3_2014.pdf
  5. Most valuable comment in this thread so far. If you can figure out how to give institutional investors something they don't have already, that can make a difference in their performance, you have potential for at least a solid small business. Probably one that you can sell to a larger player once you have established a client base. People did it for different types of SEC filings (ie. insiders, holders, extracting/scraping financial data, governance), bank/insurance/utility regulatory filings, bankruptcy court filings etc. Heck, people sell mall traffic data and oil tank storage readings. If you find a source of valuable information others are not aware of - or you if you find a better way of presenting/analyzing the existing data - you have a fighting chance to build a business. One thing that selling to institutions brings with it, especially in the finance world, is a the huge barrier to entry that all of the regulation and security scrutiny brings. Selling to retail investors is something you can literally do tomorrow on some servers you bootstrapped with a personal credit card on amazon web services. You can't do this if Fidelity or Goldman is going to buy your product. An additional difficulty with selling to institutions is the extremely long sales cycle. I don't disagree that selling to institutions is a good idea, but I understand why there is focus on retail investors. It's just easier and less risky
  6. I look at 13Fs too. Who doesn't? But if you're filing a 13F, then you're managing at least $100 million and/or have a bunch of clients, which is unlike most people on this board (I think). Not having clients or managing a ton of money is an advantage to us and I think spending time cloning individual investors who don't suffer from those contraints, and who focus on small cap stocks is as good an idea, if not better.
  7. Boring... GOOGL BABA MKL AMZN USB and for my unexpected choice: 00703 (Future Bright)
  8. INLOT: big, stinky, wet cigar butt. Currently under investigation by Dutch authorities for poorly written software that may have allowed tampering with lotteries in Holland (didn't quite understand because the info was in Dutch). I'm not sure if that's really why the stock is tanking. It may just be because everything else is tanking. I sold out of it a few months ago, because it kept disappointing. It's rediculously cheap, but there are a lot of ideas out there. On the flip side, AIQ: rumors sprouted up that they were looking to sell. The next day they issued an 8k stating there was no truth to the rumors, and the stock started its march down. Nothing has changed with the business and there is more than a double there if it sells at at a similar multiple to similar peers. This one looks like a good buy to me
  9. When will the discrimination against my kind end? Geek Power! +1
  10. Hey guys, You seem like a good bunch! My wife and I just had a baby. We live Brooklyn Heights and we're looking for a nanny starting in the middle of October. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, investor-man
  11. Yeah I use it. 30'ish/month isn't a bad price for easy access to the analysis and data
  12. Bah, now the Russians are firing artillery from Ukrainian soil http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/23/world/europe/russia-moves-artillery-units-into-ukraine-nato-says.html
  13. +1 for personal capital. I'd also add that while it doesn't perfectly track non-US equities, it does a good job of keeping track of your account balance, so the number in your investment account is accurate. To account for this I keep a separate google spreadsheet to track my equities. I have yet to discover a tool that is as good as a custom spreadsheet for tracking equities.
  14. This MoI article suggests Korean Prefs typically sell at a 30% discount to the common. http://www.valuewalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/moi201401_ideas-korea.pdf I've seen 10% to 15% tossed around on the board. How have people arrived at those numbers? Thanks
  15. I wonder why he named his fund after a flavor of chewing gum
  16. I haven't seen Taeyount E&C. What's the thesis? The common is half of book, and the preferred is half the common? Looks like they had a bad year last year.
  17. "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." -- Warren Buffett
  18. Heh, isn't everything just a rehash of Ben Graham? The talk has nothing new, but the questions from the audience were good. They start at 30:30
  19. Well, someone who has your problem and is rational can use any strategy in the Bogleheads forum and get much better returns, don't you think? Come on now - keep it civil
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