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Everything posted by investor-man

  1. Heh, who should be believe? This guy or Goldman Sachs or this guy: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2015-10-21/are-oil-prices-on-the-verge-of-another-major-selloff- C'est la vie
  2. Stripe is awesome. It's not a 100% similar comp, but as a developer, I'd rather use Stripe than anything else by a mile
  3. I'm not sure he's on this forum. We got in touch with him through the Manual of Ideas guys. I'll look into it and post his name if I find he's on the forum (and he gives me permission)
  4. Hey all, Christian Ryther gave an excellent talk at the CoBF NYC Meetup a couple of weeks ago and I thought it would be of general interest to the forum. (6 vids in all) We've got another one planned in October (check the events section), and we'd love to have more talks like this in the future. If you're interested please don't hesitate to reach out to me or zizou! Cheers!
  5. all true of me.
  6. Here here - I'm up ~15%. Was up ~35% before all this bear market nonsense. I have a feeling I was in a lot of the same stuff as tomgbrt since I see him post a lot, but not as concentrated, and I'm in the US so I don't have tailwinds from dollar gains -- in fact that's working against me quite a bit as I own some names in Greece, Korea, China, and Canada (actually I don't own any US names currently).
  7. ERICOPOLY: please never leave this forum :) Intrinsic value per share -- I like that one. I just realized, I'm worth SO MUCH MORE than I thought.
  8. Hey I just got an email that Coursera is going to do a four course specialization in Finance and Valuation. I took their intro to finance course and it was pretty good. Check it out: https://www.coursera.org/specialization/valuation/45?utm_medium=email&utm_source=other&utm_campaign=notifications.auto.BM3HBz97EeWn8yIAC45P7Q You can even earn a certificate!
  9. The Red Corner has some pretty interesting write ups on Future Bright (Macau, but not casinos), and it's getting cheaper and cheaper during this drop.
  10. I'm really enjoying this podcast and wishing there were more episodes! Can anyone recommend similar podcasts?
  11. I'm surprised I haven't seen this talk posted. It's great!
  12. Happy Birthday and thanks!!!
  13. Great interview! One note - the ticker symbol for Taeyoung E&C is incorrectly reported in the article. It should be 009415. 009410 is the common.
  14. If the Greeks have to make concessions, I think a deal is unlikely to be reached until the last possible moment, because it would be bad, from a political perspective, to accept a deal with concessions when there is still time left to negotiate - it's like giving up. I think a deal will be made. The Greek people want it, and the Greek government has sidelined the nazi-talk and Varoufakis.
  15. Thanks for the responses guys. Extremely helpful. One more question - do you know who supplies Gurufocus with its data? Is it also morningstar?
  16. It's interesting. Yeah, this type of behavior is concerning. But at the same time, the Shanghai Composite Index has been flat to negative since '09, until the recent spike. All while the economy has been growing at a fairly decent clip. If the price chart went up in a slow and gradual fashion to reach the same price, like the S&P, I don't think alarm bells would be going off on threads like this one. In fact with the spike, it's roughly inline with the S&P over a 5 year time period. And as an aside, the Hang Seng is much lower than the S&P over the last 5 years.
  17. Bah, that's way too much! Are you using another source?
  18. Quick questions for those who know. Anybody use Morningstar as a data provider? I'm looking for an API to fetch fundamentals data from most global exchanges. How much does it cost? - I'm just a guy with a computer, not an institutional investor, so I'm looking for something low cost. Thanks
  19. perhaps some people ought to look into buying some TACT
  20. Thanks for the responses! Very helpful!
  21. Hey, there's a CoBF-NYC meetup meeting this Saturday if anyone else is interested:
  22. I don't trade options, so I need some help from you experts. I work for an American company and we're hiring some French employees who will be paid in euros. If currency hedging is practical, we're interested in making sure their yearly wage doesn't fluctuate from today's current cost. Please let me know if my thinking is straight on this: Assuming we want to spend $100k/year on them and today's exchange rate (for simplicity) is .9 dollars per 1 euro, we could purchase options to buy €111,111 euros a year from now for some amount of money, and then about year from now if it's worthwhile we can either sell those options to make up the difference in currency fluctuations, or let them expire if things have moved in our direction? Is the above correct? Also, any idea how much those options contracts will cost? Is this practical, or do I just say f*ck it and not worry about hedging? Thanks!
  23. thanks for posting! interesting read
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