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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Same here, got burned with BBBY back in the day. Will never invest in Retail stocks again. That stock always looked cheap and the business got worse and worse, but always looked cheap. But maybe ULTA is different, who knows.
  2. You don't have to be an economist to hedge. A quant would also do it, and there are quants out there that have done a lot better than Buffet in percentage terms.
  3. With WB also selling lots of stock, i would argue the top is in or at least not far away. 1990, 2001/02 and 08 (where the sahm rule triggered) all ended with >20% drops in the market in a short timeframe, i doubt that we get away with anything less than that this time. Market is also very expensive and August/September are the worst months for the S&P500 if you believe in seasonality.
  4. If you really want to invest into NCAV stocks the rules from the book are worth a lot more than 22$, so gz to the bargain.
  5. Of course i read Snowball, Intelligent Investor etc. first but what really influenced me the most in how i invest at the moment were "Benjamin Graham's Net-Net Stock Strategy: A practical guide to successful deep value investing in today's markets" from Evan Bleeker and the blog/e-book Dividend Mantra from Jason Fieber. They both have packed Buffett, Mungers and Grahams Wisdom into simple to read messages/books. I would not subscribe to their services, but i learned a lot by reading their stuff, even when it was just motivational.
  6. Sold AVB because i think its fully priced now and bought even more SILA, 10% position now.
  7. Yes a little bit, just ignore me .
  8. The only interesting question is if they took the opportunity to extend the bond duration to 8+ years or did they miss it and you are looking at peak earnings here. (for the next several years)
  9. I posted it in the investment idea thread. In short its a super cheap low leveraged internally managed medical net lease REIT that just bought back 4% of outstanding shares. Its growing and from i could see has no troubles with tenants right now, unlike other publicy traded medical REIT's.
  10. bought even more SILA, think its a ~8% position now, biggest REIT position
  11. Sold SEER, TUSK, LSEA, DSGN after the little popps in each of them.
  12. added SILA to my REIT basket and increased my put position on the S&P500.
  13. Its a little late for April fools day . @james22 that was a joke, right?
  14. added NLCP, CCI to my REIT basket added LSEA,TUSK to my NCAV basket
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