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Everything posted by VersaillesinNY

  1. Thanks for sharing. 2011 Horatio Alger Award Winner - Byron D. Trott http://www.horatioalger.org/members_info.cfm?memberid=TRO11
  2. GoodHaven Fund 2014 Semi-Annual Report‏ GoodHaven_2014_Semi-Annual_Report.pdf
  3. Burger King Is Run by Children http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-24/burger-kings-ceo-daniel-schwartz-is-33-years-old#p1
  4. The world is changing and commercial airliners too: Opinion: Commercial Airliners Need Antimissile Protection Speaking at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, former CIA director and Gen. (ret.) David Petraeus issued a serious warning about the international threats posed by shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles (SAM), also known as man-portable air-defense systems (Manpads), in the hands of Al Qaeda and other terrorists. Petraeus referred to the Jan. 27 downing of an Egyptian military helicopter by a Russian Strela-2 missile (a.k.a. SA-7) by Al Qaeda-affiliated Ansar Beit al-Maqdis in the Sinai Peninsula. “Shooting down a helicopter with an apparent shoulder-fired missile is a big deal. . . . Our worst nightmare [was] that a civilian airliner would be shot down by one,” he said. “ . . . The concern over an attack on civilian aviation flows not only from the loss of passengers' lives but also from the likely economic consequence that would follow: a worldwide grounding of air traffic that might bring the global economy to a screeching halt.” http://aviationweek.com/awin/opinion-commercial-airliners-need-antimissile-protection The 7th Annual INSS International Conference - 2014 Conference held at Museum of Tel Aviv - Date: 27th Jan 2014 Participants: Maj. Gen. (ret.) Amos Yadlin, Director, INSS Gen. (ret.) David Petraeus, former Director of the CIA Harvard University - Israel, Iran and the Arab Revolution | Institute of Politics Published on Apr 10, 2014 Former Director of the Mossad, Meir Dagan, Former Director of the CIA David Petraeus, and current Belfer Center Director Graham Allison discussed the possibility of peace in the Middle East with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran's nuclear program, and the changing nature of national security organizations. Israel retrofits passenger planes with anti-missile defense lasers http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/27/israel-to-outfit-passenger-planes-with-laser-anti-missile-defense-system/
  5. James Metcalf wants to make USG less cyclical http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/Article/3356447/Banking-and-Capital-Markets/James-Metcalf-Wants-to-Make-USG-Less-Cyclical.html?ArticleId=3356447&p=2#.U8cG3PldWSp
  6. http://www.valueinvestorconference.com/2014presentations/ 02 VIC 14 NEW Vinall Mistakes of Omission - May 2014.pdf 31-May-2014 14:39 141K 05 VIC 14 Van Den Berg Value Investor Conference May 2014.pptx 31-May-2014 14:39 2.8M 08 VIC 14 Ellen Adams - 36 Year Old Recipe for Humble Pie.pptx 31-May-2014 14:41 23M 09 VIC 14 Stacey Value Investor Conference - 2014.pptx 31-May-2014 14:39 770K 10 VIC 14 Seibels Lessons Learned the Hard Way from Sir John NEW.pdf 31-May-2014 14:39 56K 11 VIC 14 Muhlenkamp Natural Gas.ppt 31-May-2014 14:41 14M VIC 14 Gayner Transcript.pdf 10-Jul-2014 08:04 421K
  7. What an amazing semi-final! Congrats to Germany.
  8. China’s cult of Warren Buffett draws pilgrims to Omaha http://www.marketwatch.com/story/chinas-cult-of-warren-buffett-draws-pilgrims-to-omaha-2014-06-03?pagenumber=1 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/chinas-cult-of-warren-buffett-draws-pilgrims-to-omaha-2014-06-03?pagenumber=2
  9. Thanks, I couldn't find the second part. http://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/valueinvesting/resources/interviews
  10. https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/html5/html5lib/v1.9.0/mwEmbedFrame.php/p/24852/uiconf_id/15401271/entry_id/1_fi06rgf3?wid=_24852&iframeembed=true&playerId=kaltura_player_1400007160&entry_id=1_fi06rgf3&flashvars[streamerType]=auto
  11. Interesting video on Greg Abel from the University of Alberta
  12. Beer Fight: AB InBev vs. Guatemala's Brewing Dynasty http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-05-08/beer-fight-ab-inbev-vs-dot-guatemalas-brewing-dynasty#p1
  13. WEB might have mentioned these notes: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/files/FOMC20081007confcall.pdf
  14. Tweedy, Browne 1st Quarter 2014 Commentary See attachment Mystery buyer snatches East Hampton mansion for $145M http://pagesix.com/2014/05/02/mystery-buyer-snatches-east-hampton-mansion-for-145m/ Architect Andrew Gordon gets control of late boyfriend Christopher Browne’s $260 million estate http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/architect-andrew-gordon-control-boyfriend-260-million-estate-article-1.1267194 CHRISTOPHER H. BROWNE: 1946-2009 A Career Spent Finding Value http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748703438404574598442025375858?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052748703438404574598442025375858.html FundCommentary_Q1_2014_-_Final.pdf
  15. View From The Top: Carlos Brito, CEO, Anheuser-Busch InBev Stanford Graduate School of Business Dec 2, 2013
  16. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/3538085981001/liz-claman-interviews-warren-buffett-charlie-munger-and-bill-gates/#sp=show-clips
  17. Warren Buffett: We took a stand on Coke's pay package In an interview with Fortune, Buffett defends high CEO pay, says his successor is a 'he' and says it's time to reexamine the corporate tax code. http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2014/04/28/warren-buffett-coke-interview/?section=magazines_fortune
  18. Obama begins Asia trip with 'the best sushi I've ever had' (CNN) -- Anyone who imagines U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe discussed territorial disputes with China or the U.S.'s "pivot to Asia" foreign policy during their private dinner in Tokyo on Wednesday likely isn't familiar with the restaurant where the two leaders dined. Ahead of a protocol-bound formal state visit that officially begins on Thursday, Abe took Obama to Sukibayashi Jiro, the fabled restaurant in Tokyo's fashionable Ginza district widely regarded as the best sushi restaurant in the world. [...] http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/23/travel/obama-tokyo-sushi-restaurant/
  19. Jean-Marie Eveillard Adviser, First Eagle Investment Management March 13, 2014 http://www.bengrahaminvesting.ca/Resources/Video_Presentations/Guest_Speakers/2014/Eveillard_2014.htm
  20. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-30/high-frequency-traders-ripping-off-investors-michael-lewis-says.html ---------- "It's legalized front-running. I think it is basically evil and I don't think it should have ever been allowed to reach the size that it did" "Why should all of us pay a little group of people to engage in legalized front-running of our orders?" Charles Munger on high-frequency trading
  21. Finland lost their province of Karelia to the Russians in 1944. While Putin will be busy with Ukraine, perhaps the Finns will launch a Blitzkrieg and get back Karelia?
  22. Thanks for sharing. Prem Watsa recommends watching the following BBC documentary: "How China Fooled The World" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUSjMnmS5lI
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