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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. Utilities get bond like multiples, respond to changes in rates just like bonds, etc.  Look at what happens to XLU when the 10 yr jumps.


    Buffett is doing so much with utilities/green energy because he gets the tax credits, long term contracts, and a venue to deploy tens of billions of dollars at close to a double digit IRR. 


    The report was thorough.  No real idea why they decided to initiate.  WB has always loved Dimon and owns JPM personally.  WFC has come under a lot of fire, maybe JPM wants to be Warren's new favorite.  They probably feel a little left out given BRK is the largest shareholder of WFC/BAC and top 5 for USB/GS


    Are you speculating, or do you have a basis here?

  2. It's most likely IP protected JPM client material, so it's not eligible to be posted here on CoBF, ref. also the contents in ValueMavens starting post.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    And, by the way: You actually don't need it - you get world's best coverage on Berkshire, with comments, by reading CoBF! [ ; - ) ]

  3. I'll stick with the ones I selected in the previous "Your 2017 Best Ideas" topic that was made in January 2017:


    ... NVO - Novo Nordisk (still cheap compared to their long term average, peers and return to shareholder perspective, with impressive ROA in the 40% range); ...


    No post from me so far in this topic about the topic title, but I have to agree with you here, Sharad. However it's not for everyone to be invested in NVO. Basically, it's GARP investing, and a very bumpy ride ... - at least it has been so for the last few years. I certainly agree with you using a long term lens.

  4. I have launched a crypto hedge fund recently.  I don't hold any stocks, bonds or any other regular assets. I only own crypto currencies in the fund. If anyone is interested, please PM me.


    Roughly Right


    Not many clients around here to pick up, I suppose?

  5. Bought some more Aimia, the preferreds this time.


    Added to Ferronordic machines, DDM Holding and XBrane. Also Danske Andelskassers Bank.




    I have made a topic split with regard to Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S to here in the Investment Ideas forum, and I sicerely hope, that you are willing to share your thoughts - just short - about this Danish bank - just a bit -, because I'm interested.


    Thank you in advance. [ : - ) ].

  6. Added more SPKSJF.CPH today. The rest of my orders filled today at my bid in one swoop, when some customer at Spar Nord Bank A/S sold a block. ~6% position.


    I'm finished buying for now. I'm out of ideas. Prices right now on things I want to buy does not make sense to me.

  7. Added to SPKSJF.CPH [sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn A/S].


    In small drips during the whole day, sitting almost glued to my monitors, adjusting orders constantly in a game of blind chess with the market maker Sydbank A/S. Did not get anything near what I wanted to buy. I don't want to pay up.


    I thought it would be a good day to add because of all the North Korea fuzz in the market, but no.


    Note to self: Hopefully better luck tomorrow.

  8. wow brilliant...


    87 years young... - talking Tech, Banks, Insurance, Politics, and Consumer Brands/loyalty...

    No wonder Berkshire hit an all-time high today :)





    Stock has been on a tear before today. To me, it is just a sign that Mr. Market is coming to his senses re: relative valuation of Berkshire versus the darlings of the day. Or even the Snp. Maybe this is a sign of the two way correction ;) There are many around here who have been scratching their heads over the relative under-valuation for some time now. There is much more room for Berkshire to run. Even after the run up, using a BV of $200k per A, likely over the next few qtrs, we are still in the <1.5x territory. I like it and I don't like it as I have some buying left to do.


    Right now,


    Valuehalla is - because of currency movements - down 12.33 per cent on Berkshire, alone based on currency movements, this year,

    I'm - because of currency movements - down 10.91 per cent on Berkshire, alone based on currency movements, this year,


    Neither of us whine on here.

  9. ...With regards to gambling taxes: that's a huge mystery here. As far as I know 1) online gambling is illegal for me but 2) I have to pay 29% taxes over winnings unless 3) the illegal online casino has its HQ in the EU. There are running lawsuits, counter-lawsuits, etc. etc. It's a big clusterfuck, our gambling laws are still from the 1960's and the state-owned casino doesn't want to give up its monopoly (they argue they are afraid that will lead to 'irresponsible gambling' ...). I think I'm doing everything by the law - if you see some posts disappearing in this topic I've changed my mind!


    How does it work in the Nordics?


    lol, I don't have clue, writser,


    I don't consider my self a gambler.


    I have a hunch about where to start, though, to find the answer, for Danish citizens.


    I considered Danish tax law just soo dull at the university - I had absolutely no clue about what to do with that dull stuff then - just soo boring.


    I remember my tax professor in the first lesson telling all us students: "The Danish tax system is basically based on the ground principle of the ability of the entity to pay taxes. Now, that took me less than 30 secs to teach you that. The rest of this course, we will focus on all the exemptions."


    I also remember that the tax text book had a separate section about "random earnings", as some kind of residual section [outside the whole "logical" tax system], picking up a desription of how "all the rest" is taxed, such as gains on lottery tickets, income from prostitution and such.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    I mean, isen't any order intake in any business - at least to some extent - random?

  10. A couple of months ago, I did some search for a pair of new swimming trunks. I ended up on swimsuitsforall.com, somehow. Since then I have been flooded with ads from Gaby Fresh here on CoBF. Now that is quite demanding about staying focused while reading. She hasen't pulled me to the buttom yet, though. Perhaps I should send her my cookie.

  11. Thank you for sharing your experience, LongHaul,


    You post is a mind bogling read. My hairline in the neck is bristling. It reads as "normal stuctures" and activities in society and dailyday life basically has totally collapsed, locally.


    If you have the surplus to respond now I would really like to read :


    Your take on how did this end up being so bad for the City of Houston? [i know, it's far, far from over yet.]

    Has there been something wrong with the urban planning for the city? [in clear hind sight.]

    What is your personal take on the political consequenses [planning of countermeasures for similar situations for the future etc.] of this situation right now?


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    Please, by all means, just take your time, if now is not the time to respond because of more important matters. Thank you in advance.

  12. ... I can't invest in individual securities - only collective vehicles - so I can't stock pick my way around expensive markets.  I can keep the individual stocks I do own, and I own long term survivors, but they are not cheap. ...


    Please note Pete's discussion basis here, thank you. [: - ) ]

  13. Started a small position today in SPKSJF.CPH [sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn A/S].


    You'll most likely not be able to find a Danish bank stock more dull. Absolutely no rock'n roll here, extremely conservative also. Most likely nobody know about it or even care about it. Dust and spiders web all over it.


    IPO'ed in December 2015 with no fuzz. Hill-Billy bank in the outskirts and in the middle of nowhere here in Denmark on the islands Sealand and Funen. Totally out of favor at investors.


    Thus relatively cheap.


    A hazzle to buy because of low liquidity and a market maker [sydbank A/S] trying to screw you.


    And unfortunately no financials available in English, as far as I can see.

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