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Posts posted by Phaceliacapital

  1. Margin Call?


    I ordered this one couple a weeks ago, sent it to my folks house who I am visiting this weekend so fingers crossed!


    Loved every page of the shipping man :)

  2. You were a kid when Price Club was founded, how old are you? (just kidding)


    Nice article, some interesting tidbits:



    • "Fortunately, most of us had backgrounds that were alien to retailing," Price recalled. "We didn't know what wouldn't work or what we couldn't do."
    • The concept of Intelligent Loss of Sales


    Did you ever read the book "Sol Price: Retail Revolutionary and Social Innovator," ?

  3. Hi all,


    I had a thought question for those managing large PA/funds, or maybe all portfolios where liquidity risk might play a significant role. How actively do you consider and assess the liquidity risk your portfolio is running?


    And in this thought exercise, do you consider buying put options on an index as a (partial) hedge for liquidity risk?


    My 2 cents is that liquidity risk is definitely one of the more difficult risks to mitigate, as it is almost impossible to quantify. I think that having some kind of contract (owning put options) that gives the right to sell something (an index) at a certain price helps mitigate the risk, even if you do not fully own the index itself.


    Happy to hear your thoughts/comments!



  4. I would never say that I am not motivated to do something in management (you are referring to fund management, right? else I misinterpreted), in contrary, I think managing a fund is incredibly interesting but I reasoned that the interest in managing a fund should not outweigh the content that I will be managing.


    With regards to my sweet spot, I don't know, if you would ask me I would say equities (research and maybe one day, management of), but as pointed out several times, I am quite young so maybe I don't even know..


    Thanks all!







  5. Remind yourself that flattery is a deliberate part of the pitch, & it is done for a reason; the most effective way to launch a new fund is to get the manager to put in the start-up hours for free.


    Of course.


    And Kraven, you are actually dead on, thanks for sharing your wisdom/experience. It was only when I read "you're being told" that I realized I am in fact being told to take it.


    So yeah, in the wise words of Jimmy Wu: Do be a do’er, don’t be a don’ter.


    Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it.


  6. Thanks for your comments all.


    And yeah Edward I tend to agree..


    Also for clarification, it is one of the funds within our firm, so I won't be changing companies. In addition, we're not that big here so I also want to be able to clarify why it don't see it as a good opportunity, which I think will be rather delicate..

  7. back on topic: if the boss you speak of is the one you would like to work for in equities too, maybe doing as he wishes truly does put you in front of the other competitors when more enticing jobs come around in the firm. i have found that volunteering for the shitty jobs makes me first choice for the better ones also.


    Yeah I don't think that if I choose to go for the high yield fund that say when, in 2 or 3 years, the opportunity arises I will be a candidate for one of the equity funds..


    I specifically didn't put "salary" as a Pro because I know what it's like to do something that you don't like for an extended period of time (I didn't like it then and will surely not like it now) and that just doesn't work for me, I am more an intrinsic reward kind of guy...


    If the fund would be equity/high yield focused on corporate bonds only it would be very easy, it's just the macro part of it all that is really bothering me. Imagine you spend 2 days a week looking at current account deficits, unemployment ratios and demographics of Greece/Ireland and have to base your investment decisions on this..

  8. Wow, people seem pretty intense on there, in the comments I see them talking about buying boxes and never opening them.  It seems like the trick is buying a rare set, however you define that. 


    To whomever was saying Lego's margins will fall, I'm not sure they will.  They have an effective monopoly on this, their moat is huge.  The competitors blocks appear cheap in comparison to Lego, and the kids want the Lego brand, not the value block with the giant tag line on the box "Works with other major block brand."


    Yeah I have successfully made money on lego boxes and still invest part of my money in them (although it's probably a zero sum game as I typically keep one of the 3-5 pieces that I buy of a certain set)


    I also made money in investing in the right type of Jordan shoes.


    Actually, come to think of it I think I have around 5k locked up in Legos (70%) and Jordan shoes :D

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