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Everything posted by argonaut

  1. @buylowersellhigh I have not looked at CBI since it rose last year...but I should look again as its dropping, see why and if it makes sense to buy back in.
  2. I recently purchased a blackberry z30f or use on att here in the states ...looks like I am banned from this site using its browser... IP address is I can reach your site using ipad, MacBook Pro , iphone etc...
  3. I agree l the video looks great! I'm only about 1/2 through it...actually, I find transcripts easier..I think because I can read faster than listen :)
  4. Trust with co-trustee...PM me for more info.
  5. Another option...choose trustee or trustees that can take on the responsibility so your wife, if she chooses, does not have to learn more...of course that assumes you have access to people you would trust :).... Not easy...
  6. Anyone know what their min investments is? 100k, 500k or 1mm+
  7. Thanks Obtuse! I will give it a try.
  8. How do you subscribe to that list ...so to receive an automatic email each time there is a new post? Just like the notify function for topics?
  9. I've see where you can follow a particular topic on this board and I was wondering if there is any way to follow a specific poster?
  10. There are some online tools that enable you to highlight reports online..try seclive.com that might enable something like this (I have not used it in depth).
  11. @Peter1234 Thanks for the book URL...for those unfortunate folks with an ipad...do you see a PDF version and or can it be saved as one if it is free? Actually NM. I see there is a Kindle App for the ipad. Downloaded it and the book and all is fun!
  12. Can you let us, first timers :), know more about how these trips worked? When did they leave, where did they go etc... If it helps my current flight arrives 3:30 I believe on Monday...
  13. Your snow would be our rain here just south of you in Seattle...for the past few days :) sounds like a LOT of snow :)
  14. Going back to the thread title just for a post :) LRE
  15. Not sure if their calcs are accurate but here are two interesting links: http://ycharts.com/companies/BRK.A/price_to_book_value http://ycharts.com/companies/BRK.B/price_to_book_value
  16. Go Seahawks Go :) Fun half-time show, too!
  17. As a Seattlelite; it is amazing to me to see all of the town spirit! Buildings have "12" banners on their sides,Starbucks folks wearing 12th man jerseys..and in every store(my family and I are out and about this morning) there are folks wearing the 12th man jerseys...I'm not knowledgable to predict a winner..the supporting spirit though is wonderful!
  18. I take into account the strength of my conviction in the upside vs downside risk against my goal of a pretty focused portfolio of at the moment 13-15 positions..some eg are large WFC and CHK of over 10% size at the time of purchase when bought a couple of years ago with lots of safety and upside. Vs newer smaller positions where I am not as sure of so the sizes are smaller eg. Perhaps 4-6% each. I'd like to find a few more 10% positions but as the portfolio grows I find I need a certain level of comfort to make this size purchase...Is this the sort of info you are looking for?
  19. What about a small amount in some of the high paying shippers? I have some SFL that yields 9% plus and I think the capital loss risk is not very high and others on this board I think like SSW (which I would buy too if it drops lower :)...
  20. I use and love the mac book pro retinas...for business daily work the mac for office works great. I do run windows in parallels but only for clients who say my website looks like this in ie... What else? I've used macs for perhaps 8 yrs now...
  21. yes, from what I read, his intent will be to take it public.
  22. Depending on how much you can set aside, max both! If you need to choose, then year by year it can vary as the folks in DC change their minds...
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