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Everything posted by Palantir

  1. If anything, it's because of lack of capitalism that many of the world's billions of poor are suffering. Places like India and China went fully into ridiculous notions of socialism that let hundreds of millions in poverty. Real free market capitalism is quite rare.
  2. I'm going to do this after I do CFA L3. I'm gonna be reading like crazy, I'll have free cash flow pouring out of my ears.
  3. Even if market keeps going up, there are still cheap stocks available. You could also be like me and buy expensive stocks and rationalize it.
  4. I doubt it will be Jain. Buffett is entrusting his baby, and I'm guessing intangibles will play a large role in whom he feels comfortable entrusting BRK with. I feel Jain being a foreign, "quant" will get stereotyped into that role, even if it is unconsciously. Furthermore, he lives in Jersey, and I don't see an old Indian guy moving to Omaha. On the other hand, a bright, young, talented, white, midwestern insurance executive internal to BRK? I nominate Mr Tad Montross.
  5. In Soviet Russia, stock shorts you!
  6. And yet you won't tell us your estimate of Apple's intrinsic value.
  7. Is this NSFW?
  8. I am unfamiliar with this valuation methodology that my interviewing firm uses, can anyone point me to any resources...? Is it basically just deriving an EBITDA multiple based on comparables?
  9. If anyone is looking for an entry level guy, please let me know. :)
  10. Munger is clueless. There is no economic argument to stop exporting cheap natural gas. Unless of course your company somehow benefits from cheap gas.... "let's use up forren gas first!" - only raises costs unnecessarily on businesses, drives down investment in this resource, cuts out significant economic opportunity, in the vain hope that you'll be able to make more profit in the future, which of course is not guaranteed. For all you know, we may not be even using gas 30 years from now.
  11. I think the Fed should continue to print money until we see consistent credit creation and sustainable growth. Be bold Ben!
  12. Stock should be expected to tank only if his death is "unexpected". Is it unexpected? I bet it surges to 400B after his death, and then crashes, with everybody claiming it was a one man show after all despite excellent performance.
  13. "Are you hiring?" "Internship?" "Unpaid internship?" "I'll pay you?"
  14. I value investments conservatively so they return at least 10%. If the stock's business performance continues the way it has, in theory, it'll vastly outstrip 10%.
  15. Gold's drop is supposed to be mirroed by dollar strengthening....that sounds like an ugly deleveraging to me....but chances are its just a correction.
  16. I'm thinking about buying the Jpn index. Just a play on Japan's QE, I have no company specific insights.
  17. North Korean Missile Test Delayed by Windows 8 http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2013/04/north-korean-missile-test-delayed-by-windows-8.html EDIT: I thought this was an actual story. :-[
  18. In case you remember from all those year ago. What did you find interesting in FIZZ that drove the original investment? Just looking to create a mental model here, looking at REED, personally.
  19. I did not ask you to evaluate my knowledge of Graham or Buffett, nor do I care whether you rate it or not. Furthermore, I never stated that discount to intrinsic value of little importance. Nice strawman though. I stated my opinion, your response was "Graham said no". Great. Nothing personal.
  20. I'm not sure why you've decided to attack my posts, which you've repeated over the past few days, what I have stated is pretty standard, why you'd take it personally, I'm not sure. I get it, according to you, nothing outside of discount to intrinsic value is important, that's fine, but you don't need to tail my posts, nor do I need to hear lectures, I have read Graham.
  21. I think if you're owning a "moat" firm, you should pretty much "never" sell, if you feel that the firm is going to compound value and keep on growing (check out the FIZZ thread in this section!). On the other hand if you're using a "buy cheap and pray it works out" philosophy, then you should probably start selling as it nears IV.
  22. Indeed. I don't see the debt being a concern. Rather, I see devaluation reducing their debt load. This is awesome. I might buy a position in Japan Small caps.
  23. With that kind of mindset you should buy an index :D Over the past five years I would have done just as well buying an Index.
  24. Anybody have more tips for software used to monitor option sells for things like covered calls? Trialing OptionGrid, it's okay...
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