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Everything posted by Palantir

  1. All the market noise I see suggests that most observers are skeptical about any rally. I don't hear many people going crazy. All I read is skepticism. So I'm skeptical this is irrational exuberance.
  2. I think it is safe to say Alwaleed's best investment has been HRH Princess Ameera. 8) ;D http://imageshack.us/a/img857/1633/30675826250534718891816.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img99/9089/42880126250632718882043.jpg http://cdn5.anazahra.com/wp-content/gallery/2062/Princess-Ameerah-Al-Taweel-fashion-1.jpg
  3. Both him and WEB own Sanofi...
  4. I meant selling puts actually.
  5. I disagree with this somewhat. IMO when you're selling calls you're not really taking the position that the option itself is overvalued. You're really taking a long position on the underlying. The option position is merely expressing that bullish view, while you don't retain any directional opinion on the option price. When you sell calls on a volatile stock you're shorting volatility, which I think is a different concept than what I'm proposing - which is taking a long position on a moderately undervalued stock. But all IMO of course.
  6. Anne Hathaway is annoying. Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone drive my stock.
  7. If you are going to capitalize earnings x8-10, shouldn't you take out debt?
  8. I think a great target for covered call strategies are relatively stable stocks that aren't moving too much, things like MSFT, Loews etc. If you have a strong idea of the firm's intrinsic value, this is another great way IMO of expressing that view and gaining an extra return because you are going into the trade more informed than your counterparty because you know the stock so well. This strategy IMO, is perfect for value investors. I believe WEB himself began his position in BNSF by selling puts. If I was investing a bigger amount, I'd totally do this.
  9. This could also be a potential business model for internet based content firms like Yahoo.
  10. They left me in the dust as well. ;D
  12. This is a good idea if we can keep a list of "first rate" firms, by sector, starting with tech, regardless of valuation. That way...when the price is right, pounce. My contribution is RHT and GOOG.
  13. Do all shareholders get it in the mail or do you need to request a copy?
  14. This is true. (not gay). (Not that there is anything wrong with gay).
  15. I disagree, I think this is very much the most common story. The "unusual cases" are sticking out in your mind precisely because they are unusual. You can be an undrafted player or a 6th round draft pick and become a superstar quarterback. It is easy to think of Tom Brady or Kurt Warner but most NFL QB's are high draft picks who were highly touted college players.
  16. Do you believe security markets are efficient? Being a value investor, you likely do not. Then why would labor markets, with far more restrictions, behavioral biases, transaction costs, asymmetrical information, and minimal feedback mechanisms be efficient? I am biased in the other direction as I see people with little or no innate talent constantly get jobs based on solid resumes which further burnish their credentials. Employers want experienced candidates who can operate quickly with minimal oversight. Talent in my opinion is of little importance in getting a job, but it can help you excel there. You can call me disgruntled, but my opinion stands. I have had interviews with good investment firms and they are all like, "I like the way you think...but uh you don't really have much experience doing this". O well.
  17. Not necessarily. A top tier MBA like this could be a "catalyst" that helps the OP realize his intrinsic value so to speak. He can learn investing w/o going to HBS, but HBS will give him a good opportunity to land a desirable job. I don't see any harm in going to HBS.
  18. There is an overabundance of "talent" in the hedge fund world. The supply of capable analysts is only going to get larger as ibanks continue to shed employees. The only way to get a job is through connections or luck. Then they are not really that "talented." Why?
  19. So....y'all were saying what?
  20. Some kind of fruit company?
  21. And if the market surges 5% over the next few mos, y'all be like "I was early bitchez". #permabears
  22. Mr Market is a moody, whiny little baby.
  23. ^I can't speak for the board, but Michael Burry recommends his protege, Bo Shan who runs Gobi Capital.
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