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Everything posted by LowIQinvestor

  1. Telecom Argentina- TEO (ADR) Averaging down..should be a fun ride!
  2. And I thought I was the only one in the world getting involved in Argentina. Best of luck! (I'm long TEO- Telecom Argentina) Think it could be a double by 2016
  3. IBM Get on board- it is worth $240 a share.
  4. IBM Love the shorts moving in!
  5. If you want to invest in a REIT index, I would advise you put it in VNQ (Vanguard REIT Index ETF) vs IYR. VNQ has an expense ratio of 0.10% vs 0.46% for IYR. And the dividend looks to be higher for VNQ as well.
  6. Citron looks at a $15 Target – Minimum http://www.citronresearch.com/ As a short seller, nothing creates a better investment opportunity than a heavily shorted stock based on a flawed thesis. This creates unique trading opportunities that are relatively infrequent. Citron thinks this unique circumstance now applies to Blackberry [formerly Research in Motion: NASDAQ:BBRY) ]. Blackberry was such a ubiquitous handset brand just a few years ago, and fell off the radar so brutally, that short sellers have failed to realize that its identity no longer defines the company. Also, when seeking short sale opportunities, we always look for “bad” or “misguided” management. If that is still your thesis with Blackberry, we suggest it is time to exit. Let’s start here: Blackberry completely blew a market leadership position, which it will never recover. They lost their dominant handset business, and had their lunch eaten by Apple and Google. That was then. Get over it.
  7. I am also interested in this, Oddball. What company?
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-05/steven-cohen-appears-oblivious-to-the-law.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/business-economy-financial-crisis/exclusive-watch-billionaire-steven-cohen-stumble-over-insider-trading-rules/
  9. Moody's Manual of Industrial and Miscellaneous Securities :P
  10. I encourage you to look into it before Dec 26th if you think it could be a good idea. "The amount to be distributed is equivalent to P$1.03182179 per outstanding share or P$5.15910896 per ADR, prior to deductions of the Personal Asset Tax and Income Tax obligations, as described below. Dividends will not be paid nor reserved to Treasury shares. For ADR holders, the Record Date is December 26, 2013 and the Payment Date is January 6, 2014. The payment to these shareholders will be made through the Depositary Bank, JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A."
  11. Will release my analysis after I build my position in TEO ;)
  12. Thanks for all the advice on the detail required for VIC submissions. So don't simply say: "I figure if Pandora is worth $800 + per sub, and Telecom Argentina ( TEO) has 20M + subs then I am looking at a 5x return! " Less bullish on joining VIC now :) Happy Friday!
  13. Thanks for the input. I may post an advanced copy of my Telecom Argentina- TEO analysis to this board before VIC to get opinions. Are you referring to the message board on VIC? Thanks
  14. I am currently doing a write up for ValueInvestorsclub.com and wanted to hear from anyone who has had an idea accepted and/or rejected. Any advice for a first timer? For those that are interested, my write-up is on TEO- Telecom Argentina. Thanks.
  15. Not sure if this is a new tool but I found it useful. What companies are market leaders within each industry: http://www.bloomberg.com/visual-data/industries/rank/name:market-share
  16. TEO- Telecom Argentina S.A
  17. IBM could be a popular candidate and at less than 9x 2015 EPS.
  18. Ross812, Thanks for the suggestion---I just received my HP Chromebook 14 and I am very pleased so far. I love the instant boot up and overall speed of switching between apps etc. Hardware feels nice and having a full size keyboard was important to me. I do have a desktop PC that I plan to remotely access when I am on the road , but more and more I am thinking I can run my whole business with just a browser and various cloud apps.
  19. TEO- Telecom Argentina SA- good price today!
  20. For the record, if I had a baby I wouldn't sell him/her for any price....However, I own a small business and would gladly accept an extremely inflated offer despite my bullish outlook! I am just playing devil's advocate here: Could you imagine any other CEO in your portfolio saying they wouldn't sell the company at 2x the current value ( assuming today's value is not ridiculously undervalued). So there is no number that Fairfax would entertain? 4 x book value?
  21. Sorry that should have said "Anybody else hear Prem's comment that he would NOT sell the company for 2x today's price!? "
  22. Anybody else hear Prem's comment that he would sell the company for 2x today's price!? That comment keeps ringing in my ear...I would gladly sell around 2.5 times book value! Thoughts?
  23. Parking some cash in IBM as we speak!
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