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UK last won the day on August 9

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  1. Besides my equities I currenty have 20+ cash position:)
  2. BRKB, FFH, META, JOE, ERF, RTO and a few smaller positions.
  3. https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/12/02/how-ukraine-uses-cheap-ai-guided-drones-to-deadly-effect-against-russia
  4. https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/exclusiverussia-approves-320-million-sale-of-carlsberg-assets-to-local-businessmen-document-shows-3750593 Some compensation I guess...rule of law:))
  5. Too much of a good thing can be wonderful:)
  6. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-12-02/the-wrong-oil-price-is-truthfully-a-problem-for-opec?srnd=homepage-europe
  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-01/bulgari-ceo-eyes-india-for-growth-as-china-luxury-demand-weakens Babin downplayed the luxury industry’s slowdown, saying this year’s relative weakness is due in part to comparisons against an unusually strong 2023, when demand was fueled by consumer savings built up during the Covid-19 lockdown years.
  8. True, and 'vodka' is diminutive of voda or ‘water’.
  9. IB. Reliable, low cost, safe. I think it currently pays higher interest on my cash balance than 12 month term deposit at my local bank:), currency conversion is also basically free vs like 1-2 percent at bank. The only better option perhaps would be to have an account at IBUS instead of IBIE, but I am not sure it is possible to do from Europe, at least using IB directly.
  10. I think he is a very good investor with a very good track record, but more like Druckenmiller, so perhaps he also could change his mind very quickly. You do not need him to see that China stocks are quite dirty cheap though. But for me personally, especially in terms of high conviction bets, they remain in not good sleep territory, because of all these non fundamendal questions. Could be a mistake, but I am still mostly only watching.
  11. UK


    Perhaps as things stand today all this mismatch is still quite fixable...at least by reducing their overcapacity first. Sorry for the black humour:)
  12. Yes, I am not sure either and really have no idea or big conviction. Could you explain how do you hedge it?
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