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Everything posted by Ulti

  1. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/93-dr-george-athanassakos-ivey-business-school-the/id1493491566?i=1000570497664
  2. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gas-crisis-deepens/id1081481629?i=1000570498496
  3. https://calculatedrisk.substack.com/p/june-housing-starts-all-time-record
  4. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Commodities-To-Benefit-From-Chinas-Stimulus-Plan.html
  5. G-20 financial stability board… some comments in energy and commodity/ traders https://www.fsb.org/wp-content/uploads/P130722-1.pdf
  6. Barron's summary Pg 15: The flip side of hot housing markets is that many potential owners may remain RENTERS for longer and that is bullish for APARTMENT REITs (-20% YTD). They are trading at -21% discounts to NAVs, have attractive yields and fwd P/FFO. Housing is CYCLICAL, and prices should weaken with expected recession. At the same time, housing is NONDISCRETIONARY as people have to rent or own. Mentioned are AVR, EQR, ESS, CPT, MAA, AIRC, UDR.
  7. Bottom is in TODAY. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/july-13th-bottom-why-jim-151800689.html?.tsrc=fin-srch HAHA
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/11/business/economy/rent-inflation-interest-rates.html
  9. Don’t you think it would be smarter for the us government to use the future market to flattten out the curve and give producer an incentive to actually produce? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-concrete-plan-to-bring-the-price-of-oil-down-right-now/id1056200096?i=1000567389279
  10. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Explaining-The-Disconnect-Between-Physical-And-Paper-Oil-Markets.html
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/09/energy/us-lng-plant-explosion/index.html https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Natural-Gas-Pipeline-Explodes-Southwest-Of-Houston.html https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fire-at-oklahoma-natural-gas-facility-prompts-evacuations/ar-AAZpiLi Seems like a lot over the past month.. maybe I’m just a paranoid mofo… haha
  12. https://abnormalreturns.com/2022/07/10/sunday-links-recession-calling/ under finance ...should open
  13. https://www.wsj.com/articles/miamis-gold-rush-finance-firms-and-crypto-suarez-rents-development-boom-11657317076?st=xmtw3igtwhb929q&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink hope link opens
  14. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/92-john-brussa-bd-p-law-how-the-energy-trusts-grew-to/id1493491566?i=1000569198649 good history of Canadian Energy and where its going.
  15. ,The Office portfolio contributes more revenues and NOI than its multifamily. How they going to transition to a pure MF Reit ? Isn't office kinda hard to get rid of nowadays?
  16. ha sounds like the ESG of REIT's Veris Residential, Inc. is a forward-thinking, environmentally- and socially-conscious real estate investment trust (REIT) that primarily owns, operates, acquires, and develops holistically-inspired, Class A multifamily properties that meet the sustainability-conscious lifestyle needs of today's residents while seeking to positively impact the communities it serves and the planet at large. The company is guided by an experienced management team and Board of Directors and is underpinned by leading corporate governance principles, a best-in-class and sustainable approach to operations, and an inclusive culture based on equality and meritocratic empowerment. For additional information on Veris Residential, Inc. and our properties available for lease, please visit http://www.verisresidential.com/.
  17. Gregmal, The numbers below say it all.... Kinda like oil staying in the $100 range... If rents remain flat for the forseable future...$$$....A question for you...How does an AIV reward its shareholders... The way they are cleaning up their balance sheet...FCF should improve over the next few years... Is it the usual share buybacks with selling the company like APTS....And I guess for me the more important question as a shareholder is this a situation that no matter how shitty management is ..hard to fuck up? I'm a neophyte when it comes to MF...but I do read a ton about it. And like oil, its hard to argue with the numbers below. Thanks
  18. https://cre.moodysanalytics.com/insights/cre-trends/q2-2022-preliminary-trend-announcement/
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rental-trends-study-finds-10-090023847.html
  20. And that’s why I keep adding to Rio Also I feel that we will get thru this rough patch ( as well as China) and Rio has the most cost effective exports to China in certain metals due to their proximity.
  21. https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow
  22. https://www.zumper.com/blog/rental-price-data/
  23. https://calculatedrisk.substack.com/p/rent-increases-up-sharply-year-over-2e1
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