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  1. FFH, FIH, JOE and LULU
  2. No clue why it sold off but I followed gfp and took the opportunity to add. Hope Fairfax was buying on my behalf as well!
  3. Library online subscription and a printer at work is the shit
  4. Key is to have small losses on the Cat events that the industry benefits from. $1.5B seems like a lot but if a Chubb sees it as a good thing I’m here for it.
  5. You’re not wrong GFP, but I definitely bought an umbrella policy after hearing some horror stories… (maybe I’m just a sucker though) Agree about insurance being a great business if you are rational and underwrite conservatively. Have a ton of confidence in Berk and Chubb, getting there (finally) on FFH.
  6. Joined the JOE club today, if it plummets from here you’re welcome.
  7. Love this, nice reminder!
  8. Curious why would a high impacted loss from California wildfires explain why they’d be bullish for 2025? Price increases?
  9. I love that dude. You ever listen to one of their earnings calls? Almost every analyst gets berated for not knowing their shit. It’s top tier entertainment. Glad they see favorable market conditions, definitely positive read through for berk and Fairfax.
  10. Altria looks more fairly valued to me as well and I sold most of what I had. I’m 5% BTI and 3% PM. BTI fcf can decline at a 4% cagr from here and still be ~10% IRR. Not buying more at $39 but not ready to sell yet either.
  11. Definitely novice here but would think higher rates could make existing insurers be more aggressive on pricing since float is worth more. Curious to hear from someone who knows/has seen this tape before.
  12. Just taking advantage of the run up or think it’s approaching fair value? Thought about trimming today too but didn’t. Still seems undervalued relative to MO and PM. Mostly been trimming MO as it has run up to mid-50s.
  13. Bought for first time today, hope the party is still in its early days.
  14. Haven’t seen OGN on here yet. I like it, assume adding because of VTAMA approval or seeing something else?
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